"Be careful when dealing with Duoyu in the future. Don't offend Shen Xinrou just to deal with Duoyu." Zhou Lin said with an ugly face.

She didn't take Duo Yu seriously at all, but she was worried about Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo behind Duo Yu.

and the Chen family.

She couldn't afford to offend each of these people.

However, Xu Mei was unwilling to let it go: "Should we just let it go?"

"Forget it otherwise, what else do you want? Can you deal with Shen Xinrou, or can you deal with the Chen family behind Chen Shuo?" Zhou Lin said angrily.

I used to think that Xu Mei was a very smart person, but why has she always done some subpar things recently?
Xu Mei remained silent and did not speak.

Zhou Lin was right, both Shen Xinrou and the Chen family were giants to her.

But seeing Duo Yu's arrogant and proud look, Xu Mei felt a little unwilling.

"Are we just going to let it go? Just watch Duo Yu being arrogant in front of us?" Xu Mei gritted her teeth as she looked at Zhou Lin.

Zhou Lin said helplessly: "Now this matter is no longer just what we say. We all have to be careful."

Xu Mei opened her mouth to say something, but said nothing after seeing Zhou Lin's expression.

After a while, I couldn't hold it back any longer: "What's the point of being so redundant?"

A not-so-good-looking girl next to Zhou Lin said: "Although Duoyu's family conditions are not as good as ours, Duoyu is really good at reading and is also very talented in finance."

One sentence left Xu Mei speechless.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that Duo Yuxue is indeed very powerful, and even Hou Xu is not Duo Yu's opponent.

It is indeed possible that Shen Xinrou will take a fancy to such a potential stock.

Zhou Lin felt a little irritated when she heard this. How could someone from a small place have such a good talent?

What a dissatisfaction.

She used to bully Duoyu in the dormitory, and that was because Duoyu was so talented.

Zhou Lin was worried that the light she had on her body would make her mediocre.

I wanted to suppress Duoyu, but who would have thought that Duoyu would find a backer for himself.

I feel irritable just thinking about it.

When Zhou Lin and the others were talking about Duoduo, Duoyu followed Shen Xinrou to the school's grove.

"Sister, are you looking for something for me?"

"It's true that something happened. Do you have any plans for the holidays?" Shen Xinrou looked at Duo Yu and asked.

"Sister Fei, do you still need someone there? I want to go work." She is still too weak now to help Shen Xinrou.

She could only do some small things to earn some living expenses for herself and prevent Shen Xinrou from spending too much money on herself.

"I'm just starting to study now. Although I have talent, I still don't understand a lot of things and I can't help you at all, so I want to do something else." Seeing that Shen Xinrou didn't speak, Duo Yu quickly explained.

"That's okay. Then you can go live with us later. There are many places to live there." Shen Xinrou said after thinking about it.

"There is also a place to live over there at the restaurant. Look where you are living during this time." Shen Xinrou said as she thought of a small courtyard next to the restaurant.

"Okay." Duoyu talked to Shen Xinrou for a while, and then turned around and went back to pack things when Chen Shuo arrived.

Xu Mei watched Duoyu come back, gritted her teeth and asked, "Duoyu, what method did you use to make Shen Xinrou willing to help you?"

"What does this have to do with you? You have time to ask me this question here, why not read more books." Duo Yu retorted back with a bit of rudeness.

Xu Mei was so angry that she couldn't say a word, and looked at Duo Yu with an angry look: "Duo Yu, do you think you are very proud? Or do you think Shen Xinrou is so good to you? You are just a pawn used by others. .”

"So what? I can be used by my sister, which means I have this value. Do you have it?" Duo Yu rolled his eyes and asked.

Some people are just jealous of her. After all, even if they go to find her, she may not like them.

Duoyu's arrogance made their expressions change: "Duoyu, what do you have to be arrogant about?"

"I am very proud that I can be used by my sister. I am very arrogant. What can you do to me?" Duo Yu put down the things he packed and looked up at Xu Mei.

This person just needs to be dealt with. He is far away from them, but he still wants to cause trouble for him.

"Xu Mei, why do you think you don't need a lesson so much? I didn't beat you before, so you think I'm as easy to bully now as before?" Duo Yu suddenly became sharper, and the way he looked at Xu Mei changed completely.

Xu Mei swallowed her saliva. If she had just doubted what Duoyu would do before, now she was sure that Duoyu would really do something to them.

Xu Mei hesitated and said: "What do you want to do? If you dare to attack me, I will go to the principal."

Duoyu snorted coldly: "Xu Mei, don't forget that you are on holiday now."

"Also, since you dare to speak ill of others, then don't be so cowardly."

Xu Mei looked at Duoyu with a pale face, her eyes full of resentment towards Duoyu.

How dare this person.

When she said this, wasn't she worried about what they would do?

Duo Yu glanced at Xu Mei in front of him and didn't give her any answer. Instead, he quickly packed up his things and left.

"Classmate Xu Mei, I hope that when I see you next time, you have learned how to speak." Duoyu looked at Xu Mei and said before leaving.

After everyone left, Xu Mei said angrily: "Look at this superfluous attitude? How can she be so arrogant?"

Zhou Lin glanced at Xu Mei with disgust, what's the use of saying this now?If you have the ability, just tell Duo Yu.

"I will definitely not let go of a lot of extras next semester."

Zhou Lin didn't believe what Xu Mei said at all.

There is nothing we can do about it now, but what can we do in the future?
"Zhou Lin, what do you think? This excess is really annoying." Xu Mei muttered dissatisfied.

Zhou Lin glanced at Xu Mei and said casually: "I've made it very clear to you before, don't take action against others for the time being. If you really do, it will be very troublesome and it will cost you to anger Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo. You can't afford it."

Not to mention that Xu Mei couldn't bear it, she couldn't bear the consequences either.

Knowing that she was in the same school as Shen Xinrou, her father reminded her that she must not offend this person.

This shows how powerful Shen Xinrou's ability is.

Xu Mei muttered something unwillingly, but her voice was too soft and Zhou Lin didn't hear it.

"Xu Mei, you'd better keep what I said in mind or I won't be able to help you." Zhou Lin warned, looking at Xu Mei who didn't take it seriously.

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