Seeing that Zhou Lin seemed a little unhappy, Xu Mei immediately said: "I...I know."

Compared with the Zhou family, the Xu family is still far behind.

Why does she listen to Zhou Lin so much?This is not because her family asked her to do this.

Want to use her to get some benefits from Zhou Lin.

Who knew that Zhou Lin never said anything about these things, but instead used him to do a lot of things.

As soon as she thought about this matter, Xu Mei frowned slightly, looked at Zhou Lin who looked dissatisfied in front of her, and asked tentatively: "Linlin, are you going to my house to play?"

Zhou Lin frowned subconsciously: "I don't want to go, I still have things to do at home."

Xu Mei was a little dissatisfied. She had been helping Zhou Lin for so long, but Zhou Lin treated her like this.

Is this too much?
"Xu Mei, I have something else to do, so I'm going back first." After saying that, she followed the person who came to pick her up and left.

Seeing Xu Mei like this, the others casually found an excuse to leave.

Soon, Xu Mei was the only one left in the dormitory.

After she was left alone, Xu Mei's attitude was not as good as before. She gritted her teeth and said angrily: "What kind of young lady do you really think of yourself? I have done so many things for her, but Zhou Lin still treats me like this."

After losing her temper in the dormitory, Xu Mei went back depressed.

As soon as Xu Mei returned home, family members came over and asked expectantly: "We asked you to invite Miss Zhou over to play. What did she say?"

It would be fine if I didn't say this, but when I mentioned this, Xu Mei felt very bad: "Who is she? Who am I? She doesn't want to come at all."

Zhou Lin didn't even hesitate, she just refused.

When the Xu family heard what Xu Mei said, they were immediately dissatisfied: "You have been with Miss Zhou for such a long time, why can't you invite someone over?"

Xu Mei felt a little uncomfortable when she saw her family's blaming look, and said irritably: "They don't want to come, what can I do?"

"Didn't you say anything? Or did you make someone angry?" Xu Mei's father looked at her dissatisfied and said a little irritably.

Hearing this, Xu Mei suddenly felt that she might not have enough spare time to live a good life.

Although Duoyu lived in poverty before, now he is favored by Shen Xinrou for his ability, and is even taken care of by Shen Xinrou.

When Duoduo grows up, who can say with certainty what his future achievements will be?
On the other hand, I am just a pawn in the family.

They can only do whatever they ask themselves to do.

Once you fail to do what they ask you to do, it will become your own problem, which is ridiculous even thinking about it.

"How can others not understand your thoughts? If you think we can do these things well, you can find others to do it." Xu Mei looked at her father and said.

Hearing what Xu Mei said, Xu Mei's father frowned and wanted to say something else. Xu Mei no longer wanted to listen to what they said, so she returned to the room and threw herself on the bed.

Thinking of the disdainful look in Zhou Lin's eyes when she invited her, Xu Mei reached out to cover her eyes.

During the days she spent with Zhou Lin, she felt that she no longer looked like herself.

In order to help Zhou Lin, I acted like a fool, knowing that others were using her as a gun, but there was nothing I could do about it.

She had done so much, but could not get Zhou Lin's approval.

Maybe in Zhou Lin's heart, she is a fool?
Yu didn't know much about what happened between Xu Mei and Zhou Lin, so she came to Shen Xinrou and the others.

When Duo Yu passed by, Song Jia was also here. When he saw Duo Yu coming, he smiled and said hello: "Xiao Yu, you are here."

When he saw Song Jia, he was a little surprised: "Jia Jia, are you there too?"

"Yes, isn't this a holiday? Sister Xinrou asked me to come over and practice martial arts together." Song Jia didn't want to practice martial arts at first, but later she heard Shouhou talk about many benefits of practicing ancient martial arts.So I practiced with Slim Monkey.

Originally, I just wanted to give it a try, but I never thought about how good it would be.

After all, she heard from her family that practicing ancient martial arts was very difficult.

Who knew that under Shouhou's guidance, she would actually want to get started.

Because of this, Shouhou took her to see Shen Xinrou and came here every day.

It's just that I was not here much before, so I wasn't very clear about this matter.

Many Yu nodded in understanding: "So that's it."


Shen Xinrou looked at Song Jia and said, "Song Jia is very talented."

Duo Yu suddenly understood why Song Jia was here.

Shen Xinrou values ​​​​people with talent and ability.

This is understandable now.

However, the look in Song Jia's eyes was still a bit envious, because she couldn't practice and could only be an ordinary person.

In this aspect alone, she is far behind Song Jia.

"Song Jia congratulates you."

Song Jia was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook her head: "Thank you."

Shen Xinrou looked at Li Dafei beside her and said, "Dafei, Xiaoyu will be going to your place during this period. You can figure out how to arrange it."

Li Dafei was stunned for a moment, then nodded seriously: "Sister, I understand."

Li Dafei took Duoyu to the kitchen to see how she was doing. When lunch was ready and came out, Li Dafei's expression was a bit hard to describe.

Li Dafei looked at Shen Xinrou for a moment and asked in confusion: "What happened?"

"Miss Yu can only work as a busboy in the restaurant." Li Dafei glanced at Duo Yu who looked embarrassed and said helplessly.

Shen Xinrou looked at Li Dafei confused, what does this mean?
"Da Fei, what are you..."

"I took her to cook. I originally thought that Xiaoyu would be able to adapt to cooking and give her a better position. Who knew that she was not the material at all? Let her stay in the kitchen for a long time. I really I'm very worried that our kitchen will be burned down by Xiao Yu in the end." Li Dafei thought of many of Yu's performances in the kitchen, and his head was filled with confusion.

Even a little nervous, hoping not to show up in my kitchen again.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Duoyu felt a little embarrassed: "Sister, I didn't... didn't mean it."

Shen Xinrou reached out and rubbed the center of her brows. She didn't expect that Duo Yu could be so lethal in cooking.

"Don't go near the kitchen in the future. When you go to the restaurant, you can do whatever Da Fei arranges for you." Shen Xinrou was really worried. Duo Yu destroyed his own restaurant after arriving at the restaurant.

He nodded as if he was embarrassed: "I understand."

From the next day, I went to the restaurant to help. After I found out there was a place to live there, I didn't come back.

As soon as the vacation began, Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo began to prepare for their marriage.

When Xu Zhaodi heard that Shen Xinrou was getting married, she quickly came to her door.

"Xinrou heard that you are getting married?"

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