"If you had said it directly back then, it might have been of some use, but it's a pity that it took more than ten years for you to say this. Who would believe you?" Xu Zhaodi laughed.

It looked so arrogant.

Shen Xinrou said nothing, just looked at Xu Zhaodi's arrogance.

After Xu Zhaodi had laughed enough, she looked at Shen Xinrou and said mockingly: "Shen Xinrou, you underestimate me too much."

"is it?"

"Isn't it? So what if you tell Shen Daqiang now? What can Shen Daqiang do to me?" Xu Zhaodi is not afraid of Shen Xinrou telling Shen Daqiang these things now.

Even if Shen Daqiang comes to Kyoto now, what can he do to her?
Seeing Xu Zhaodi who was not worried at all and even some of the principals, Shen Xinrou knew that this matter had been in Xu Zhaodi's heart for many years and no one knew about it, even if the evidence was long gone.

Even if she said it, Shen Daqiang knew it and couldn't do anything to her.

Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi meaningfully, and said with a half-smile: "Well, you are right, what if I have evidence?"

Shen Xinrou's words made Xu Zhaodi's expression change immediately. She looked at Shen Xinrou in disbelief: "What did you say?"

"Grandma had evidence left to me. As for why I didn't tell it, it was because grandma wouldn't let me tell it. Grandma said she would show it when I have the ability to take revenge. Otherwise, with your vicious methods, you will definitely kill me. life." Shen Xinrou said with complicated emotions.

The old lady, who obviously favored boys over girls, was very kind to her.

When Xu Zhaodi didn't care about her when she was a child, she grew up with her grandma.

When grandma passed away, she was only seven or eight years old and just sensible.

At that time, she really wanted to tell the story at all costs, but her grandma wouldn't agree.

He said that if she told him, he just wanted her to die in peace, and he had no choice but to pretend that nothing happened.

I watched my grandma pass away.

Shen Xinrou remained silent without looking at the people around her, feeling somewhat complicated.

The old man's protection and threats also allowed the former Shen Xinrou to escape.

Xu Zhaodi cursed lowly, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

"How dare that damn old guy do this?" Xu Zhaodi cursed and looked at Shen Xinrou dissatisfied.

And so does this damn girl. Why didn't you tell yourself this?
Even if he didn't say anything, he still kept the evidence of his crime.

This is because I want to do something to myself at any time.

This thought made Xu Zhaodi's eyes change when she looked at Shen Xinrou.

Shen Xinrou looked at the person in front of her with sharp eyes and said firmly: "Xu Zhaodi, how dare you say that to my grandparents? Aren't you worried that they will come to you at night?"

Xu Zhaodi originally wanted to say that they might not be afraid, let alone death.

But then he thought of how Shen Xinrou had asked for her life in her dream.

Subconsciously swallowing her saliva, Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou nervously: "Shen Xinrou, what do you want to do? What does this matter have to do with you? Are you going to do this to me?"

"Xu Zhaodi, please enjoy the care my grandma and the others take for you." Shen Xinrou did not answer Xu Zhaodi's words, but said sarcastically.

One sentence made Xu Zhaodi's expression change.

Looking at the person in front of her, Xu Zhaodi said nervously: "Shen Xinrou, if you dare to do this to me, I will definitely sue you."

"Okay, you killed your parents-in-law, who will be more unlucky in the end?" As for the fact that she gave Xu Zhaodi nightmares, who believes that this is true?

Of course Xu Zhaodi didn't dare to say such things.

If you tell me, your good life will be gone.

Eating peanuts is light.

Xu Zhaodi was worried that Shen Xinrou would really send her in, so she could only turn around and leave in a hurry.Seeing Xu Zhaodi turning around and leaving, Shen Xinrou shook her head in disappointment.

Sometimes I always feel like I'm really stupid.

Reaching out to rub the center of her brow, Shen Xinrou turned back.

As for Xu Zhaodi, let her enjoy what it's like to be haunted by nightmares.

Shen Xinrou was still too gentle to her before.

The old lady and the old man are not easy to fool.

What's more, Xu Zhaodi also hurt the two elders. If they really want to do anything, it will be even more cruel.

That night, Xu Zhaodi was pulled into a dream as soon as she went to sleep.

I saw Shen Xinrou’s grandparents in my dream.

The miserable looks of the two people made Xu Zhaodi feel scared.

She kept trying to wake up, but could not wake up from the nightmare.

When the sky gradually dawned, Xu Zhaodi slowly woke up.

When Xu Zhaodi woke up, she looked resentfully at the person who had been dead for a hundred years, damn Shen Xinrou.

If it weren't for Shen Xinrou, I wouldn't be where I am now.

The nightmares that lasted for several days made Xu Zhaodi extremely embarrassed.

Xu Zhaodi couldn't stand it anymore. She found Shen Xinrou and walked over with an angry look. She raised her hand and wanted to hit Shen Xinrou.

Shen Xinrou stretched out her hand to stop Xu Zhaodi's hand, looked at the person in front of her with a half-smile, and asked sarcastically: "Why did you come to me?"

"How come I feel like a different person after not seeing you for a few days?"

Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou bitterly, with resentment towards Shen Xinrou in her eyes.

"Shen Xinrou, shut up."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be like this."

Shen Xinrou pointed at herself and said innocently: "What does this matter have to do with me? Are you treating me like this?"

"What do you think it has to do with you?" After Shen Xinrou said such words that day, she started to have nightmares when she went back.

She originally thought that it would be over if she stayed up late, but who knew that she would fall asleep soon after staying up late.

Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi and laughed with joy.

Seeing Shen Xinrou smiling so happily after hurting herself, Shen Xinrou's face became even more ugly.

"Shen Xinrou, you still don't know how to repent? You even laugh at your own mother? You are simply unreasonable." Xu Zhaodi was so angry that her whole body was shaking.

It was obviously a very simple thing, why did it end up like this?

Shen Xinrou crossed her arms and looked at Xu Zhaodi in front of her with a half-smile, her eyes a little sarcastic: "Xu Zhaodi, when you say such things, why don't you think carefully about what you are?"

"You hurt my grandparents, and now they are coming to take revenge on you. What's wrong with that?"

"I don't care. If you don't solve this matter for me, I will never let it go." Xu Zhaodi couldn't listen to anything now. She only knew that she hadn't slept well for a long time.

Now she can only come to Shen Xinrou, only Shen Xinrou can help her solve this problem.

"I want to avenge my grandparents, and I don't want to let you go. Just bear with it."

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