Chen Shuo came from home to pick up Shen Xinrou to go shopping. As soon as he arrived, he saw Xu Zhaodi talking to Shen Xinrou at the door.

Xu Zhaodi's mood seemed a little bad.

He frowned slightly and walked over to Shen Xinrou worriedly: "What is Xinrou doing here? Is he here to trouble you?"

Seeing Chen Shuo's worried look, Shen Xinrou couldn't help but laugh: "They didn't hurt me, so don't worry."

Chen Shuo didn't believe what Shen Xinrou said was true at all: "In that case, what is she doing here? Is she here to trouble you?"

Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo with a smile on her face, which made the worried Chen Shuo feel helpless.

He was almost worried to death, but this girl could still smile.

"It's not like you're looking for trouble."

As soon as Shen Xinrou said these words, Chen Shuo's brows wrinkled: "It's not just asking for trouble, but isn't it still asking for trouble?"

Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo with her mouth twitching: "She came here a few days ago. At that time..."

When Chen Shuo heard that Xu Zhaodi had been here a few days ago, he was immediately dissatisfied: "What do you mean? People have come to trouble you, but you didn't tell me anything? What do you mean? Really? Don’t you like me anymore? Or do you think I can’t help you anymore?”

Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo dumbfounded, what on earth is this guy talking about?
"Didn't I forget then?"

Xu Zhaodi looked at Chen Shuo in front of her and said quickly: "Master Chen, I am Shen Xinrou's mother. I heard that you are getting married, right?"

At this time, Xu Zhaodi had forgotten the trouble the nightmare had caused her.

He only thought about the betrothal gift that the Chen family wanted to give Shen Xinrou.

Chen Shuo glanced at Xu Zhaodi meaningfully, and the greedy look in his eyes allowed Chen Shuo to see at a glance what Xu Zhaodi's purpose was in coming to find Shen Xinrou.

"Yes, we are getting married, but it has nothing to do with you. We have never thought of inviting you to come and participate."

Upon hearing this, Xu Zhaodi said embarrassedly: "Don't worry, I didn't want to come to the wedding. I just thought that no matter what, I am Shen Xinrou's mother. If you want to marry her, you should give her the betrothal gift." ?”

The Chen family lived in the compound, and she couldn't find anyone at all.

It was because of this that she came to look for Shen Xinrou, and was tricked by Shen Xinrou in the end.

"Also recently, I have been having nightmares because of Shen Xinrou, and now it's like this. You have to compensate me for my losses. You have to compensate me 1000 yuan." Xu Zhaodi knew that Chen Shuo's family was rich, so she asked for compensation. Sometimes, the lion opens his mouth without giving any face.

After listening to this man's words, Chen Shuo suddenly laughed and looked Xu Zhaodi up and down.

This woman is really capable and can say such things.

"Why are you laughing? I am Shen Xinrou's mother. If she hurts me like this, you must compensate me." Xu Zhaodi looked at Chen Shuo unhappily and said.

"Why does Xinrou have nightmares?" Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou and asked.

Chen Shuo believed that Xu Zhaodi’s nightmare was caused by Shen Xinrou.

But there must be a reason, just like the last incident about Shen Xinrou that gave Xu Zhaodi nightmares.

When Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou like this, the expression on her face changed slightly.

Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou fiercely: "Shen Xinrou, if you dare to say this, I will never be done with you."

Who is Chen Shuo?If he knew this, it would be easier for him to find evidence. When Shen Daqiang knew this, he would definitely not let him go.

Faced with Xu Zhaodi's threat, Shen Xinrou didn't take it seriously at all, "Because she killed my grandparents." Shen Xinrou didn't remember this incident.

Who would have thought that the last time Xu Zhaodi came to look for her, she would just tell her the story.

Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou in panic: "Shen Xinrou, shut up. This is not what you said."

Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi inexplicably: "This is not what I said, what is it like?"

Chen Shuo was a little shocked by Xu Zhaodi's viciousness.

"Because her grandparents found out that she was stealing, so they killed her grandparents?" Chen Shuo didn't believe this was true.

Shen Xinrou nodded: "You're right, that's it."

"That's why I gave her nightmares." After all, she was in that room when grandma was about to die.

She knew how unwilling her grandma was at that time.

But it was because of this unwillingness that grandma left with regret.

It was clear that grandma wanted to take revenge and cut Xu Zhaodi into pieces, but in order to protect her, she was unwilling to do anything.

Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou in confusion and asked, "Xinrou, when my grandparents had evidence in their hands, why couldn't they just take action?"

"Grandma said that grandpa wanted to tell Shen Daqiang when he found out about it. But at that time, Shen Daqiang liked Xu Zhaodi very much and wouldn't believe anything he said. In addition, the man's father's position was higher than that of my grandpa at that time. If it really happened, , something will happen to grandpa and his family, and he can only choose to endure it for the sake of his family." Shen Xinrou searched her memory and told Chen Shuo what happened back then.

Chen Shuo nodded understandingly after hearing this. If this is the case, it would be understandable.

At that time, what couldn’t you do to keep your family fed?

"Grandma is actually very good to me. Although she also has some old-fashioned ideas, she is really nice." Shen Xinrou thought it would be nice if her grandparents were still here.

Maybe Shen Xinrou wouldn't be bullied like this, and she could have a family now.

However, Shen Xinrou could only think about such a thing, it would never happen.

Chen Shuo reached out and hugged Shen Xinrou. To be able to make Shen Xinrou say such words, it seemed that the old lady was really good to her.

"I will accompany you back to visit your grandparents in the future." The old man is no longer here, but it is still okay for them to go back and visit them.

Shen Xinrou nodded heavily: "Okay."

Xu Zhaodi looked at the two people's affectionate expressions and felt extremely hateful in her heart.

He looked at Shen Xinrou and said, "Shen Xinrou, why don't you die?"

Nothing happened to such a body when it arrived in the north.

Then Xu Zhaodi thought that this person was not her daughter, but was possessed by some lonely ghost.

But if this person is not his daughter, why does he know so much about their family?

"Shen Xinrou, who are you? If you are not my daughter, why do you know so much?" Xu Zhaodi looked directly at Shen Xinrou and asked.

Shen Xinrou smiled slightly: "Do you want to know who I am? I am Shen Xinrou."

Xu Zhaodi didn't believe what Shen Xinrou said was true at all: "If you were Shen Xinrou, you would never treat me like this." (End of Chapter)

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