Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi's collapse and suddenly laughed: "Is it okay to think of Shen Xinrou at this time?"

Xu Zhaodi's face turned pale and she couldn't look directly into Shen Xinrou's eyes.

She knew very well how she treated Shen Xinrou back then.

It’s just that Xu Zhaodi has never admitted it.

"I am your mother, so what if you are dissatisfied with me?" Xu Zhaodi is now focusing on being shameless.

Shen Xinrou smiled: "I'm not your daughter. Even if I do something to you, it won't matter."

"Impossible." Xu Zhaodi said stubbornly.

"If you want to sever all ties with me, you have to see if I agree to your request. Now if you give me all the betrothal gifts from the Chen family, I will sever all ties with you." Xu Zhaodi said greedily.

The reason she came to Shen Xinrou was for the betrothal gift.

As long as she gets the betrothal gift, what does it have to do with who Shen Xinrou is?
She believed that the betrothal gift given to Shen Xinrou by the Chen family must be very large.

It's something I can't imagine.

Shen Xinrou glanced at Xu Zhaodi: "Are you sure you won't leave?"

"If you don't leave, as long as you don't give me the betrothal gift, I won't leave here for a day." Xu Zhaodi said stubbornly.

Now that she has a house and a job, as long as she gets the betrothal gift from the Chen family and Shen Xinrou, she won't have to worry about anything for the rest of her life.

"Okay, just stay here. Chen Shuo and I won't care about you." Shen Xinrou pulled Chen Shuo away.

As for how long Xu Zhaodi will stay here, that is her own business.

Xu Zhaodi watched with dull eyes as Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo left together, without saying a word about the betrothal gift.

Shouhou and the others walked out of the house and saw Xu Zhaodi's disgusting look. They frowned and said in a very bad mood: "What's going on with Xu Zhaodi? She did this when my sister was about to get married. thing?"

"Who knows? What should we do? We can't let Xu Zhaodi hurt my sister like this."

Several people discussed it for a long time but failed to come up with any good solution.

Song Jia on the side said angrily: "Since Sister Xinrou is doing this, she must have her reasons. We can just watch from the side. If anything happens, you can also help."

Hearing what Song Jia said, Shouhou said worriedly: "But what should I do if this woman bullies my sister?"

Song Jia looked at the thin monkey twitchingly. She was usually very smart when looking at after-sales service. Why did she suddenly become like this?
Reaching out to rub the center of her brow, Song Jia said helplessly: "I think you are confused if you care. What kind of person do you need me to tell you? Even if something happens to all of us, nothing will happen to me."

How could someone as powerful as Shen Xinrou get into trouble because of such a trivial matter?Are these thin monkeys and the others stupid?

Shouhou thought about it carefully, and it seemed like that was the case.

"You are right, but we are still a little worried. What if my sister is sad?"

"..." Song Jia didn't want to say a word to Shouhou anymore.

What I just said about feelings is all nonsense?

This bastard didn't listen to a word he said.

Seeing Song Jia's angry look, Shouhou smiled dryly and said, "Jia Jia, don't be angry. I'm just worried about my sister's condition."

"What are you worried about when your brother-in-law is here? Are you worried that your brother-in-law can't take care of others?" Song Jia said angrily.Besides, with Shen Xinrou's ability, who should be worried about?

Li Dafei shook his head helplessly and said: "Jiajia, don't talk about Shouhou. People like Xu Zhaodi are shameless. If I keep ignoring Xu Zhaodi, who knows what else she can do in the future. What Shouhou is worried about is this."

Shouhou kept nodding: "Da Fei is right. What I'm worried about is that Xu Zhaodi will speak ill of my sister outside. How can my sister live like this?"

Things like reputation can easily kill people, and they can't let Shen Xinrou encounter such a thing.

Song Jia immediately understood their worries: "It's useless even if you worry to death now, why not put this matter aside for now and talk to them after they come back."

When the time comes, everyone will discuss this matter together, and they can always be dealt with.

Shouhou and the others looked at each other and felt that Song Jia was right.

So I ignored Xu Zhaodi who was working as a watchdog outside.

It wasn't until evening that Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo came back packed with bags.

Seeing these things, Xu Zhaodi's eyes were almost glued to them.

He walked over expectantly and said, "Are these things for me? You are too polite."

As he spoke, he reached out to pick up the things in Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo's hands.

Shen Xinrou laughed angrily at Xu Zhaodi's shameless look.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

Avoiding Xu Zhaodi's hand that came to grab the thing, Shen Xinrou said coldly, "If you want to die, I can help you. It seems that I have taught you too few lessons before."

Xu Zhaodi felt afraid for a moment, but her fear was eventually suppressed by greed.

"I am your mother, and you should buy things for me." He said and went to grab things.

Shen Xinrou snorted coldly and kicked the person out.

Seeing Xu Zhaodi lying on the ground in a panic, Shen Xinrou walked over and looked at her condescendingly: "Xu Zhaodi, since you are so shameless, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Originally, Xu Zhaodi was of some use to her, but now Xu Zhaodi's actions have completely disappointed her.

Keeping this person alive will be a disaster.

It would be better to die, but this person cannot die in his own hands.

After taking a deep look at Xu Zhaodi, Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo beside her and said, "Let's go home."

"Okay." Chen Shuo's face was also ugly, and he was extremely disgusted with the woman in front of him.

The purpose of Xu Zhaodi's coming was to get benefits. How could he let the two of them leave just like that?

Putting out her hand to block the two of them, Xu Zhaodi looked at them and said, "No, you can't leave."

Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi with disgust. Why didn't she find Xu Zhaodi so shameless before?
Seeing Shen Xinrou's ugly face, Xu Zhaodi felt very proud. Then she looked at Shen Xinrou and said arrogantly: "Shen Xinrou, as long as you give me something, I will leave. I won't trouble you for the time being. This kind of deal is a good deal, isn't it? ?”

Shen Xinrou crossed her arms and looked at Xu Zhaodi, and asked with sharp eyes: "Are you going to fight me?"

Xu Zhaodi subconsciously wanted to refute, but quickly shook her head and said: "It's not a big deal, I just want to get my things back. Who can say there's anything wrong with what I do?" (End of Chapter)

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