In the era of rebirth, scientific research power starts from farming

Chapter 361 You won’t leave without giving me something?

Chen Shuo was about to say something when he was stopped by Shen Xinrou. Xu Zhaodi felt a little proud when she saw Shen Xinrou's helpless look.

She knew that using this method would definitely be effective. Shen Xinrou and the others were all face-saving people.

If things get serious, they will be the ones to be embarrassed.

She believed that Shen Xinrou would not let her husband's family suffer because of herself.

Shen Xinrou saw what Xu Zhaodi was thinking at a glance and couldn't help but applaud Xu Zhaodi: "Very good, you are so awesome. Xu Zhaodi, why didn't I realize you were so smart before?"

"Do you really think there's nothing we can do against you?"

Shen Xinrou's words made Xu Zhaodi laugh disdainfully, and the look in Shen Xinrou's eyes was full of sarcasm.

"You don't want to threaten me with those two old immortals, do you? It's been so long now, even if you have something bad for me, it's useless." Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou proudly and said.

Now Shen Xinrou has nothing to do with herself. As long as he continues like this, Shen Xinrou will have no choice but to compromise and give herself more good things.

Just thinking about it made Xu Zhaodi feel excited.

"Shen Xinrou, you have no choice but to give me something or money to solve this matter." Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou and said arrogantly.

Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi meaningfully and asked calmly: "Oh? I wonder how many things you want?"

Xu Zhaodi's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this, and she felt even more disdain for Shen Xinrou.

No matter how arrogant what I said just now, what would happen?See if you still have to give her things obediently?
"I don't want to be nice, just give me 2 yuan." Xu Zhaodi glanced at Chen Shuo beside him.

During the recent period, she had learned very clearly that Chen Shuo's family was very wealthy, and this 2 yuan was nothing to him.

Xu Zhaodi is right about this. 2 yuan is indeed not that great for Chen Shuo.

On the contrary, more can be taken out.

But if the money was for Shen Xinrou, he could find a way to get it out even if it was 20.

But when the money was given to Xu Zhaodi, he felt uncomfortable and even more unwilling to give the money to him.

"This money is nothing to you. If Shen Xinrou gives me this money, I will promise to leave here and never come back. What do you think?" Xu Zhaodi never thought about leaving here.

After all, Shen Xinrou is a money tree to her.

As long as she succeeds this time, she will use the same excuse to ask Shen Xinrou for money in the future, and Shen Xinrou will not be able to give it even if she doesn't give it.

In this way, even if she doesn't go to work, she doesn't have to worry about running out of money.

The more she thought about Xu Zhaodi, the more excited she became, looking at Shen Xinrou as if she was looking at some big ingot.

From the look in Xu Zhaodi's eyes, Shen Xinrou knew that Xu Zhaodi would not be obedient at all.

Twenty thousand is just Xu Zhaodi's test.

If she really gave it, Xu Zhaodi would definitely find more excuses to ask for money in the future.

Whatever leaves here, it's all bullshit.

"Shen Xinrou, what do you think? You should be able to agree to my request, right?" Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou and said.

"Twenty thousand yuan is nothing to you." "Xu Zhaodi, you are really a big talker, twenty thousand? Who do you think you are? Just give it to you?" Shen Xinrou said sarcastically.

"The salary of an ordinary worker is only fifty or sixty a month. You asked for twenty thousand, why don't you go to heaven?" Shen Xinrou originally thought that even if Xu Zhaodi wanted money, it would only be one or two thousand, but she didn't expect Xu Zhaodi to be so bold. explain.

One mouth is twenty thousand.

Why doesn't she die?
Xu Zhaodi was waiting for Shen Xinrou to give her money. Who knew that Shen Xinrou would say such things when she opened her mouth? She immediately looked at Shen Xinrou with some dissatisfaction: "Shen Xinrou, this is the opportunity I'm giving you. You don't want to be insulted, right?"

Xu Zhaodi's proud look made Shen Xinrou clearly know that Xu Zhaodi came prepared.

"Really? I wonder who of us will be insulted after everything is said." Shen Xinrou said with a half-smile.

"You who killed your parents-in-law, broke your shoes with other men and gave birth to a child should be more exciting than me being unfilial to my mother, right?" After Shen Xinrou noticed that there was someone behind Xu Zhaodi, she didn't rush to deal with it and let Xu Zhaodi leave, but He said coldly.

Xu Zhaodi glared at Shen Xinrou and said angrily: "Shen Xinrou, please stop talking nonsense here. There is no such thing."

"No? I still have this evidence in my hand. I can come over at any time if I want Shen Daqiang. Do you dare to continue confronting Shen Daqiang in person?" Shen Xinrou's tone also became sharper.

Xu Zhaodi was a little flustered, and then she thought of something and calmed down.

"Shen Xinrou, if you don't give me this money, I will let everyone know what kind of person you are, make you infamous, and make you an unfilial daughter who everyone calls for beating."

This time, Shen Xinrou was finally sure that there was really someone behind Xu Zhaodi.

I couldn't help but applaud Xu Zhaodi: "It's not bad, it's different when there are people behind it."

Xu Zhaodi suddenly felt guilty and did not dare to look into Shen Xinrou's eyes.

But he still said firmly: "Shen Xinrou, what are you talking about? Shut up."

"It's simply impossible that there's someone behind it."

Looking Xu Zhaodi up and down, Shen Xinrou laughed softly: "If there was no one behind you, how dare you be so arrogant in front of me? You just think that no matter what you do, the people behind you can solve it for you, right?"

"Let me think about who is behind you? Is it someone from the Gong family or that Zhang Shanshan?" Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi and asked.

Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou in horror, as if she didn't expect that Shen Xinrou would know about this.

"Shen Xinrou, you...what are you talking about?"

"Do you think that with them as your backer, you dare to speak out against me? If you do this, I can go to the police station to find someone to accuse you of blackmail." Shen Xinrou said word by word.

What Shen Xinrou said made Xu Zhaodi say angrily: "Shen Xinrou, shut up. I am your mother. What's wrong if I want some money from you?"

"You are the one who raised me, what happened if I asked you to raise me?"

"You are wrong. It was my grandparents who raised me, not you." If it weren't for her grandparents, Xu Zhaodi might have starved to death long ago.

I heard from my grandparents that when she was born, she was just a little one.

But Xu Zhaodi refused to breastfeed at all. In the end, they had no choice but to buy malted milk for her to drink, and then they raised her.

"Shen Xinrou, you..."

"Xu Zhaodi, you hurt my grandparents like this and now you come to bully me. Isn't it because you haven't had too many nightmares recently?" Shen Xinrou said coldly. (End of chapter)

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