Because of this, Xu Zhaodi was a little afraid of Shen Xinrou and did not dare to confront Shen Xinrou.

The nightmares she had been having these past few days were driving her crazy. If Shen Xinrou was doing something, wouldn't she be completely doomed?
"Xinrou, you don't want me to come to you again and again, right? If you give me the [-] yuan, you'll never come again."

After Shen Xinrou figured out who might be behind Xu Zhaodi, she lost the patience to continue talking to Xu Zhaodi and pulled Chen Shuo away.

As he left, he gave Xu Zhaodi a cold look.

That murderous look made Xu Zhaodi swallow her saliva subconsciously.

After they left, she ran over and knocked on the door in frustration, but no matter how hard she knocked, Shen Xinrou couldn't get Shen Xinrou to open the door.

Seeing that she could not see Shen Xinrou again today, Xu Zhaodi could only leave in frustration to find someone.

"Mrs. Zhang, I can't help it. Shen Xinrou won't give me money." Xu Zhaodi said helplessly.

Zhang Shanshan looked at Xu Zhaodi who was standing there with her eyebrows downcast and her eyes filled with disgust.

"Xu Zhaodi, you are such an idiot. You can't do such a small thing well. What's the use of you?"

Zhang Shanshan's words made Xu Zhaodi feel very uncomfortable: "Mrs. Zhang, what do you mean by this? Even if you are the wife of a wealthy family, you cannot humiliate people casually like this."

Zhang Shanshan looked at Xu Zhaodi who was speaking righteously and suddenly laughed, laughing at Xu Zhaodi's stupidity and also laughing at her stupidity.

"Didn't you swear that Shen Xinrou is your daughter, and she will do whatever you want her to do? What's going on now?" Zhang Shanshan looked at Xu Zhaodi and asked.

"Or are you lying to me? Your relationship with Shen Xinrou is not good at all. You have been lying to me from the beginning to the end?"

Xu Zhaodi suddenly panicked and said, "I didn't lie to you, everything I said is true."

Looking at Xu Zhaodi in front of her, Zhang Shanshan laughed sarcastically. How could such an idiot dare to say such a thing in front of her?

Xu Zhaodi looked at Zhang Shanshan's dissatisfied look and asked, "Madam, what should I do now?"

"You continue to look for them. When Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo get married, I will find a way to let you in. What you do then and how far you can go depends on your ability." Zhang Shanshan glanced at Xu Zhaodi.

Because Shen Xinrou's own marriage became in name only.

Even if Song Wangyan didn't say anything, she knew that Song Wangyan had been accompanying Zhang Li recently.

I am not happy, how can Shen Xinrou, a bitch, be so happy?

Not reconciled!

She just wants Xu Zhaodi to mess up Shen Xinrou's wedding, so that Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo will always have regrets.

Xu Zhaodi had surprise in her eyes.

If she could go to Shen Xinrou's wedding banquet, then not only how much money would she ask for, but how much money would they have to give?

The more I thought about Xu Zhaodi, the more excited I became.

Zhang Shanshan looked at Xu Zhaodi's excited look and sneered in her heart.

What a fool to believe such a thing.

Xu Zhaodi didn't know what Zhang Shanshan was thinking. She just thought that he would end everything now and live a good life with money.

"You can go. I will give you the money when you finish the last things for me." Zhang Shanshan seemed to know that she couldn't let this woman do something she shouldn't do now.

What we have to do now is to stabilize her and let her continue to cause trouble for Shen Xinrou.

For people like Xu Zhaodi, being entangled with her is like a toad lying on the instep. It doesn't bite but it has a diaphragm.What she wanted was for Shen Xinrou to be angry, but there was nothing she could do about Xu Zhaodi.

As long as Shen Xinrou is angry, her goal will be achieved.

"Okay, I'll leave first." Xu Zhaodi left happily.

When she left, she didn't notice how cold Zhang Shanshan looked at her.

For people like the Chen family, if Xu Zhaodi wanted to escape unscathed after going to cause trouble, that would be a dream.

If Xu Zhaodi dares to go, he must be prepared to stay there.

Only this kind of idiot would always think this is a good thing.

When Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo returned home, Shouhou and the others came over and said worriedly: "Sister, what's going on with Xu Zhaodi? Why are you blocking you at the door?"

Shen Xinrou said sarcastically: "Because there is someone behind Xu Zhaodi, and that person was tricked by me, so I asked Xu Zhaodi to come over and try to deal with me."

The thin monkey was stunned for a moment, and then asked subconsciously: "The one named Zhang Shanshan?"

Shouhou and the others knew everything about Song Wangyan's affairs.

Even if you want to guess, you can guess it right away.

Shen Xinrou smiled and nodded: "You are right, you are all smart, you can really guess such a thing accurately."

Shouhou frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "What's going on with this woman? Why do you still want to come over and cause trouble for me?"

"Xu Zhaodi didn't like me very much to begin with, but now she has agreed to Zhang Shanshan's request to come and cause trouble for me. Not only can she get money, but she can also take money from me. This is a good thing for Xu Zhaodi. How could she Don’t agree?”

Shouhou and the others didn't expect it to be like this. They looked at Shen Xinrou worriedly: "Sister, if this is the case, won't Xu Zhaodi always come here? What will you do then?"

Song Jia nodded in agreement: "As for Zhang Shanshan, I'm afraid she will be pestered forever if I really give her up. And Zhang Shanshan will definitely not let it go. In addition to letting Xu Zhaodi come over to pester her, she will have other tricks."

Shen Xinrou knew what Shouhou, Song Jia and the others said.

And she has analyzed it.

"Zhang Shanshan's marriage has changed because of me. His husband went to live with his wife Bai Yueguang, leaving Zhang Shanshan as a widow at home. According to Zhang Shanshan's character, she will definitely not let it go like this." Shen Xinrou said meaningfully. said.

When Chen Shuo thought of a certain possibility, his face suddenly became very ugly, and the air pressure on his body also dropped at this time.

Song Jia and the others were overwhelmed by Chen Shuo's aura.

He looked at Chen Shuo carefully, his eyes full of worry for him.

"Brother-in-law, why are you angry?"

Song Jia glanced at Shouhou, does this bastard know what he is talking about?What do you mean, why are you angry?Do people need a reason to be angry?

"Your brother-in-law is not angry, he just thought of some possibility." Shen Xinrou said meaningfully.


"Zhang Shanshan's purpose is to ruin my wedding with your brother-in-law." Shen Xinrou glanced at Chen Shuo beside her and said.

Everyone looked at Shen Xinrou in surprise, right?

In this picture, Shanshan stole the person her sister liked, and now she is finally back on track. Why is she angry?
"Zhang Shanshan will not look for reasons from herself, she will only choose revenge." (End of Chapter)

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