Now that the situation is getting better and better, the Zhang family has to think carefully about whatever they want to do.

Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo in surprise, there was such a thing?
"Then how is this matter handled now?"

"The Great Elder and the others haven't decided what to do yet, but they will definitely not let go of the Zhang family." Chen Shuo didn't know much about this matter, but he had heard Mr. Chen talk about it once before.

Shen Xinrou was immediately confused when she heard the news: "If this is the case, how come Zhang Shanshan still has time to trouble me?"

The situation of the Zhang family is already bad, how can Zhang Shanshan still come to cause trouble?
Shen Xinrou expressed some incomprehension about this.

"Because the Zhang family will not do anything to Song Wangyan now. Even if they know that Song Wangyan is with Zhang Li now, they dare not say anything. It is because of this Zhang Shanshan that she will put all the responsibilities on you." Chen Shuo Said seriously.

In response, Shen Xinrou stretched out her hand and pointed at herself: "Shouldn't we go to Song Wangyan for this matter? Didn't he do this?"

"People don't dare to cause trouble with Song Wangyan, so they naturally come to find you. I'm afraid this matter is not over yet." According to Zhang Shanshan's vengeful character, in addition to Xin Rou, Zhang Li is probably also the target of revenge.

Shen Xinrou stretched out her hand to rub her eyebrows, and said helplessly, "What's the matter?"

All the conflicts between husband and wife were caused by her.

It's outrageous.

Chen Shuo couldn't help but laugh: "Don't worry, it will probably take some time for this matter to be over."

Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo with difficulty, and said helplessly: "Who did I provoke?"

"I'll help you."

Shen Xinrou nodded reluctantly and said, "That's pretty much it."

Xu Zhaodi came to Shen Xinrou's house again the next day.

When Shen Xinrou saw Xu Zhaodi, she could just ignore it.

Even if Xu Zhaodi said something to the neighbor next to her, Shen Xinrou could just pretend she didn't see it.

Xu Zhaodi frowned when she saw Shen Xinrou ignoring her. She didn't do anything wrong.

Why did Shen Xinrou treat her like air this time?
"You said Shen Xinrou doesn't care about you? Why is that not what we saw?"

The people on the side nodded in agreement: "That's right."

"What do you know? Shen Xinrou is an unfilial daughter. She won't give me the dowry when she gets married." Xu Zhaodi cried.

The people on the side knew what was going on as soon as they heard it.

The relationship was about asking for a betrothal gift from her daughter and son-in-law, but they didn't give it, so Xu Zhaodi thought of coming over to cause trouble?

Thinking of this possibility, the people around him were full of disgust towards Xu Zhaodi.

How could there be such a shameless person.

It is also a talent for them to meet such a person.

When Xu Zhaodi was about to say something else, the old lady beside her said dissatisfiedly: "A young couple is getting married. You said you want a dowry, but how much dowry have you prepared for your daughter?"

Shouhou and the others had been listening in the corner. When they heard them asking this, Shouhou became energetic.

"What dowry? Not only did this man not give my sister a dowry, he even wanted to ask for a lot of money from my sister and the others." Thin Monkey said helplessly.

The people watching were stunned for a moment, and someone couldn't wait to ask: "How much did this man ask your sister for?"

"She asked my brother-in-law for a bride price of [-] yuan."

Twenty thousand?

Everyone looked at Xu Zhaodi in shock.Is she opening her mouth like a lion?

Why is this woman so shameless?
Can you say this?
"Even if your daughter is made of gold, she can't do this, right?"

"Did I say something wrong? What's wrong with asking for some gift money for the children I raised?" Xu Zhaodi not only didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, but she said it as a matter of course.

After hearing what Xu Zhaodi said, some of Xu Zhaodi's people who were sympathetic to him immediately turned against her.

"What's wrong with asking for some gift money? Are you asking for just a little? You're asking for someone's life." Twenty thousand?
Nowadays, who has a household worth ten thousand yuan and dares to waste their family money like this?

Shouhou finally waited until Xu Zhaodi said such words.

With a smile, Shouhou said with a half-smile, "Why did you raise my sister? This woman almost killed my sister."

Shouhou said what Xu Zhaodi did to Shen Xinrou.

The more people around me heard, they were also shocked. They never expected that Xu Zhaodi could be so vicious.

"My sister was raised by her grandparents, not by this woman. My brother-in-law took care of it. If the grandparents were still there, let alone [-] yuan, he would be able to think of a way. After all, they are my sister. Relatives, but why is Xu Zhaodi, an old witch?" Shouhou immediately couldn't stand Xu Zhaodi.

He just wanted to embarrass Xu Zhaodi.

The people on the side looked at Xu Zhaodi and started to point at him. Such a person is not qualified to ask for a betrothal gift.

And it’s still so much money.

"Young man, you must tell your sister when you go back that you cannot have such a person. Otherwise, how will you live your life in the future?"

"That's right, such a person must be as far away as possible."

Shouhou couldn't stop laughing in his heart, but he still said helplessly on his face: "This person comes to my sister every day and won't leave until I give her [-] yuan."

The people on the side looked at Xu Zhaodi with disgust, looked at the stool Xu Zhaodi was sitting on, and grabbed the stool with force.

When the stool was received, Xu Zhaodi also fell to the ground.

He was thrown upside down.

Xu Zhaodi glared at the other party and said angrily: "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? What qualifications does a person like you have to sit on my stool? It's really unlucky." The person next to him said with a look of disgust.

"I just gave this man two handfuls of melon seeds, and now I can't wait to give myself two slaps." If I had known that Xu Zhaodi was such a person, let alone melon seeds.

Even the skin of melon seeds is not allowed to be eaten by the other party.

When Xu Zhaodi looked to the side with a pale face, she said angrily: "You bastard, how dare you do this to me? I will beat you to death today."

Skinny Monkey ran away immediately, looking at Xu Zhaodi with a proud look in his eyes: "A guy like you wants to hit me? Who do you think you are?"

"you you……"

The people around were watching the show happily, and they felt happy just to see Xu Zhaodi being unlucky.

Xu Zhaodi was pointed out like this, and in the end she was too embarrassed to stay here anymore, and left in dejection amidst everyone's gossip.

When Shen Xinrou came back, she thought Xu Zhaodi was still at the door. Who knew that when she arrived at the door, Xu Zhaodi was gone.

Back home, Shen Xinrou asked Shouhou: "Why did Xu Zhaodi leave so suddenly?"

"Hey, it's not because I told people outside what Xu Zhaodi did." Shouhou told Shen Xinrou what happened outside.

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