After hearing this, Shen Xinrou looked at Shouhou and the others with twitching corners of her mouth: "You are amazing."

"If sister still dares to come, let's continue to do this and see who will be embarrassed." After all, they still have a lot of things to say about Xu Zhaodi.

"Okay." With Shouhou and the others here, Shen Xinrou felt relieved and was not worried that Xu Zhaodi would continue to cause trouble for her.

Because of Shouhou and the others, Xu Zhaodi disappeared for two days and reappeared on the third day.

No matter what others pointed out today, Xu Zhaodi said nothing and stood quietly waiting for Shen Xinrou to come back.

"Why are there such shameless people doing such shameless things? If I were this girl, I would drive them away."

"No, it's not a parallel import. I left two days ago and now I'm here again. Isn't it just that this little girl is easy to bully?"

Xu Zhaodi lowered her head and continued what they were saying.

Shouhou knew Xu Zhaodi was coming and walked out quickly.

Xu Zhaodi became a little nervous when she saw Shouhou coming out: "I didn't say anything, I just waited for Xinrou to come back."

"Ouch, are you trying to retaliate this time? Do you want to show weakness to my sister? Then you made the wrong calculation."

This time Xu Zhaodi was not angry at all, but looked at the after-sales service staff sadly and said: "I know you are a little dissatisfied with me, but I am here to see my daughter. This matter has nothing to do with you. I hope you will not interfere casually. "

"I said, as long as I get what I deserve, I will leave." Xu Zhaodi said.

That pitiful look, if he were a little younger, would still be very attractive.

It's a pity that the idle Xu Zhaodi is just an old lady.

Who would fall in love with such a person?

Besides, the people watching the theater here are women.

One of the women looked at Xu Zhaodi with sharp eyes and said: "Looking at this woman's charming appearance, she must not be a good thing. She won't hook up with others after getting married, right?"

The thin monkey couldn't help but applaud this man.

This aunt is really good at talking.

And the guess is accurate.

"What's going on with this young man and your sister? Keep telling us."

Once Shouhou heard this, he stopped feeling sleepy and started telling them about Shen Xinrou.

"My sister was not in good health at all when she went to the countryside. They never took care of my sister. My sister relied on my brother-in-law's family to send her things in the winter. Plus, she was a teacher if she was capable." Thin Monkey said very proudly.

The people on the side kept nodding, this is a good girl and a teacher.

"After my sister was admitted to Qingdao University, she came here to study with my brother-in-law. Who knows where these people found out about my sister's admission to university and came to cause trouble." Shouhou told what happened at that time. All over.

When they learned that Xu Zhaodi had asked Shen Xinrou to give her favorite daughter the title of top scorer in the national college entrance examination, they couldn't hold back at all.

"How can there be such a mother? You want your eldest daughter to study, why don't you let her study hard? How dare you snatch things from your younger daughter? This person is such a bad person."

"Who says it's not?" Shouhou said with a heavy sigh.

Xu Zhaodi's face turned purple and ugly after what Shouhou said: "Shut up," she gritted her teeth and said angrily. "

"Did I say something wrong? You had a dispute with your precious eldest daughter, and your eldest daughter doesn't care whether you live or die. If my sister hadn't cared about your blood relationship, you would have died long ago. You still have the chance to come here to antagonize me. Sister?" Shouhou felt that Xu Zhaodi was an ungrateful person.

After being rescued by Shen Xinrou, those words sounded so nice.Sounding.

The results of it?
That's just a cover-up.

It was Xu Zhaodi's pretense to take over everything from Shen Xinrou.

The people watching the excitement were very angry.

Looking at people like Xu Zhaodi, he said with disgust: "How can there be such a person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong?"

"Look, my sister was abused like that by her. She wanted to save others based on blood ties, but this person went too far and always bullied my sister." Shouhou said with a distressed look on his face.

His sister is so pitiful.

After hearing what Shouhou said in the yard, Song Jia and the others felt that it was really shameless.

What bullying.

Who is bullying whom?
Besides, I'm not pitiful at all, okay?
She has such a large family, who are kind to her, and a fiancé who always protects her. She also cooperates with the people above her, so she has a huge backing.

Who dares to say that Shen Xinrou is pitiful?
"This child is so pitiful. Why did he end up with a mother like this?"
"Who says it's not the case? If I had such an outstanding daughter, it would be my fault that the neighbor's dog was not notified." Who wouldn't want a daughter who gets the top score in the exam?

"You're talking nonsense, there's no such thing."

"Did my sister save you?"

Xu Zhaodi was about to say no, but was interrupted by Shouhou: "You want to say no? Xu Zhaodi, you are really disgusting. You were treated in the military hospital. How did you recover? If you go there and ask, you will know. Do you dare to say that when your eldest daughter gave up on you, someone without my sister's relationship could have treated you?"

Xu Zhaodi remained silent. This matter was indeed related to Shen Xinrou, but Xu Zhaodi just didn't want to admit it.

The people on the side knew what was going on when they saw Xu Zhaodi's silent expression.

I don't know who opened the mouth, but the people nearby started to attack Xu Zhaodi.

Where has Xu Zhaodi seen such a battle?I ran away when I found an opportunity.

Later I heard someone say: "Next time you dare to come, we will beat you every time we see you."

Shouhou couldn't help laughing in his heart, but on his face he was crying and thanking them.

"Thank you aunties for helping my sister, otherwise my sister would not know how she would be bullied. On this special day, my sister and her brother-in-law are preparing to get married, and now there is another person who is constantly looking for trouble. It is really bad. ." Shouhou said helplessly.

The people on the side nodded in agreement. If they had encountered such a thing, they would have beaten people to death eight hundred times.

Are you still letting her son show off your power here?
"Tell me, you, the great old man, why are you being controlled by a woman?"

"Auntie, you don't know something about this. Although we really want to fight back, this person is still my sister's mother. If we do, Xu Zhaodi will just say it casually and add jealousy to it. Do I still want my sister's reputation?" Monkey said helplessly.

When the people nearby heard this, they remembered that the shameless woman was Shen Xinrou's mother.

It is really unlucky to have a mother like this.

"Don't worry, we'll be here to help if anything happens in the future."

"Thank you, aunties." Shouhou kept saying thanks.

It took a while before I got home.

As soon as he got home, he saw everyone staring at him.

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