He reached out and touched his face, that's right.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Thin Monkey asked with a frown.

He doesn't seem to have done anything wrong, right?
"It's nothing, I just didn't expect you to be so shameless." Song Jia couldn't help but complain about her fiancé.

Shouhou innocently looked at Song Jia in front of him and asked confusedly: "What's wrong with me?"

"What you just told people, you deceived people into lameness, and you even asked people to help beat people up. You are really good at it." Song Jia couldn't help but complain.

Shouhou thought he was talking about something, but he didn't expect it to be this.

"What's the big deal about this? Besides, I didn't lie to anyone. Is what I said the truth? Did Xu Zhaodi do these things?" Shouhou looked at Li Dafei and the others and asked.

Li Dafei and others nodded silently, this was really done by Xu Zhaodi.

And there are things more disgusting than this.

Song Jia looked at Shouhou in disbelief. She originally thought that Shouhou said these words just to make the onlookers pity Shen Xinrou.

Do these things seem to be true now?
Song Jia swallowed her saliva: "Is everything you said true? Has my sister really been treated like this by Xu Zhaodi?"

"Yes, if my sister hadn't been lucky at that time, she would have died a long time ago. My body was not well yet, so they sent me to the countryside in the northeast. In winter, the snow can reach the knees. The locals It’s easy to freeze to death, let alone a southerner like my sister, and she’s also sick.” Thin Monkey sighed softly.

If it hadn't been for their sister's health slowly getting better, they wouldn't have dared to think about how Shen Xinrou could survive in such a place.

Song Jia originally thought that people like Shen Xinrou would definitely live a happy life. Who had ever thought about happiness? It was all superficial.

Even if you are happy, it is given by the Chen family. What does it have to do with Xu Zhaodi?
"What about Sister Xinrou's father? Just let her be bullied like this?" Song Jia asked with a frown.

"Well, he agreed at the time, so my sister didn't have a good relationship with him. After the paternity test, they parted ways." Although Shen Daqiang apologized to Shen Xinrou at that time, Shen Xinrou no longer needed his apology at that time. .

Even dismissive.

"So that's it." Song Jia suddenly felt sorry for Shen Xinrou.

"Miss Xinrou was so sad when she was little." Song Jia couldn't help but say.

Regarding these words, Shouhou shrugged and said: "With my brother-in-law by my side, my life in the countryside in the Northeast has been much better, and the team leader there takes good care of them."

When Song Jia heard this, she was completely relieved: "That's good."

"My sister can rely on herself now, and of course my brother-in-law also helps." Shouhou did not take away Chen Shuo's contribution, but said with a smile.

"Then let's be nicer to my sister in the future and don't let anyone bully her." Song Jia looked at Shouhou seriously and said.

Shouhou looked at Song Jia helplessly. His wife may not know how powerful she is.

"Jiajia, you don't know how powerful my sister is, so you would say such things." Shouhou said with emotion.

"My sister can kill a three to four hundred kilogram wild boar with one punch. Even the wolves are no match for her." Shouhou said weakly from the side, hoping that Song Jia would know how violent Shen Xinrou was.

Song Jia looked at the thin monkey beside her with bright eyes and said, "Is this true? Isn't my sister too awesome?"

Thin Monkey looked at the amazed Song Jia expressionlessly, and asked with a smile: "Do you still want to say that you are worried about my sister being bullied?" "No matter how powerful I am, I am just a woman, and we should protect her. "Song Jia's words were so confident.

Shouhou looked at Song Jia in confusion. Among them, Song Jia was the weakest.

Shouldn't she be the one being protected?
Seeing what Shouhou wanted to say, Song Jia looked over with a sharp look: "Do you have any objections to what I said? You seem dissatisfied when I said I wanted to protect Sister Xinrou?"

Shouhou coughed lightly and said quickly: "I'm not dissatisfied. I think my wife is right. Let's protect my sister together from now on."

Li Dafei and the others couldn't help laughing when they saw this: "Skinny Monkey, you are too cowardly."

Thin Monkey frowned and said, "What do you mean I'm too cowardly? I'm obviously good to Jiajia. My sister said that when two people get along, don't fight over who wins or loses. Appropriate showing of weakness is the best way to maintain a relationship."

Li Dafei and the others gave Shouhou a dirty look, and they were so cowardly that they even dragged their sister in. They were really shameless.

Song Jia was very happy by Shouhou's words. Sure enough, the men trained by her sister were good.

She will definitely live a very happy life in the future.

When Shen Xinrou and the others came back with their wedding supplies in the afternoon, they always felt that everyone they saw on the street looked at her like they were pitiful, which made Shen Xinrou a little confused.

After she was out of everyone's sight, Shen Xinrou asked Chen Shuo beside her: "Chen Shuo, it seems I didn't do anything, right? Why do they look at me as pitifully as I am a cabbage in the field?"

And he also said that if you need help with anything in the future, just go to them and don't need to think so much about being polite to them.

Chen Shuo was also a little confused about this and shook his head in confusion: "I don't know either. We left early today and we weren't even at home."

Shen Xinrou knew what might happen after just a moment's thought: "Xu Zhaodi will definitely come today."

Chen Shuo was stunned at first, and then understood what Shen Xinrou meant: "If Xu Zhaodi is here and Shouhou and the others are at home, then it will be understandable."

Slender Monkey and the others must have done something that caused misunderstanding.

When Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo came back from shopping, they heard Song Jia talking about Shouhou's record, and looked at Shouhou with difficulty.

She asked why the neighbors looked at her as if they were pitiful.

"Sister, Xu Zhaodi wants to come over and see if the aunts next to her are willing." Shouhou said as if he was begging for praise.

Shen Xinrou said helplessly: "You are really amazing."

"This is what I should do. Doesn't Xu Zhaodi want to ruin my sister with gossip? I'll let her have a taste of how good it feels." Shouhou said with a cold snort.

Shen Xinrou looked at the thin monkey without words, and said helplessly: "Then have you ever considered that people looked at me with pitiful eyes when I was walking on the road?"

Slender Monkey blinked. He didn't seem to have considered this question?
Song Jia couldn't stop laughing when Shouhou looked like this: "I can already imagine how it feels to be looked at like this."

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Reaching out and touching his nose, Shouhou said with a guilty conscience: "Sister, I didn't think so much at the time. I just wanted to get rid of Xu Zhaodi as soon as possible. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

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