Shen Xinrou looked at Shouhou helplessly. He had already said this, what else could she do?
Shen Xinrou extended her hand to the thin monkey and said angrily: "Things have come to this point, what else can I say?"

Although it was a bit of a social disaster, after this time, Xu Zhaodi came over and tried to kidnap her morally.

Chen Shuo couldn't help but smile when he saw Shen Xinrou's helpless look.

That look made Shen Xinrou look at her with a sharp look: "Is it funny?"

Chen Shuo smiled and shook his head: "It's not funny, not funny at all."

Shen Xinrou snorted and muttered something. Chen Shuo heard it clearly, but pretended not to hear anything.

After Shen Xinrou's mood improved, Chen Shuo began to comfort him: "Skinny Monkey is actually right to do this. After all, Shouhou's purpose is also for your own good."

The neighbor knew something about Shen Xinrou, and then Xu Zhaodi came to find Shen Xinrou and said some unpleasant things.

The neighbors outside would not believe Xu Zhaodi.

This saves Shen Xinrou a lot of trouble.

Of course Shen Xinrou knew what Chen Shuo said, but just because she knew it, even though she felt a little awkward, she didn't say anything.

Shouhou looked at Shen Xinrou and the others like this, seemingly not angry, and was completely relieved.

"Why are you staring at us like this? Are you worried that we will be angry?" Shen Xinrou asked in a funny way, looking at Shouhou's relieved look.

Shouhou scratched his head in embarrassment: "Although Xu Zhaodi lost her reputation by doing this, it also caused me some trouble."

"It doesn't matter, it's a matter of time. If you do this, Xu Zhaodi won't be able to come over and cause trouble for me. This is of great benefit to me."

The thin monkey was finally relieved.

"Although Xu Zhaodi can't come to me now, I still have to settle accounts with Xu Zhaodi." Shen Xinrou said with cold eyes.

The eyes of Shouhou and the others suddenly became bright. They looked at Shen Xinrou and asked expectantly: "Sister, are you planning to attack Xu Zhaodi?"

"Well, I will call Shen Daqiang later and tell him about my grandparents. If he doesn't care, just pretend that I didn't say anything." Shen Xinrou said coldly.

She doesn't know now whether Shen Daqiang can still believe what she said.

Perhaps what worries Shen Daqiang is whether Shen Daqiang believes that Xu Zhaodi hurt his parents.

After all, Shen Daqiang once liked Xu Zhaodi so much.

Who knows what Xu Zhaodi will do in the end?
Chen Shuo knew what Shen Xinrou was worried about and said comfortingly: "Although Shen Daqiang doesn't look like much, after what happened before, he has completely given up on Xu Zhaodi."

"Hopefully so."

That afternoon, it was Shen Xinrou who called Shen Xi.

When Shen Xi received Shen Xinrou's call, she was a little surprised: "Why do you want to call me when you have time?"

"I have something to tell him about the death of my grandparents."

When Chen Xi heard this, he sat up straight: "What? Is it related to the death of grandparents?"


Listening to Shen Xinrou's words, Shen Xi felt that maybe he heard wrongly, otherwise how could he hear Shen Xinrou say this?
"You can't talk about Xinrou casually."

"Xu Zhaodi did it because grandpa found out about her affair with that man. I have some things left by grandpa here. I just dug them out when I was packing things a few days ago." Shen Xinrou saw that Shen Xi was not very happy. I believed it, so I spoke.

Shen Xi's heart skipped a beat. There were even things left by his grandfather, which meant that it was probably true. "How is she now?" Shen Xi asked after a moment of silence.

"I got a lot of money by using the information that betrayed me. Now I am being blocked every day and asked for the gift money from my husband's family. The first time I ask is [-] yuan." Shen Xinrou did not help Xu Zhaodi hide it and told Xu Zhaodi everything.

When Shen Xi heard what Shen Xinrou said, she thought she had heard it wrong.

A gift of [-] yuan?
How could Xu Zhaodi say such a thing?

"2 yuan? Is she crazy?" Who is willing to spend 2 yuan as a gift for marrying a wife?

Isn't this trying to prevent Shen Xinrou from getting married?
And even if the Chen family has money, they don’t spend it like that, right?
Shen Xinrou didn't speak, but her silence let Shen Xi know that what Shen Xinrou said was true.

Shen Xi pulled her hair irritably. She didn't expect that Xu Zhaodi would cause such a thing while staying in Kyoto.

Even if he exchanged Shen Xinrou's information for money, he still did such a shameless thing.

"I will tell dad about this." Shen Xi was talking about her grandparents. ,
"it is good."

Shen Xinrou hung up the phone and sat on the sofa wondering what she was thinking.

This was what Chen Shuo saw when he came out of the study. He walked over and reached out to hug the person, placing his chin on Shen Xinrou's shoulder and rubbing gently: "What are you thinking about?"

"I called Shen Xi. He still didn't want to believe what Xu Zhaodi did."

"Isn't this normal? They have never gotten along with the current Xu Zhaodi, so it is normal and understandable for them not to believe it." Chen Shuo did not think there was anything wrong with Shen Xi's suspicion.

When they really see what kind of person Xu Zhaodi is, he will know how naive he really is.

Shen Xinrou sighed softly and just glanced at Chen Shuo without saying anything.

After a long time, he said: "Now it depends on what Shen Daqiang and Shen Xi think. If they don't care, I will take revenge in my own way."

Xu Zhaodi stayed here for too long. She no longer wanted to let Xu Zhaodi jump around in front of her.

Because of the people behind Xu Zhaodi, she has tolerated enough.

Now that the other party's identity has been confirmed, there is no need for her to continue wasting time with her like this.

"If necessary, I can help."

"it is good."

Shen Xi looked a little complicated after hanging up the phone.

Although he didn't quite believe that Xu Zhaodi would do such a thing, he also believed that Shen Xinrou would not say such things for no reason.

Even if Shen Xinrou is dissatisfied with Xu Zhaodi, it's the same.

After getting up and returning to the family courtyard, Shen Daqiang was playing with his children.

Shen Xi asked his wife to take the child away. Shen Daqiang raised his head and looked at Shen Xi who came back: "Son, you are back."

"Dad, I have something to tell you."

Shen Xi's sudden seriousness made Shen Daqiang a little strange: "Listen, what can make you so serious?"

"It's about the cause of death of her grandparents. Xinrou called and said that when she was packing her things, she found the things left by her grandparents and said that Xu Zhaodi was responsible for the death of her grandparents."

"In addition to this, Xu Zhaodi also used some of Xinrou's information to exchange for a lot of money. She even went to Xinrou to ask for the gift money, which was [-] yuan."

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