"My parents left some things behind before they passed away." Shen Daqiang looked at Xu Zhaodi and said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Xu Zhaodi's expression suddenly changed and she looked at Shen Daqiang: "What do you mean by this?"

"Literally, I think you don't want anything to happen, right?" Shen Daqiang looked at Xu Zhaodi indifferently.

He didn't believe that bitch Xu Zhaodi did what he did.

Instead, it might be the man behind it.

After all, the situation in that man's family was much better than theirs at that time.

His father also worked under the other party.

What happened back then, no matter how stupid Shen Daqiang was, he knew what was going on.

What's more, I've seen the things my father left behind.

Xu Zhaodi's heart skipped a beat and she looked at Shen Daqiang in disbelief.

When Shen Daqiang was about to do something, Xu Zhaodi said: "Shen Daqiang, you don't believe whatever Shen Xinrou says, do you? Don't be deceived by her."

"Xu Zhaodi, did you say that the pendant I gave you was lost?" Shen Daqiang suddenly asked.

Xu Zhaodi frowned slightly. Didn't Shen Daqiang know about this before?Why are you suddenly asking about this again?

After glancing at Shen Daqiang, Xu Zhaodi said coldly: "You are right, it was lost at the beginning."

Shen Daqiang snorted and took out something.

When she saw the familiar thing in Shen Daqiang's hand, Xu Zhaodi's expression suddenly changed.

Why did this thing appear in Shen Daqiang's hands?

Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Daqiang in front of her very nervously: "You...how come you have this thing in your hands?"

Shouldn't it be thrown away?Why does it appear here again?Damn it!

Shen Daqiang looked at Xu Zhaodi like this with a gloomy expression on his face: "Xu Zhaodi found this among my mother's belongings. There are blood stains on it. Whose it is, we only need to go and test it to find out."

Xu Zhaodi suddenly panicked when she heard Shen Daqiang's words, and said quickly: "You... Shen Daqiang, what are you talking about? How is this possible?"

"I accidentally lost this thing. Why are you so persistent?" Xu Zhaodi knew exactly what the blood stains on it were about.

If Shen Daqiang is really allowed to do the verification, everything will be over.

Seeing Xu Zhaodi's flustered look, Shen Daqiang immediately understood.

Xu Zhaodi knew about the pendant from the beginning and also knew what the blood stains on it were about.

"Xu Zhaodi, my mother was indeed killed by you." Shen Daqiang looked at Xu Zhaodi with hatred and said angrily.

Xu Zhaodi knew that he was now dead and had no evidence. As long as he did not admit it, even if Shen Daqiang had this thing in his hands, it would not be a great threat to him.

Looking at Shen Daqiang in front of her with a frown, Xu Zhaodi said sadly: "Shen Daqiang, even if we are separated now, how can you not believe me like this? You really let me down."

Shen Xinrou's mouth twitched as she looked at Xu Zhaodi like this.

Doesn't Xu Zhaodi think that she is still a beautiful woman in her prime?
Will anyone sympathize with you if you pretend to be pitiful?
Before Shen Daqiang could say anything, the onlookers had already spoken: "Didn't this woman look at her current appearance? How can she be so embarrassed to pretend to be pitiful here?"

"Who knows, it looks quite disgusting." "Shut up and collect my things, why are you still insulting me like this?" Xu Zhaodi glared at the people next to her and asked through gritted teeth.

This sentence made the people on the side roll their eyes in disgust: "It's true that we accepted your things, but what you did is really disgusting. We don't like people like you."

Xu Zhaodi was so angry that her whole body was shaking. These bastards took their own money and didn't do anything.

Shen Daqiang looked at Xu Zhaodi's pitiful and seductive look with disgust: "Xu Zhaodi, do you think I am still the same Shen Daqiang I once was? I will believe whatever you say? If so, you are looking down on me."

Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Daqiang aggrievedly and said, "Daqiang, I don't know why Shen Xinrou wants to slander me like this and ask me if I have really never done such a thing."

"Da Qiang, I don't want to stay here, can I go back with you?" When Xu Zhaodi said this, she gave Shen Xinrou a vicious look.

As long as this matter is resolved, she will not let Shen Xinrou have an easy time.

Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi like this and suddenly laughed.

That smile seemed to be somewhat permeable for some reason.

Shen Daqiang glanced at Xu Zhaodi with disgust, frowned and said: "Xu Zhaodi, do you think I am still the same Shen Daqiang I used to be? That's what you say? I tell you, don't even think about it."

Xu Zhaodi actually wants to go back and disturb the good life of her son and daughter-in-law?

No, he absolutely couldn't let this happen to him.

Xu Zhaodi originally thought that as long as she said it, Shen Daqiang would take her away and leave Shen Xinrou alone.

Who knew that Shen Daqiang really didn't care about her now.

Frowning her brows slightly, Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou not far away with a gloomy face: "Shen Xinrou, get out of here. What kind of ecstasy did you give Shen Daqiang to make him treat me like this?"

Shen Xinrou came out and pointed at herself.

Take Ecstasy?This Xu Zhaodi really knows how to talk.

Shen Daqiang stood in front of Shen Xinrou: "Xinrou, don't pay attention to this woman. She has always been so self-righteous."

It wasn't like this before when she was in Jiangnan, but now Xu Zhaodi seems to be a different person.

Become yourself.

Whatever she wants to do, everyone around her must agree to her request, otherwise they will all be in trouble.

Thinking about it, I just feel sad and a little ridiculous.

Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Daqiang beside her and said with cold eyes: "Shen Daqiang, I have given you a chance. If you still don't listen, I will make you, Shen Xi and the others pay the price for this."

Shen Daqiang woke up instantly, and seeing Xu Zhaodi like this, he immediately understood.

He said with sharp eyes: "Xu Zhaodi, do you think someone behind you can do something to my son? I want to see if you, the person who killed your own parents-in-law, have anyone to care about you."

The onlookers looked at Xu Zhaodi in shock: "No way? This man actually killed his own parents-in-law?"

"Yes, this is too cruel. No wonder she hates her so much. If it were me, I would have the same attitude. No matter how much I like someone, after knowing that he is the one who killed his parents, he will definitely make him pay. At a price.”

If you know the cause of your parents' death and don't do anything, is this what you should do for the sake of a human being?

Xu Zhaodi stepped back subconsciously and looked at the person in front of her nervously: "You...what are you talking about? I have never done the things you said, Shen Daqiang."

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