"My father left a letter that wrote everything that happened back then, with his blood stains on it." Shen Daqiang looked at Xu Zhaodi and said.

Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi, wondering how Xu Zhaodi could still quibble now?
Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Daqiang with wide eyes, and turned her attention to Shen Xinrou beside her: "Did you do it?"

"I told you that I found my grandfather's belongings when I was packing my things. Why don't you believe it?" Shen Xinrou spread her hands and pretended to be innocent.

Xu Zhaodi never thought that what Shen Xinrou said before was actually true?
She thought Shen Xinrou was just talking casually, but she never thought it was true?
"Shen Xinrou, you...you bastard, how dare you plot against me like this?"

Shen Xinrou said regretfully: "Xu Zhaodi, I have warned you a long time ago not to irritate me here all the time, but you don't want to believe it, and you don't listen to what I say. In this case, I can only use other methods to deal with it." You are here, it seems pretty good now."

Xu Zhaodi seemed to have grasped some life-saving straw. She looked at Shen Daqiang beside her and said excitedly: "Shen Daqiang, did you hear that? Shen Xinrou is using you to do such things. Are you still going to be used by Shen Xinrou?"

Shen Daqiang just looked at Xu Zhaodi calmly, not angry at all about this matter.

Seeing the lifeless Shen Daqiang, Xu Zhaodi was stunned for a moment and continued: "You come to trouble me because Shen Xinrou is plotting against you. Haven't you seen it yet?"

Shen Daqiang said expressionlessly: "Even if Xinrou is trying to plot against me, so what if you let me deal with you? Xinrou made it clear to me when I came here, and I agree with Xinrou doing this."

Xu Zhaodi staggered back and looked at Shen Daqiang in disbelief: "No...it's not like that."

"Daqiang, I like you. Let's pretend that nothing happened. How about we continue to be together? We still have a son." Xu Zhaodi didn't want to die.

If Shen Daqiang really makes a big fuss about this matter, she will definitely die.

"And I didn't do this. You have to believe me." Xu Zhaodi quickly explained.

Shen Xinrou really didn't expect that at this time, Xu Zhaodi still thought that she had done nothing.

He looked at the people next to him with disgust: "Dad, what do you think about this?"

"Xu Zhaodi, why do you think your things are among my mother's belongings?" Shen Daqiang asked expressionlessly.

"Yes...she was jealous that you bought me something, so she took it away." Xu Zhaodi directly put the blame on the old lady.

Shen Xinrou couldn't help but applaud Xu Zhaodi.

"Xu Zhaodi, you really have no conscience at all when you say this. This is what my father gave you when you got married. And when my grandma died, you had been married for more than ten years. Why did I Grandma didn't take her away, but she took it away when you were married for more than ten years?" Shen Xinrou exposed Xu Zhaodi's lie without any politeness.

Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou angrily and said hysterically: "Shen Xinrou, shut up. There is no place for you to talk here."

No matter what happens now, this thing will definitely be pushed to the old immortal.

The people were already dead anyway, and she couldn't do anything about them if she didn't acknowledge them.

Shen Xinrou saw through Xu Zhaodi's thoughts at a glance. This person just thought that her grandma had passed away, so that's why she acted like this.

The dead cannot speak.The people on the side also realized Xu Zhaodi's purpose and immediately laughed in anger.

"Xu Zhaodi, you are so shameless. You have killed your mother-in-law for so many years, and now you are still throwing dirty water on your mother-in-law."

"That's right, how could there be such a shameless person?"

When everyone was accusing Xu Zhaodi, Shen Daqiang, who had been silent, spoke up: "Xu Zhaodi, you may not know that my mother gave me money and asked me to buy this thing secretly. You said that my mother is jealous of you? This is impossible. .”

Xu Zhaodi was immediately dumbfounded.

Could such a thing happen?She didn't believe it was true.

"Shen Daqiang, please stop lying to me here. Nothing you say is true, right?"

"Everything I said is true. Although my parents don't like you very much, they gave you what was supposed to be given to you. At that time, in order to marry you, my family used up everything." Thinking of what happened at that time, Shen Daqiang felt very sad. Hate yourself.

If he hadn't married Xu Zhaodi, but listened to his parents, maybe things wouldn't be like this.

"Shen Daqiang, you said you would be good to me all your life, but now you don't mean what you say." Xu Zhaodi started to talk about what Shen Daqiang once said.

The people listening rolled their eyes.

When you encounter such a person, would it be a good thing if you don't run away quickly?
Only someone with a sick mind would do something like this, right?

"Xu Zhaodi, you don't have to say such things. Let me ask you, why do you do this to my parents? Why do you want my parents' lives?" His father has stopped talking about this matter. Why doesn't Xu Zhaodi let him go?
Xu Zhaodi still had the same idea and refused to admit that this matter had anything to do with her.

"Shen Daqiang, how many times do you have to tell me before you believe me? I said I didn't, but I didn't. You'd rather believe this dead girl Shen Xinrou than me, right?" Xu Zhaodi asked in a confused manner.

"Shen Xinrou doesn't like me in the first place. She must have forged these things." Xu Zhaodi pointed at Shen Xinrou beside her and said.

Shen Xinrou clicked her tongue, this Xu Zhaodi was really annoying.

"Shut up. I know exactly what kind of person Xinrou is. I also know my father's handwriting. Whether it's a forgery or not, I know better than you." Shen Daqiang said bitterly.

"Shen Daqiang, you don't have any evidence other than these things. Why do you say I did it?" Xu Zhaodi did not admit that this was true.

"According to what you said, I still suspect that Shen Xinrou did this. Why don't you doubt Shen Xinrou?" Xu Zhaodi once again implicated Shen Xinrou.

Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi with the corner of her mouth twitching.

Is this woman sick?
"What did Xinrou do? When my father died, Xinrou was eight years old, and when my mother passed away, Xinrou was ten years old. Tell me, how could a child of how old kill two old people? Also, my parents were She is the best person to Xinrou in the family, and she is also the most filial to my parents. Tell me, why did Xinrou do this?" Shen Daqiang exposed Xu Zhaodi's lies.

When Xu Zhaodi was about to say something, Shen Xinrou beside her suddenly said, "Dad, you don't have to argue with her. I have a medicine here. After taking it, we can ask whatever we want. Xu Zhaodi, do you dare to take it?"

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