"I know all about the cooperation between you and Zhang Shanshan. Your purpose of asking for 2 yuan is to make the Chen family hate me. Am I right?" Shen Xinrou looked at Zhang Shanshan and asked with a half-smile.

Xu Zhaodi laughed loudly: "You are right, that's it. It's just a pity that I didn't succeed."

"In addition, Zhang Shanshan also said that she would prepare an opportunity for you to cause trouble at my wedding with Chen Shuo. How far you can do it depends on your ability. Am I right?"

Shen Xinrou's words shocked Xu Zhaodi.

Only she and Zhang Shanshan knew about this matter. How did Shen Xinrou know about this matter?

Swallowing her saliva, Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou: "How on earth do you know?"

"You are always being monitored by our people. How do you think I know this?" Shen Xinrou asked with a half-smile.

Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou in fear. It turned out that everything about her was under Shen Xinrou's control.

"You actually let people spy on me?"

"Knowing that you would plot against me with others, why didn't I spy on you?" Shen Xinrou said this matter-of-factly.

The people on the side also nodded in agreement. If they knew they were being plotted, they wouldn't keep an eye on them.

They didn't think there was anything wrong with Shen Xinrou doing this. On the contrary, Shen Xinrou did this just to protect herself.

"Xu Zhaodi, I could have attacked you a long time ago. Do you know why I waited until now?" Shen Xinrou asked, looking at the embarrassed Xu Zhaodi.

Xu Zhaodi had confusion in her eyes. What did Shen Xinrou mean by this?
Could it be that Shen Xinrou still has her mother in her heart?

As soon as she thought of this possibility, Xu Zhaodi said: "Xinrou is not my mother. I used to treat you this way. Now I know it was wrong. Can you forgive me? I will definitely treat you well in the future."

The people on the side were dumbfounded when they saw this scene, looking at Xu Zhaodi in disbelief.

This person is really shameless, and he can say such things.

"You have used tricks like Xu Zhaodi several times, and now you want to use such tricks to make me sympathize with you? In the end, you will continue to be at large?" Shen Xinrou laughed angrily.

Xu Zhaodi frowned: "If you don't have me as a mother in your heart, why do you want to help me?"

help you?

Shen Xinrou looked at Xu Zhaodi in confusion, not understanding what Xu Zhaodi meant by this.

"Xu Zhaodi thinks that you didn't deal with her because you still have her as your mother in your heart, so you let her find trouble here again and again." Chen Shuo told Shen Xinrou about this matter.

Shen Xinrou's expression suddenly changed.

He looked at Chen Shuo in disbelief: "What? Just because of this Xu Zhaodi, do you think I still have her in my heart?"


At this time, Xu Zhaodi said naturally: "Xinrou, Mom knows that you are embarrassed to say it. As long as you talk to your dad about this matter, I will support you in whatever you want to do in the future. What do you think?"

Xu Zhaodi's seductive look made Shen Xinrou feel extremely uncomfortable. She looked at Chen Shuo beside her and said, "Have you ever seen such a shameless person?"

Chen Shuo shook his head decisively: "Don't say it, I really have never seen such a person."

Shen Daqiang did not expect Xu Zhaodi to say such words.

He rolled his eyes speechlessly and said with a look of disgust: "What's going on with Xu Zhaodi? Don't you feel embarrassed when you say such things?"

Xu Zhaodi glanced at Shen Daqiang: "Shen Daqiang, I think you are jealous of me, right?"

When Chen Shuo saw the policeman standing in the crowd, he quickly asked people to come over and let Xu Zhaodi continue talking. He felt that they were all going to become Xu Zhaodi's people.

After the police came, Xu Zhaodi quickly said: "Comrade, this matter is a misunderstanding. We have solved the misunderstanding now. Don't believe what they say." Shen Daqiang snorted coldly: "Who told you this misunderstanding? We didn't tell you. good."

One sentence made Xu Zhaodi's face turn pale: "Xinrou, are you just going to watch your dad bully me like this?"

Shen Xinrou laughed angrily, not knowing when she had become Xu Zhaodi's confidence.

"Xu Zhaodi, you should solve this matter yourself. I have no other choice."

Shen Daqiang watched the police take out the relics left by his parents: "This is what my dad left behind."

The police frowned slightly after seeing it. It had been so many years, and even if it was really Xu Zhaodi who did it, they had no more evidence to prove it.

Even if Xu Zhaodi goes to jail later, it won't be for long.

Shen Xinrou knew what they were thinking when she saw them like this, and quickly said: "Comrade, I have some medicine in my hand. After taking it, we can ask all the information we want to ask."

After hearing this, several policemen looked at each other and said in shock: "Is it the drug used by the special department?"

"That's right, they bought all their medicines from me. You should also know how effective they are." Shen Xinrou was immediately happy when she heard this.

It will be easier if you know about them.

Xu Zhaodi is not stupid and can hear the result she wants from the policeman's tone.

Now it seems that what Shen Xinrou said before is true and he was not joking with her.

If she eats this thing, she will be completely ruined.

No, she can't eat it.

"Shen Xinrou, you are trying to kill me. I won't eat it." Xu Zhaodi covered her mouth and said.

The police did not give Xu Zhaodi a chance. They directly grabbed the person, took the pills from Shen Xinrou's hand, and used rough methods to make Xu Zhaodi take the pills.

Xu Zhaodi kept retching, hoping to spit out the pills.

"Xu Zhaodi, don't waste your efforts. This thing of mine melts in your mouth, and you can't spit it out at all." Shen Xinrou crossed her arms and looked at Xu Zhaodi with a half-smile.

Xu Zhaodi looked at Shen Xinrou with resentment: "Shen Xinrou, why are you doing this to me?"

"Of course I want to avenge my grandparents. They are the only two who are good to me. You killed them."

When Xu Zhaodi wanted to say something else, her eyes became dull.

Shen Xinrou looked at the policeman beside her and said, "You can ask."

"What happened to Shen Dazhu and his wife?"

Xu Zhaodi had a slight struggle on her face, but she quickly gave up her resistance and began to answer the police's questions.

"Shen Dazhu knew that I broke my shoes. Although he was threatened and did not dare to tell me, I was worried that one day he would suddenly ruin my reputation." Xu Zhaodi said numbly.

"How did you kill him."

"When it was just me and him at home, I gave him rat poison."

"What about your mother-in-law?" the policeman continued to ask.

But Shen Daqiang beside him could no longer listen.

I never thought that Xu Zhaodi would kill her father in such a way. (End of chapter)

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