At that time, he foolishly thought that his father had really eaten something by mistake to become like this.

"I accidentally killed her with scissors. In order to prevent me from being discovered, I made her commit suicide. With the help of people around me, this old thing died just like that." Xu Zhaodi said incoherently.

But Shen Xinrou and the others also understood.

There were others helping Xu Zhaodi, otherwise Xu Zhaodi would not have gotten rid of them so easily.

Things have become very clear at this point.

Who knew that Shen Daqiang's parents were killed by Xu Zhaodi.

"Who is helping you?"

"She's dead."

"How did you die?"

"I poisoned people to death with food laced with rat poison."

The people on the side looked at Xu Zhaodi in shock.

I never expected that this man, who looked so soft and weak, actually killed three people.

After asking about the matter, Xu Zhaodi finally came to her senses.

After waking up, Xu Zhaodi remembered what she had said, and her expression suddenly changed.

Seeing Shen Daqiang's red eyes, Xu Zhaodi quickly explained: "Daqiang is not like this. These words are not what I want to say, it is them..."

The policeman on the side snorted and said, "We use this medicine ourselves to deal with some rats."

It's said to be a mouse, but everyone around knows what it means.

They are all spies for other people.

"These people have no problem using it, let alone you, an ordinary person." The policeman snorted coldly.

Xu Zhaodi fell to the ground in embarrassment, looking at the people around her with a pale face.

"Xu Zhaodi, you killed three people, and now you are arrested." The policeman looked at Xu Zhaodi coldly and said.

Xu Zhaodi kept struggling: "I didn't, it's them who deserve to die."

The people on the side pointed at Xu Zhaodi: "This woman is so vicious, and she still says such things now."

"I told you everything, and you still want to quibble."

Xu Zhaodi broke away, rushed to Shen Daqiang, reached out and grabbed Shen Daqiang's clothes: "Daqiang, I know I was wrong, please forgive me."

Seeing Xu Zhaodi like this, Shen Daqiang kicked him away: "When you killed my parents, why didn't you think about sparing them?"

If it weren't for Xu Zhaodi, his parents would still be alive today.

It was because of Xu Zhaodi that the parents could not see their great-grandson.

Nor could she see Xinrou grow up and get married.

Mom would definitely be happy if she could see Xinrou get married, right?
Chen Shuo walked out and looked at several police officers and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you about today's matter."

"No trouble, this is what we should do. Let's take her back first."

"it is good."

After sending the police away, there was no lively scene in the crowd nearby so we could continue to watch, so we left.

Shen Daqiang followed Shen Xinrou and the others home.

When he got home, Shen Daqiang looked at Shen Xinrou and said, "Xinrou, whenever you have time, go back and visit your grandparents."

"Okay, let's go back at the end of this year."

"It's up to you." Shen Daqiang said happily.

After Xu Zhaodi was arrested, Shen Xinrou secretly went to where she lived and found thousands of dollars there.Looking at the money in the box, Shen Xinrou sneered: "Xu Zhaodi is really awesome, she actually has so much money hidden away."

Some were taken away by Shen Yue before, but now there are still so many.

It seems that both the Gong family and Zhang Shanshan have given a lot.

Shen Xinrou took all the money back after leaving three or four hundred yuan.

Putting the money in front of Shen Daqiang, Shen Daqiang was a little surprised: "Xinrou, why did you give me so much money?"

"This belongs to Xu Zhaodi. You can keep this money as compensation for her grandparents." Shen Xinrou looked at Shen Daqiang and said.

Shen Xinrou felt a little uncomfortable about Shen Daqiang.

Shen Daqiang smiled and shook his head: "You should keep Xinrou for yourself. After all, you need to spend money to live here. I don't have to worry about anything with your brother. I will just help them take care of the children."

"Just keep it, I'm not short of money." Shen Xinrou shook her head and said.

Shen Daqiang couldn't resist Shen Xinrou, so he thought for a while and divided the money into two parts: "You and your brother will each get half of this money. Don't refuse. I have nothing to give you."

Looking at Shen Xinrou, he felt regretful.

It would have been better if she hadn't hurt Shen Xinrou like this.

It's a pity that it is useless to say this now.

"I'm sorry, it was all my fault at that time." Shen Daqiang looked at Shen Xinrou and said guiltily.

Listening to Shen Daqiang's apology again, Shen Xinrou smiled and shook her head: "You don't have to apologize to me like this. Everything has passed. Let's just live our lives now."

Shen Daqiang felt a little complicated in his heart, so he sighed and said nothing more.

When the results from Xu Zhaodi's side came out, he planned to go back.

"Chen Shuo, please take care of Xinrou from now on." Shen Daqiang looked at Chen Shuo beside him and said.

"Whether Xinrou forgives me or his brother, he and I are Xinrou's backers." Shen Daqiang looked at Chen Shuo seriously and said.

Shen Xinrou was alone here, and even with Shouhou and the others protecting him, he was still worried.

Chen Shuo wasn't angry either. He could see that Shen Daqiang really regretted it this time.

There is no point in regretting it just now.

"I know."

Shen Xinrou frowned and looked at Shen Daqiang: "Chen Shuo is very good to me, you don't have to worry."

Shen Daqiang smiled and nodded: "I know that he is good to you, and I also know that I am not qualified to say such things, but I still want to tell you that no matter when, you can call us if you have anything."

Shen Xinrou sighed softly and looked at Shen Daqiang with complicated eyes: "I understand."

"That's it, I'm going to rest first."

After Shen Daqiang left, Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo beside her: "Don't listen to him."

"Actually, what he said is right. He has you as his daughter in his heart, and he probably regrets it." Chen Shuo explained helplessly.

Hearing this, Shen Xinrou laughed sarcastically: "I know, but you understand, now they know that regret is useless, the person who needs them to apologize is no longer there."

She is not her original self, and she does not have the ability to forgive anyone.

Chen Shuo smiled and nodded: "You're right, it's fine just like this. There's no need to do anything else."

Shen Xinrou nodded in agreement: "You're right, I'm living a good life now and I don't need them to help me."

When the original body needed their favor, they would only do things that hurt the original body. Now that the original body is completely gone, they actually regret it.

Reaching out to hug Shen Xinrou, Chen Shuo lowered his head and kissed her on the face: "You still have me, and Shouhou and the others." (End of Chapter)

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