Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 176 Transfer student

Chapter 176 Transfer student
Jiang Rufei left No. [-] Middle School after finishing his business.

There was slight disappointment in his eyes, and Bai Erjing was not seen.

He even wondered if Tang Yan had deliberately hidden his little girl from him.

In fact, he could also visit the Bai family, but because of some conflicts with the second uncle of the Bai family, it was not good to visit like this.

It's better to take it slow.

Jiang Rufei's expression seemed to Tang Yan's eyes that the Jiang family's dandy seemed to be getting deeper and deeper into trouble, which was a bit interesting.

Tang Yan took the transfer information and walked to the classroom, and met Yang Xiangfeng again on the way.

The scumbag blocked her way and said in a bitter tone: "I heard that you are going to transfer schools? Or go to a technical school? Oh, why is it that the high branch you climbed to doesn't want you, or have you offended some big shot and are running away?"

He said that with this woman's character, something would happen sooner or later.

This is indeed the case now.

No. [-] Middle School is one of the best schools in the capital, while Lantian Technical School is one of the schools with the worst ethos in the capital.

I have only heard of transferring from a bad school to a good school, but I have never heard of transferring from a good school to a poor school.

Therefore, he was sure that something had probably happened to this woman.

Tang Yan just looked at him contemptuously, then took a few steps to the side and was about to leave.

Yang Xiangfeng stretched out his hand to pull her, but Tang Yan dodged it.

"Since your supporter no longer wants you, then come with me. I don't care about the past. We will live well in the future."

Tang Yan only expressed two words in his eyes when he looked over: sick.

"If you keep pestering me, believe it or not, I'll beat you until even your mother can't recognize you." Tang Yan left after saying that.

Yang Xiangfeng didn't stop her anymore. He was not in a hurry. Anyway, this woman had no backer now, so she would not be at his mercy in the future.

And he knew very well that her relationship with the Tang family was like fire and water, so it was impossible for the Tang family to defend her.

Yang Xiangfeng looked at the direction where Tang Yan's back disappeared and made a phone call: "Help me check the information about Lantian Technical School."

"Yes, master."...

The next day, Tang Yan went to Lantian Technical School to report. She majored in computer network.

Blue Sky Technical School is a well-known old technical school in Beijing. Of course, what it is most famous for now is not its seniority, but that almost all of its students are troubled teenagers.

After Tang Yan followed the class teacher into the classroom, the noisy classroom suddenly became quiet.

The head teacher looked at the audience: "I want to tell you some good news. Our family members have increased again."

After a moment of silence, the classroom burst into laughter.

"Haha, Niu Laoban, the cats and dogs who came here are worthy of being our family members? Are you smart?"

"Young lady looks pretty. If you act coquettishly and act cute, maybe I will recognize her."

"Admit it, the word "sex" has a knife in your head. You idiot, have you ever heard of femme fatale? You don't know how you will die by then."

"Let's do this, sister, you perform a stunt, and if more than half of our class is satisfied, we will recognize you."


It seems that this class has a strong sense of territoriality and will not easily accept outsiders.

Mr. Niu patted the desk: "What nonsense are you talking about? Why don't you pretend to be nice when we meet for the first time? By the way, classmate, what's your name? Please introduce yourself first."

Tang Yan: "!!!" There are any kind of class teachers, which are all weird.

The girl spoke very calmly, not loudly, but everyone in the classroom could hear her.

The voice is nice and has a unique laziness to it.

"Tang Yan, 17 years old, special, chest broken."

 Thank you Manzhushahua, porridge baby for the reward~'Mom

(End of this chapter)

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