Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 177 Blue Sky School Bully

Chapter 177 Blue Sky School Bully
After Tang Yan's introduction, there was a moment of silence in the classroom, and then they began to whisper.

"What the hell, what did she just say her specialty is? I didn't have any auditory hallucinations, did I?"

"The crushing of stones in the chest is not an auditory hallucination, we all heard it."

"Awesome, I always feel like there's another magical creature in our class."

"Bah, Shen Nima's chest is broken. Look at her gentle and quiet look, and she doesn't look like she can perform jugglery. She must have said this on purpose to attract everyone's attention."

"Yes, I think so too. I always feel that this transfer student is a bit scheming. And if you look at her appearance, she looks like a standard white lotus flower."

"I'd like to interrupt, I think it's not the white lotus look, but the vixen look. White lotuses are all soft and weak, and they are not as beautiful as her. Her beauty is too aggressive. "


The students in this class found this self-introduction a bit novel.

Some people have a good impression of Tang Yan, while others think she is insincere and are a little disgusted.

But no matter what the situation was, she, a transfer student, left a deep impression on Computer Class Three.

At this time, the little girl playing games in the corner of the last row slowly raised her head.

Her facial features were exquisite, and her face had baby fat unique to her age. When her eyes fell on Tang Yan's face, her eyelashes fluttered like a fan, and the light in her eyes was surprising and stunning.

"Quiet." As soon as the little girl finished speaking, the classroom was completely silent, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Tang Yan looked over and saw a beautiful girl about seven years old in the corner, blinking at her with big watery eyes.

It looks like a little white rabbit, harmless to humans and animals, soft and cute.

Are there actually such young students in a technical school?This is not normal.

And this little girl seems to be particularly intimidating in this class.

Her true personality is definitely not what she appears on the surface, maybe she is a dark little lolita.

The little girl put down the mobile phone in her hand, stood up, and then walked towards Tang Yan step by step.

Then, he rubbed his hands and looked a little embarrassed: "So, sister Yanyan, can Xiaoyu hold your hand?"

She recognized it, and the sound was unforgettable to her. It was the young lady who came to her to buy jade that night.

Wow, the little sister is interesting, has a nice voice, and looks so pretty. She loves her more than her brother.

The muttering in the classroom started again.

"Damn it, brother, pinch me, the little jade devil actually takes the initiative to show kindness to humans? Doesn't she hate humans the most?"

"Perhaps she just hates ugly humans, with the exception of good-looking ones."

"Uh, this is heartbreaking. No, wasn't there a super beauty from the entertainment industry who came to our school to shoot a movie last month?
Just because she said a few words that all the students in our school are worthless, Little Devil Jade slapped her twice and made her apologize on Weibo for half a month before the incident was over.

They are both beautiful women, but the difference in treatment is too obvious. I don't think it should be because of their appearance. "

"Brothers, there is still a possibility that this is the little devil Jade's new way of teasing people. Anyway, we still need to wait and see. Don't be fooled by her so easily. She can't be the school bully of our Lantian Technical School. There’s no reason.”


(End of this chapter)

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