Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 205 The Dog Outside

Chapter 205 The Dog Outside
Yuyao laughed happily: "Sister Bai has also heard of Yaoyao's name. Yaoyao is very happy."

Of course I have heard of it, but none of it is good news. He either beat someone up or bankrupted someone's family. The title of Jade Little Devil is not for nothing.

Wait, she seems to have heard someone say that the little devil from the Yu family is also a host on a certain platform.

Then she thought of the reward method and live broadcast style of "[-]s divorced with two kids", and she and Jun Erhuo later checked who this "[-]s divorced with two kids" was, but to no avail.

If it was this little jade devil, it would make sense.

"'Divorced at [-] with two children', is it you too?"

Yuyao narrowed her eyes: "Ah, yes, Sister Bai is so smart."

For a seven-year-old little loli to choose a name with such a long history and a story, you are going to go to heaven.

Bai Jingjing's expression fell, and she looked like it was true. She whispered: "Even if you praise me, I won't be happy. There are dogs outside who want to steal my beauty."

Love rival, don't think she has a good face.

Jun Liyan's dog hasn't been wiped away yet, and another demon loli has appeared. It feels like her status in the palace is not guaranteed.

what to do?How can she keep Yan Baobao's heart?How about some more Chinese cabbage?All kinds of Chinese cabbage?
Tang Yan saw something in Bai Jingjing's hair jump for a moment, but it disappeared quickly, and you couldn't find it if you weren't paying attention: "Did you meet someone just now?"

Only then did Bai Jingjing come back to her senses, her expression changed, and she gritted her teeth: "He's not that dude from the Jiang family. When I went out, I found him sneaking around outside my villa, so I went over and scolded him for delaying my visit. Time, otherwise I can get here within 10 minutes."

Tang Yan's expression was clear. It was indeed like this, so there was no need to deal with the thing on her head for the time being, and then she had another plan in her heart.

Hehe, that dude from the Jiang family wants to spy on what Bai Jingjing is doing, so it’s good to let him ask for trouble.

At this time, Jiang Rufei, who was observing Bai Jingjing with the circular light technique, sneezed inexplicably.

He rubbed his nose: "What's going on? Could it be that Tang Zhayan discovered his little magic?"

But the next second he rejected this idea: "Impossible, this is a monitoring technique unique to his master. Tang Zhayan should not be able to detect it with his ability."

It was true that Tang Yan couldn't detect it before, but now that she has begun to practice, her five senses are much sharper than before. It is not difficult to detect the abnormality on Bai Jingjing's body.

Here, Tang Yan briefly explained to Bai Jingjing the purpose of calling her out.

"I'm going to visit my classmate's home. Don't worry, Bao, I'm the best at visiting parents." Bai Jingjing murmured, "What should I give for this home visit?"

Bai Jingjing looked at the sunflower bouquet in Tang Yan's hand, and then at the cabbage in her hand.

After thinking for two seconds, she asked someone to bring her a bamboo basket. She also tied two bows with blue ropes on the two cabbages and put them in the bamboo basket.

"Bao, look, there are flowers and cabbages. This home visit is quite sincere!" Thumbs up for her own wit.

Seeing this, Jiang Rufei bent down and laughed, almost crying. This little girl Bai Erjing is really amazing.

How did the Bai family raise such a living treasure?Really, I really want to grab it.

And she also said that she is best at visiting parents, and she wonders what kind of interesting scene it will be to meet her parents-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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