Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 206 Going to Yao Shen’s House

Chapter 206 Going to Yao Shen’s House
Yuyao felt that you were so sincere. The flowers pulled from the school flower bed and the two cabbages picked from the vegetable garden were gifts like this for the first time.

Quite, quite interesting.

Sure enough, the pretty lady is surrounded by magical creatures.

Bai Jingjing: "..." You little devil doesn't seem to have the qualifications to talk about others.

Tang Yan and the others found Shi Yao's home according to the address given by Niu Laoban.

An old-fashioned bungalow in a civilian area of ​​​​the capital has no security guard, no property, and is very chaotic with people coming and going.

Tang Yan looked around. There was no look of disgust on the faces of Bai Jingjing and Yu Yao. Their character could be seen in the subtleties. They were two very nice little girls.

Shi Yao's home is located on the ground floor of a bungalow. It's fine in summer, but it should be quite humid in winter. Just standing in a place where the sun doesn't shine can feel the slightest bit of cold air soaking into the skin.

Tang Yan knocked on the door.

"Xiao Yao, you forgot to bring your keys again." A very gentle female voice responded.

The door was opened, revealing a middle-aged woman with a delicate appearance. She had a few fine lines at the corners of her eyes and her face was a little pale. She looked like she had not recovered from a long illness.

There was wind blowing out of the room, carrying a faint scent of traditional Chinese medicine. It can be guessed that the hostess of this house may have the habit of taking medicine for a long time.

The middle-aged woman paused: "Little girl, who are you looking for?"

Tang Yan saluted and replied politely: "Auntie, we are Shi Yao's classmates. He hasn't come to school for several days. Everyone is worried about his condition, so the head teacher asked us to come and take a look on behalf of the whole class. ."

Shi Yao didn't have many friends other than his teammates in the team. This was the first time a classmate came to visit him. They were two pretty female classmates and a cute little sister.

Shi's mother was very surprised, but she didn't doubt it and happily invited them into the house.The house is not big, with two bedrooms and one living room, but it is well organized, clean and tidy. It is a small home that makes people feel warm.

Tang Yan noticed a sunflower mural hanging on the wall of the living room.

On the other side, Bai Jingjing handed the sunflower bouquet and cabbage basket to Shi's mother with a smile: "Mama Shi, this is a little thought from the classmates. I hope you don't dislike it."

Normally at times like this, being polite would look fake. Mother Shi is also a person with a cheerful personality.

She took the flowers and the basket with a beautiful smile: "How can you dislike it? My favorite flower is the sunflower. Flowers that grow towards the sun make people feel full of life no matter what time they are."

There was envy in his tone, and a touch of sadness.

Tang Yan half-closed her eyes. Shi's mother's favorite flower was sunflowers. That old man Niu also hinted at her to pull out the flowers in the flower bed, but there were no other flowers except sunflowers in the flower bed.

Is this really just a coincidence?
Mother Shi looked at the Chinese cabbage in the basket again, hiding her emotions: "This cabbage is also my favorite vegetable. It looks really tender. You can't buy such energetic cabbage in the market."

Bai Jingjing seemed to have met a close friend, holding Shi's mother's hand: "Really? I raised this cabbage myself. I grew several kinds of cabbage in my vegetable garden. By the way, I also wrote a cabbage diary. I record the growth of Chinese cabbage every day."

In this era, there are not many urban girls who can grow vegetables. The more Shi’s mother looks at Bai Jingjing, the more she likes her: “My dear girl, you are really virtuous.”

In a villa in the capital, Jiang Rufei put down the dagger he was cleaning and stood up from his chair: "Fuck, Xian Hui's sister."

What does this aunt mean?Did he fall in love with his Bai Erjing?No, Bai Erjing belongs to him.

(End of this chapter)

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