Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 207 The Model Family

Chapter 207 The Model Family
Bai Jingjing is a girl who is very friendly when she is not messing around. She is beautiful, fair and tender, and very festive. She is the one that is very popular among the elders.

Mother Shi took her and talked a lot, even a lot of private things.

For example, Shi’s mother is in poor health and needs medication throughout the year, and her illness is very expensive.

Due to physical reasons, she was unable to go out to work. Her husband's salary alone could not support the family, so Shi Yao started working outside very early to earn money to support the family.

Things got better at home after Shi Yao became famous in a professional team and received some endorsements, and the union also gave him a salary increase.

It's not even because of love that Shi Yao went to work professionally. It was a very practical reason. He just needed money urgently.

Tang Yan stood up and looked at the family photos placed on the low cabinet. The three members of the family were smiling broadly, and it was obvious that the family had a good relationship.

The hardships of life did not leave any trace of sadness on their faces.

Next to the family portrait is a small framed certificate of commendation for being a model family in the community.

So, what is Shi Yao’s dream?How much money is it?Or do you hope to make Shi’s mother’s illness better?Or something else?
Judging from the information collected so far, I always feel that things will not be that simple.

Tang Yan put down the certificate in his hand, turned around and asked, "Mama Shi, we haven't seen Shi Yao until now. Where has he gone?"

Shi's mother patted her head in frustration: "Look, as you get older, you have a bad memory. So busy talking, you forgot to tell you that Xiao Yao went out to buy groceries and will be back soon, just before noon. Now, can you just stay and have lunch?"

Jiang, the onlookers, Rufei: "..."

Haha, bad memory?I think you just fell in love with my Bai Erjing, so you forgot about everything else.

It seems that if he doesn't do something, his position will be in danger. Others will also take a look at the treasure he likes.

For fear of being rejected, Shi's mother added: "My Xiaoyao's cooking skills are very good. He is no worse than the chefs in hotels outside. He once helped in the kitchen of the hotel."

Before seeing Shi Yao, Tang Yan had no intention of leaving: "Okay, then we won't bother you."

"Don't disturb, don't disturb, our house hasn't been this lively in a long time."

After Tang Yan finished speaking, he winked at Bai Jingjing and asked her to continue with the usual information. The topic was all centered on Shi Yao.

This gave Shi's mother an illusion. The little girl Bai Jingjing was probably interested in her Xiao Yao, otherwise she wouldn't ask so many questions.

If this was the case, she would be happy to see it come to fruition. This little girl has a good appearance and a good personality. With her by her side in the future, Xiao Yao will not be alone, and she can leave with peace of mind.

As if a big problem in her heart had been resolved, Shi's mother felt relaxed and looked a little better.

Not long after, Shi Yao returned home carrying vegetables in one hand and fish in the other. He looked at Tang Yan and was stunned: "Why are you here?"

Sure enough, she had a purpose for approaching him. Of course, he didn't think it was admiration. When she looked at him, there was only inquiry in her eyes and no emotion.

"What are you talking about? Your classmates care about you, so Bai and the others came to your home to offer condolences on behalf of the whole class."

Shi's mother took the vegetables and fish from Shi Yao's hands, winked at him again, as if to hint something, and then went to the kitchen to put things away.

(End of this chapter)

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