Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 228 The Devil's Passage

Chapter 228 The Devil's Passage
"No." Tang Yan immediately stretched out her hand to stop him, but she was still a step slower.

A black hole suddenly appeared in the sky above the music classroom and sucked Wang Na into it.

Moreover, the black hole is still eating away at everything around it, and has a tendency to expand more and more.

The wind blowing from the black hole was so violent that it blew out all the candles in the room.

The room was dark, and only the street lights outside the teaching building could vaguely make out the blurry scenes inside the house.

Chou Chou exclaimed: "No, Zha Yan, what is this?"

It's dangerous, but why does it feel familiar?

The next second, Chou Chou recalled: "This is the passage, the passage to the devil world."

"Yes." Tang Yan immediately picked up the Demon-Breaking Bow with his right hand, and the expression on his face was more serious than ever before: "I think I probably know why accidents happen more frequently in Lantian Technical School than in other places."

"I'll go, Zha Zhayan, look." The ugly little boy pointed into the black hole with his short hand: "There seems to be a whirlpool in the black hole, and the whirlpool seems to be spinning faster and faster. Is there something coming from inside? Climb out?"

Obviously, something must be crawling out of it.

The Demon Realm Passage, as the name suggests, is a passage connecting the Demon Realm. Those who can climb out must be monsters from the Demon Realm.

Tang Yan held up the Demon-Breaking Bow and pulled the string. A golden Demon-Breaking Arrow immediately appeared on it. She aimed at the center of the black hole and shot the arrow out.


At the same time, screams came from the black hole, which seemed extremely eerie and strange in this silent night.

Tang Yan shot more than a dozen arrows in succession, but in the end he could no longer form the Demon-Breaking Arrow.

Her arrows are not unlimited in use, but she can use as many arrows as she has merit.

Chou Chou was a little panicked, and he grabbed Tang Yan's hair with his short hand and said hard: "It's over, it's over, the arrows are used up, the things in the passage are about to crawl out, Zha Zhayan, what should I do if it's swollen?" "Heh." Tang Yan lifted Chou Chou from his hair and said: "It's simple. You are also the spirit of the Xuanzhu, a sacred object in the demon world. I use you to block this passage. I believe you have such ability."

Chou Chou panicked, what?Are you going to start selling teammates now?

It was too bad for him. He hadn't married yet, and his little things hadn't been settled yet. He didn't expect that he would die young.

Heaven, earth, he wanted to cry, but unfortunately there was only a pile of cotton in his body, so he couldn't cry.

"Very good, Chou Chou, it's up to you." After Tang Yan said that, he threw Chou Chou out of the music classroom window.

"Ahhhh... the baby is dead, the baby is going to die." Chou Chou screamed and got up from the grass.

Wait, this is not the right direction, isn't it meant to use him to block the passage to the devil's world?Why were you thrown out again?

What on earth does Zha Zhayan want to do?

Chou Chou had a bad premonition in her heart, so she ran towards the abandoned teaching building on her short legs, feeling like a gust of wind.

The wind blew up his pink floral skirt and two big braids, and the scene was a bit eye-catching.

"Ah, Zha Zhayan, don't do anything stupid."

Before Chou Chou stepped into the abandoned teaching building, he heard a loud "bang" sound. The entire abandoned teaching building collapsed from the bottom like a big earthquake, until it became a ruin.

Chou Chou pushed away the two bricks on his head and climbed up. He looked around but did not see Tang Yan.

Then he turned around and climbed up to the ruins and started to pull away the waste bricks. His voice seemed to be crying: "Ah ah ah, Zha Zhayan, what the hell did you do? Don't let anything happen to you. If something happens, I don’t want to live anymore, Tongzi, wuwuwu..."

(End of this chapter)

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