Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 229 Shoot yourself to death

Chapter 229 Shoot yourself to death
Chou Chou dragged himself on the ruins for a long time, but couldn't pull Tang Yan out.

In the end, he sat feebly on the ruins and cried for a long time. Then his short hand touched a brick next to him and picked it up. He looked at it again and again: "It's too small. Find a bigger one."

Then, he threw away the brick in his hand and pulled out a larger one. He was finally a little satisfied: "Well, not bad, such a big brick should be able to kill myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, he hit his head with a brick. It had no effect. He hit it a few times harder, but it still had no effect.

He threw the bricks aside, lay down on the ruins, and began to cry sadly: "Uuuuuu, Zhazhayan, Tongzi, I can't even go down to accompany you. What if you are bullied down there? ah?"

"No, you're such a scumbag, you can't be bullied by others. If you bully someone and no one will hand you a knife, won't you be lonely?"

After saying that, he cursed and sat up again: "Haha, how could you be lonely? There will definitely be other dogs down there to hand you knives, and you will still live a careless life without even thinking about me. , maybe you will forget me soon."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuakntupuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu you have no conscience." Chou Chou angrily kicked away the bricks at his feet: "Why do you want to leave me alone? Didn’t you agree that I will follow you wherever you go?" I will always be the most beautiful boy in your heart."

"I never said that." A cold voice suddenly came from behind Chou Chou.

Tang Yan bent down and picked up the ugly doll, with a look of disgust on his face: "Didn't you say you are a real man? Why are you crying? And the whole body is gray and gray. It's so ugly."

Chou Chou was stunned for two seconds, then realized what he was doing, raised his hand and slapped Tang Yan on the face.

Tang Yan grabbed his short hand and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

The next second, Chou Chou screamed and stretched out his hands to hug Tang Yan's neck: "You actually escaped my dreamy right hand. You are really a scumbag. Yan is a scumbag. That's great. It turns out you're okay." Ah, then why did you lie to me, you bad guy."

If you had shown up so early, I might not have seen the big show you performed.

Tang Yan hugged Chou Chou and walked down from the ruins while explaining patiently: "The situation was urgent just now and all the demon-breaking arrows have been used up. The passage to the demon world must be destroyed, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. You are originally a weapon of the demon world's sacred objects." Ling, I didn’t know if the process of blocking the passage would affect you, so I threw you out.”

Chou Chou turned his head and looked to the side, so the collapse of this abandoned teaching building was the result of destroying the passage to the demon world?
"Is the passage to the demon world destroyed?" Chou Chou asked worriedly.

"Well, I blew it up. This passage should be unusable."

Only then did Chou Chou notice that Tang Yan's face was very pale and tired, and his voice was not as energetic as before.

His hands holding Tang Yan's neck tightened nervously: "You, how did you blow up the passage? How did you become like this?"

It felt like all the energy and blood in my body had been drained out.

Tang Yan didn't intend to hide it: "It's nothing, I just lost a dozen Sky Thunder Talismans."

"What do you mean it's nothing?" Chou Chou was so excited that his voice was a bit sharp: "You haven't practiced much on this body at all. You have also forcibly drawn more than a dozen Sky Thunder Talismans. You simply can't control such a powerful force. If it is counterattacked, what to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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