Chapter 230 Cloaked Corpse
Chou Chou suddenly reacted to something: "You have been attacked, right? Otherwise, it would be impossible to look so weak. Are you okay? Are you okay?"

Although she knew that he was caring about her, Tang Yan still felt a little pain in his head.

"Ah." Chou Chou looked around in a bluffing manner: "Zha Zhayan, there was so much noise here just now, someone is bound to come. Let's find a place to hide as soon as possible."

If ordinary people heard such a big noise and came to watch the excitement, it would be fine. They were just afraid of meeting someone with ill intentions and taking advantage of others' danger.

If he really encounters a powerful opponent, he won't be able to protect Zha Zhayan now.

Tang Yan rubbed Chou Chou's brain: "I informed Guo Jiang Rufei before I came to accept the appointment. People from the Seventh Bureau have already sealed off this area, so it is impossible for ordinary people to appear here."

In fact, from the moment she stepped into Lantian Technical School, she was already surrounded by people from the Seventh Bureau.

And she wasn't so stupid as to come to this obviously problematic appointment without any preparation.

However, Tang Yan's eyes darkened slightly, it was a pity for the girl named Wang Na.

Chou Chou reacted: "Who discussed with you who came here? What I'm saying now is that this place is unsafe, very unsafe."

Besides, you all know that the people here are not ordinary people, so why don’t you leave quickly?

"It may be too late." Tang Yan turned sideways, and not far away stood a man covered in a black cloak. His face could not be seen with his hat on.

And his whole body smelled like dead bodies.

Chou Chou's heart skipped a beat: "Zha Zhayan, you go first, I can hold him back."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black cloak moved and rushed towards Tang Yan very quickly. At the same time, he waved two long whips from his wide sleeves, like living rattan.

Tang Yan hugged Chou Chou and jumped to the side, avoiding the attack of the black cloak. Chou Chou nervously grabbed her hair: "What is this? A rattan demon?"

"It doesn't look like it." Tang Yan's face became increasingly pale, and his posture to avoid attacks became more and more difficult.

Chou Chou was very anxious. He wanted to rush over and fight with the black cloak, but Tang Yan held him tightly and he couldn't get away at all.

He struggled too hard and was afraid that it would affect Tang Yan's ability to avoid the attack, so he could only hold Tang Yan's neck with one hand.

Dodging and hiding, Tang Yan was blocked in the corner by the black cloak, who walked towards her step by step waving a cane, intending to launch the final blow.

Suddenly, in the midst of lightning and flint, a demon-breaking bow appeared in Tang Yan's hand. He pulled the bowstring, and a demon-breaking arrow accurately hit the heart of the black cloak.

"Ah..." The black cloak let out a shrill wail, and then fell to the ground.

Everything happened so suddenly that Chou Chou's mind couldn't wrap his head around it: "Zha Zhayan, haven't you already used up the magic-breaking arrows? Why do you still have them?"

"Cunning rabbit has three holes, do you understand? How could I not save a hand?" Tang Yan looked down at the black cloak with a thoughtful expression in his eyebrows.

She seemed to have heard the scream just now, and she had a bad premonition.

Chou Chou muttered: "You scumbag, you made me worry in vain."

Thinking about it, she is like this in the Tianshi system. She seems adventurous, but in fact she is cautious and considers everything very carefully.

"Ah." Chou Chou reacted a moment too late and was startled: "That scream just now was a female voice, right? There was actually a woman in the black cloak, and I seem to have heard this voice somewhere."

(End of this chapter)

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