Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 231: Transforming people

Chapter 231: Transforming people

Tang Yan walked up to the black cloak and used the Demon-Breaking Bow to lift off her cloak, revealing a face that was too rotten to be recognized.

Chou Chou covered his eyes with one hand: "Dear me, this is too scary. What on earth is this?"

"I think I already know who she is." Tang Yan's face looked ugly.

After returning to reality, it was the first time that Chou Chou saw her expression look so scary. In the Celestial Master system, she would only act like this when she was angry.

"Zhazhayan, calm down, calm down, you know you can't get angry casually now." A very worried tone.

When she gets angry, the hostility in her body is easily triggered, and too much hostility can affect her mind. If she becomes a demon, this will be troublesome.

It was luck that I was able to suppress the attack last time, but it is impossible for people to be so lucky every time.

Tang Yan called Jiang Rufei and said directly without any nonsense, "Come here, we have made an important discovery."

In less than 3 minutes, Jiang Rufei arrived at the scene with people.

After looking at Tang Yan, except for his pale face, there seemed to be nothing serious. He subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Their people have been waiting outside. Tang Yan said that they don't have to come if she doesn't call, and she doesn't like others to interfere with her work.

In fact, Jiang Rufei is also like this. He doesn't like to explain when doing things, and if there are people around, if he doesn't cooperate well or doesn't trust him enough, he can easily be held back.

Therefore, even though the crashing sound just now made him worried, he refrained from taking any action.

Nothing can happen to this girl now. If something happens to her, he won't be able to explain it to Er Jing. Probably in Er Jing's heart, this girl is much more important than him.

Although I don't want to admit this heartbreaking fact, the reality is so cruel.

After confirming that Tang Yan was fine, Jiang Rufei began to notice the surrounding environment, including the collapsed abandoned teaching building and the man in black cloak with rotten face lying on the ground.

"what have you found?"

Tang Yan pointed to the man in black cloak on the ground: "Go and lift her cloak."

Jiang Rufei did as he was told, but what he saw when he lifted his cloak made even a grown man like him feel a little disgusted.

A woman wearing a cheongsam with a rotten face, a hole in her chest, her hands are not hands, but two twisting canes, and her legs are not human legs, they look like leopards of two legs.

"Fuck, what is this?"

"Transforming people." Tang Yan explained: "Sewing the powerful parts of the demon's body with the human body can make the person stronger."

"Who would do such a crazy thing?" Jiang Rufei said and then changed his mind: "No, it shouldn't be someone. It might not be a human. What kind of dog could actually do such a crazy thing?"

Tang Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and shook his head: "The other party seems to be still exploring. The one you see is probably just a test object, and it has not exerted the full power of the demon body."

Jiang Rufei was silent for a few seconds and then said: "I always feel that there is a huge conspiracy behind some of the things that have happened recently."

Tang Yan also agreed with Jiang Rufei's point of view. Ever since her grandfather disappeared, everything seemed to be unusual, but there was too little information to analyze it.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge." Jiang Rufei pointed to the woman on the ground: "The top priority is to find out the identity of this woman and see if her family can provide any clues."

(End of this chapter)

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