Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 232 Dui Hong’s Ending

Chapter 232 Dui Hong’s Ending
"She probably has no family anymore." Tang Yan said with regret in her tone.

Hearing that there was something behind her words, Jiang Rufei asked with a deep look, "Do you know her?"

"You know it too."

"Do I know him too?" Jiang Rufei looked at the rotten man on the ground again and thought about it seriously. The blue cheongsam and the elegant jade hairpin.

An answer emerged in his mind, which was a bit incredible: "Is she the missing Liu Muhong?"

Tang Yan nodded affirmatively.

"Fuck." Jiang Rufei kicked a stone away from the ground angrily.

In fact, he sympathized with the woman a little. Although she took the wrong path, it was more or less sad to end up like this.

"Why did she become like this?" If it was really her, then it would be normal to attack Tang Yan. After all, she probably blamed Tang Yan for Song Li's death.

Tang Yan clenched her fingers into fists, then slowly loosened them, and expressed her reasoning: "Maybe it was done by the group who told her about Song Li's accident. Maybe they promised to help her get revenge, but she has to pay accordingly." There is a price, and she should be the price she has to pay for becoming like this."

For an ordinary, unarmed woman to kill three people unknowingly, it would be impossible without someone helping her behind the scenes.

Jiang Rufei took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and returned to his usual careless and dandy manner: "Who are those mice hiding behind the scenes? Sister Tang, the major discovery you mentioned should be more than just Referring to Liu Muhong, right?"

In fact, he was more curious about how the abandoned teaching building collapsed, but his attention was diverted by the reformer earlier.

"Yes." Tang Yan pointed to the ruins not far away: "There is a demon passage in this teaching building. In order to destroy the passage, I accidentally collapsed the building."

Jiang Rufei didn't ask how Tang Yan destroyed the passage. Anyway, he knew that there were many things about this girl that he couldn't explain. He just needed to make sure that she had no ill intentions, and there was no need to dig deeper into the rest.

Tang Yan continued: "You also know that places with demonic passages will be very different from the surroundings, so the aura of the entire Lantian Technical School will gradually become distorted.

After working and studying here for a long time, any dark side in my heart will be infinitely magnified, so this place is more likely to cause trouble than other places. "

Just like Wang Na, even if she doesn't want to go to extremes, there will be a voice in her heart that keeps tempting her, making her make mistakes step by step until she can no longer look back.

Humans are actually very fragile creatures and are easily affected by the environment.

Jiang Rufei thought about it and understood what Tang Yan meant: "Tell me, did the low-level demon with eyes like we saw before run out of this passage?"

"We do not rule out this possibility, but the information we know is still too little, and the enemy is hidden and we are clear, so we can only take one step at a time."

Jiang Rufei raised his head and looked at the night sky without a single dark cloud, only the bright full moon: "It seems like the storm is about to come in this capital."

He then looked at Tang Yan's face, which was too pale and lifeless: "You are not in a good condition. You should go back and rest early. Leave the aftermath to me. I will report the situation here in detail to my superiors. If possible, we will apply for additional manpower.”

"That's your business, you don't have to tell me." After Tang Yan said that, he turned around and left the scene.

Jiang Rufei looked at Tang Yan's disappearing back and squinted his eyes. This girl must not be an ordinary person. What is her hidden identity?

(End of this chapter)

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