Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 233 Washing the ugly doll

Chapter 233 Washing the ugly doll
That is a passage to the demon world. Can it be destroyed easily?
Even in the Seventh Bureau of General Affairs, he felt that to destroy a demon world passage, more than a dozen monks must join forces. Now she can destroy this passage alone?

What a monster.

In the end, Jiang Rufei only came to one conclusion: Tang Yan could only be a friend, not an enemy.

After Tang Yan returned home, she took a personal leave from Niu Laoban and slept at home for a full day and night before waking up.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Chou Chou's funny round face that was enlarged and dirty. It was a bit hard to describe.

Tang Yan sat up: "What are you doing?"

Chou Chou jumped onto the bed in an instant, put one hand on Tang Yan's shoulder, and patted his small chest with the other hand: "I'm scared to death, baby. You've been sleeping all day and all night. I don't want to go back to sleep anymore." Call 120."

Tang Yan's face was really ugly when she first arrived home. In order to blow up the passage to the demon world, she forcibly drew the Thunder Talisman, and the backlash must have been severe.

After arriving home, she washed up, practiced the basic skills in the "Book of Chaos" a few more times, and then fell asleep.

One day and one night, she really slept for too long, and it was normal for Chou Chou to worry about her.

I just saw that she was sleeping so soundly and didn't want to wake her up, so I squatted next to her and watched her sleep without moving.

Fortunately, Tang Yan's face looked much better now, and he could already see some blood. Chou Chou's worried heart was finally relieved.

Tang Yan opened the quilt and walked to the bathroom with Chou Chou.

"Zhazhayan, what do you want to do?"

Tang Yan put him in front of the mirror: "Look, you are too dirty. Let me wash it for you."

Wash?Is it that kind of washing?Put on shower gel and get yourself wet?Although he is just a pile of cotton inside and feels nothing, he still feels emotionally uncomfortable.

Chou Chou exclaimed: "You want to soak me with water?"

Why does this sound weird.

"If you don't want to, I won't wash it." Tang Yan added: "You can choose to be thrown into the washing machine. Don't worry. For the sake of our friendship, I won't pour washing powder, but will pour you fragrant shower gel. And it also turns on the gentle washing mode for you.”

Chou Chou thought about the scene of entering the washing machine. This scumbag, it’s a shame he was so worried about him before. After all, his love was wrongly paid, right?

"Don't get into the washing machine." Chou Chou quickly jumped into the tub, lay down in it, crossed his legs and said, "Just wash it like this, Zha Zhayan, come and give me a massage."

Originally, she wanted to throw him into the washing machine and hang him on the balcony with a clothes drying pole, but because he was really worried about her this time, Tang Yan didn't do that.

She squatted down, filled the bathtub with water, and washed this extremely ugly doll very seriously.

Seeing that Tang Yan was rarely so talkative, Chou Chou tentatively discussed with her: "Well, Zha Zhayan, tell me something. How about you change my body? Look, this pile of rags is so inconvenient. Ah, it’s also troublesome to wash.

If you give me a young and strong body, I will be able to help you with whatever happens to you, and I don’t have to bother you with washing your hair or taking a shower, don’t you think? "

There was a flattering tone in her voice until the end.

Tang Yan snorted coldly: "Okay, tell me who the person behind you is, and I will help you change your body to a body that satisfies you."

Chou Chou was choked. If he could have told that person, he would have told him earlier, and he wouldn't be like this now.

(End of this chapter)

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