Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 234 The fragrance smells good

Chapter 234 The fragrance smells good
The atmosphere was momentarily awkward. Chou Chou twisted his neck and had no choice but to change the subject: "What, Zha Zhayan, do you think the reformer is really Liu Muhong? Could it be a stand-in or something? In fact, the real person is Liu Muhong. It's possible she's not dead."

After all, the face of the transformed person at that time had been so damaged that his facial features could not be seen clearly. If his appearance could not be identified, his identity could not be [-]% confirmed.

"It's unlikely. Liu Muhong is a woman who is easily unforgettable. When I was in Taoyuan Village, I carefully observed her appearance, including some little habits in her actions.

And that modified person is exactly the same as Liu Muhong in some small details. If it is a fake, it is unlikely that it will be fake to the extent that it is exactly the same. "

After speaking, Tang Yan took another deep breath and sighed: "There is another detail that allows me to confirm that the modified person is Liu Muhong, that is, the modified person looked at me with strong resentment.

So far, apart from the Tang family who hates me so much, there may be only one Liu Muhong. "

Tang Yan's analysis made sense. Chou Chou didn't know how to answer the question, so he remained silent. He was still secretly glad in his heart.

Finally, the topic of "the man behind him" was successfully diverted. He is really a clever little guy.

The corners of Tang Yan's lips curved into a delicate arc, and she continued to wash Chou Chou's body without exposing him, just let him be proud for a while.

After all, there are some things that the time is not ripe and there is no rush.

After Chou Chou was clean, Tang Yan wrenched him out of the bathtub and then used a hair dryer to dry him.

It took her almost two hours to finish all this, and she threw Chou Chou into the bamboo basket.

Chou Chou immediately stood up and put his hands on his hips: "Is this the end? Zha Zhayan, have you forgotten something?"

"what's up?"

Chou Chou pointed at himself: "You forgot to spray the perfume on me. I want Blue Wind Chime perfume."

Although he couldn't smell what the perfume smelled like, he just liked the name of the perfume.

Lianhua on the side couldn't help complaining: "You ugly thing, you still use repeated words, it's disgusting."

"What's wrong with the refrain? Are you jealous of my cuteness?"

"Are you cute? You don't even pee and take pictures. You can be infertile even if you hang it by the bedside."

"Broken Bird, try saying something again."

"Ugly thing, have you ever heard the saying, try it and you'll die."

So Chou Chou and Lian Hua started fighting in the bamboo basket again.

Tang Yan was not surprised. He took his mobile phone and opened WeChat.

A few hours ago, Jiang Rufei sent her a message, saying that the identity of the transformer had been confirmed, and it was Liu Muhong.

They sent people to Taoyuan Village and found a few strands of Liu Muhong's hair from her home. After comparison, they were exactly the same as the gene of the modified person.

In the end, they cremated Liu Muhong's body and buried her next to Song Li. They also asked Master Kongxiang of Baoguo Temple to perform a salvation ritual, which could be regarded as a bit of comfort to her.

Jiang Rufei also said that they had also dealt with the collapse of the abandoned teaching building of Lantian Technical School.

What has been announced to the public is that the teaching building has actually been eaten away by termites for a long time. It will collapse sooner or later, so the outside world should not make random guesses.

Tang Yan went online to search for related news again. The collapse of an abandoned teaching building in a technical school was of little concern to netizens, and the few comments were still ridiculing it.

(End of this chapter)

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