Chapter 235 Team Building
"What kind of termites have emptied the teaching building? Have these termites become sperm? I will do some calculations and find out that the matter is not simple."

"Upstairs, I agree with you, fellow Taoist. I think there must be a fellow Taoist here to overcome the tribulation, and the thunder caused by the sky collapsed this abandoned teaching building."

"Upstairs, I'm afraid you've read too many novels about cultivating immortals and become confused. The sky was clear and the moon was high in the capital that day. Where did the thunder come from? Was it in a dream?"

"Upstairs, if you are uneducated, you are scary. Who said that thunder needs wind and rain? The so-called thunder refers to the thunder that will sound for no reason. And everyone knows that the school's abandoned teaching building is where all kinds of supernatural events happen. The most frequent place, so there is only one truth, which must be some kind of immortal who slays evil spirits in that abandoned teaching building."


"My imagination is quite big." Tang Yan said and clicked on a contact in WeChat, Agent Chen, who is good at AB Super League.

After they added friends before, before they had time to have a serious chat, Agent Chen had already sent dozens of messages.

The main thing is to invite Tang Yan to join the team and discuss the salary issue.

Tang Yan sent back a message.

Here's a piece of Tangtang: I don't have any requirements in terms of treatment. It doesn't matter if I can pay you the lowest price, but I have one requirement.

At this time, Manager Chen was walking around anxiously in the team's training base.

He asked Shi Yao: "I sent a message to Lying God yesterday, but she didn't reply to me. You said she had agreed to join our team. Could it be that she regretted it?"

Shi Yao doesn't think Tang Yan is a person who goes back on her word: "She must have been held back by something. She didn't go to school yesterday. I heard from Niu Laoban that she asked for leave for something. Just wait and see. I I think she will definitely reply to the message.”

Agent Chen forced himself to calm down, then found a chair and sat down: "Yao Shen, don't blame me for being too anxious. There really is no room for any mistakes in the national competition next month. I still hope that Lie Shen can give you a reply as soon as possible. Whether you come or not, we can make plans early."

Shi Yao opened his mouth to say something, and then he heard Manager Chen exclaim and jump up from his chair: "Lie Shen has replied to my message, he has replied to my message."

Agent Chen asked: What are the requirements?As long as I can do it, I will definitely agree. Even if I can't do it, I will try my best to come up with a compromise plan.

His very flattering attitude showed how much he wanted Tang Yan to join their team.

Although winning every hand may seem metaphysical, at the end of a top event, in addition to competing for strength, there is really an element of luck involved.

In addition, Shi Yao's condition has not been at its peak recently, so Manager Chen feels that it is necessary for him to make some preparations.

Here’s a piece of Tangtang: I’m a newcomer to the AB Super League playing team, and I’m not familiar with each other enough. In order to make everyone cooperate more tacitly, I think it’s necessary to do a team building, and also provide training during the training. An opportunity for everyone to enhance communication.

Agent Chen felt that what Tang Yan said was very reasonable, and that she could think this way, and it seemed that she really wanted to join their big family. He felt a little relieved when he thought about it.

Manager Chen: Just do as you say, Lieshen. I will go down and make arrangements. When can you come to our team and team building be done at that time? In fact, I really hope you can come as soon as possible.

Here’s a piece of Tangtang: I can go to your team tomorrow, but I have requirements for the team building location, which must be in Qishan. If there are no problems with you, I can join your team.

(End of this chapter)

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