Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 237 Arriving at Qishan

Chapter 237 Arriving at Qishan
Manager Chen patted Chen Ju's head hard: "You little fool, stop dreaming. God Yao is here. Is this girl blind? I want your phone number."

Although Chen Ju is not bad looking, compared with Shi Yao, she is like a firefly competing with the sun and the moon, and she overestimates her abilities.

Have you ever hit your younger brother like this?You are really a dear brother.

Chen Ju was very unconvinced: "Brother, you don't understand, true love is so inexplicable, looks, personality, life experience, none of it matters."

As soon as you meet each other, where does it involve true love?
I don't want to recognize this biological brother. How could my mother give birth to such a stupid thing?
Shi Yao couldn't help but remind Chen Ju: "You'd better not have any ideas about her, otherwise you may be punished very badly."

Classmate Tang has never been a girl with a good personality, and may even be a bit bad.

Shi Yao has always been a man of few words, but it doesn't seem like his character to talk just because of a beautiful woman.

Agent Chen reacted immediately: "Yao Shen, is this girl a lying god?"

"Yeah." Shi Yao nodded.

"Fuck" Chen Ju and several other team members couldn't help but say at the same time.

Where is the ugly guy we promised, and where is the big guy who picks his feet?How did she become a super beauty?This is different from what is written in the storybook.

Tang Yan dragged her small suitcase and stood in front of Agent Chen, with a slightly evil smile: "Brother Chen, I just heard someone talking bad about me."

Out of the corner of his eye, he casually glanced at the people who had just called her ugly and a foot-picking man.

Chen Ju felt an inexplicable light on his back, his body tensed upright, and he stood upright in an instant.

He could hear their chatting from so far away, how good his hearing must be, and the way this beautiful girl looked at him made him feel a little panicked.

I simply have no thoughts and I still want to escape.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Tang Yan. I am a classmate of Yao Shen. Fans will also affectionately call me Lying God. My specialty is breaking big rocks from my chest." Chou Chou in the box: Sha Diao Yan, can this meme still work? pass?Do you really want to perform a chest-breaking performance for others?

The team members were confused by Tang Yan's self-introduction. How could such a pretty little girl have such weird talents?

Is she joking?
But considering that Lieshen was already famous for being weird, they felt that after confirming his eyes, this was really the real Lieshen himself.

Then, the team members introduced themselves one by one, and they took the bus to the airport.

While going to the airport, Tang Yan had basically figured out everyone's family information and personality traits, and quickly integrated into the team.

Now the team members regard her as one of their own.

Manager Chen sighed in his heart, considering her ability to win over people, she doesn't need to do any team building to increase feelings. She must not have other motives.

Manager Chen looked at Shi Yao after a while, and then at him again.

When he No.20 looked at Shi Yao for the third time, Shi Yao said lightly: "Don't think too much, she is not interested in me, no, she may be interested, but it is definitely not the meaning you imagined."

Manager Chen was confused after hearing this and said he didn't understand the meaning of the word.

But he could also feel that Tang Yan's attitude towards Shi Yao was not a relationship between a man and a woman.

He doesn't understand the young people of today. He just hopes that he can successfully win the championship in the national competition next month.

That day, around six o'clock, they arrived at the tiled house in Shi Yao's hometown.

Because it is summer, it is still bright at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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