Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 238 Shi Yao’s Hometown

Chapter 238 Shi Yao’s Hometown
Shi Yao's tile-roofed house is located in a small mountain village in Qishan Mountain.

Now everyone's life is getting better and better, and many villagers have moved out of the village and settled in the city.

Therefore, those who still stay in the village are either old people who are reluctant to leave their hometown, or villagers whose family situation is not good and cannot afford to buy a house in the city.

The villagers were all honest and enthusiastic, and even the aunt came directly to Shi Yao's house to invite them to her house for dinner.

The aunt was wearing a small floral apron with a kind smile: "You kids in the city probably don't know how to cook, and I see that you haven't prepared any seasonings. Why don't you just eat at my house these two days? I haven't been like this for a long time." It’s lively, and we’re glad you can come.”

The aunt's child opened a decoration company in the city and made a lot of money, so it was affordable to feed ten people in just two days.

Manager Chen also thinks this is very convenient. After all, grown men like them seldom go to the kitchen, so as long as the food they make does not poison people, it is considered good.

And Tang Yan didn't look like he knew how to cook.

Of course, they didn't take advantage of the aunt's family in vain, and they still insisted on paying for the food.

So, after the group put away their luggage, they cleaned Shi Yao's tile-roofed house again.

The boys were crowded into a room in twos and threes, while Tang Yan was in a room alone.

After everything was done, they followed the aunt to her house.

On the way, Auntie's grandson ran over and said, "Grandma, grandpa is missing again."

The aunt patted her head: "I forgot that today is the fifteenth day. That old man must have gone to the river to burn paper again. Xiao Guozi, you take your brothers and sisters to your house, and I will call the old man home for dinner."

"Can I go together?" Tang Yan suddenly asked.

The aunt mentioned the river just now, and she remembered that a small ditch appeared in this mission.

Although calling the small ditch a river was a bit exaggerated, Tang Yan felt that she still needed to go and take a look.

Because the shape of the praying mountain is exactly the same as in the fantasy world.

Tang Yan continued to explain: "The scenery in Qishan Mountain is good and the air is fresh. I want to walk around more and exercise before meals to lose weight."

The aunt smiled and pulled Tang Yan: "You little girls are so thin now, why should you lose weight? Eat more, fatter is better, fatter is healthier."

"Let's go, let's go find your uncle together. Xiao Guozi, you take the older brothers home first." He is also a very enthusiastic and familiar character.

Shi Yao's eyelashes lowered slightly, hiding his true emotions.

Tang Yan didn't look at him and followed the aunt directly to the river to find the uncle.

They climbed a mountain and came to the river the aunt mentioned.

Tang Yan looked at the scene in front of him and felt a little clear in his heart. This was indeed the small river ditch in the illusion.

She remembered that there were two sweet-scented osmanthus trees in the illusion. The branches of the sweet-scented osmanthus trees were very distinctive and easy to identify. There were two such sweet-scented osmanthus trees next to the creek.

"Grandma Guozi, you said Grandpa Guozi was burning paper by the river. I thought it was really by the river, but this river doesn't look like a river at all."

It is said to be a small river ditch, but in fact, there is so little water that it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a creek.

The aunt smiled and said, "I was actually married from out of town, so I haven't seen some things with my own eyes. Guozi's grandfather said that there used to be a very big and deep river here, but for some unknown reason, the water here is It became less and less every year, and gradually it became what you see now.”

(End of this chapter)

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