Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 319 Planting Piranha Flowers

Chapter 319 Planting Piranha Flowers
Chou Chou said: "Let me tell you, this scumbag Yan doesn't think so much. She just wants to cause trouble. She finds life too peaceful and boring."

Tang Yan touched the ugly dog's head: "Well, you still understand me."

It means that all the compliments the man said to her before were useless nonsense.

This is the first time for a man to meet such a woman who he can't get along with. She is indifferent, capricious and not easy to get along with.

The wisteria demon came out to smooth things over: "I still have the last bit of my demonic power, so now I'm going to plant a piranha in the center."

"Wait a minute." Tang Yan stopped him: "Give me that bit of demonic power. I have a ready-made choice."

The purple vine demon had no doubts and gave Tang Yan the trace of demonic power without hesitation.

Tang Yan asked Wisteria Demon: "What are your plans next?"

The purple vine demon looked at the man affectionately: "Now that I have no cultivation, and like Brother An, I only have a life span of seven to eighty years. I can accompany him to grow old slowly, or even die."

No one will stop us in this life. In the next period of time, we will travel around the world and make up for the time we owed each other. "

For the so-called love, thousands of years of cultivation are gone.

In the next life, it is unknown whether they will still have the memories of their previous life.

So to be precise, it was only a few decades of love.

Whether it is worth it or not can only be determined by the Wisteria Demon himself.

Outsiders can't say anything.

Tang Yan is not very optimistic about their future: "Although your lifespan is the same as that of humans, you are still essentially a demon.

Not every monk is reasonable. If you meet a monk with a high level of cultivation and see your true nature, you will be in great danger. "

From the moment he lost all his cultivation, the Purple Vine Demon was mentally prepared: "Nothing can be perfect. We can only take one step at a time, but I will be very careful. Except for those monks who are about to ascend in half a step, It should be difficult for other people to detect my abnormality, after all, I don’t have a trace of demon power in my body.” The man did not expect that the purple vine demon would sacrifice so much for him, and he was so moved that he choked up: “Xiao Teng, don’t worry, I will definitely not let you down. I will always treat you well as before."

"Brother An..." The purple vine demon lowered her head shyly.

Chou Chou: "!!!" I don't really want to eat this bowl of dog food that doesn't taste very good.

"Okay, goodbye. See you later." Tang Yan turned around and walked towards Baihua Valley.

Not far from the central area, she found the flower demons and the Duan family woman who was still in a coma.

The man-eating flower demon happily ran to Tang Yan: "Sir, Baihua Valley is the same as before. Is the Queen normal? Then we don't have to escape from Baihua Valley?"

After all, they are somewhat reluctant to part with the aura of this place.


"But, sir, why hasn't the spiritual energy recovered? I can't feel any difference between the spiritual energy here and the spiritual energy outside the valley now."

"Because the spirit gathering array here has been destroyed, there is no way to gather spiritual energy." Tang Yan explained.

The man-eating flower demon's face changed: "Ah, then, what should I do? Without enough spiritual energy, my Ba Ba will not be able to practice again. Woo hoo hoo, Ba Ba, you died miserably."

Tang Yan took out his ears and said, "Stop howling. It's really unpleasant to cry in mourning. That's why I came to you. If you want to save your family, then do something for me."

The man-eating flower demon stopped crying: "Sir, just tell me, don't say one thing, even ten things, I will do them all."

"Okay, I'm going to plant you in the center of Baihua Valley."

Man-Eating Flower Demon: "???"

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(End of this chapter)

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