Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 320 The flower demon usurps the throne

Chapter 320 The flower demon usurps the throne
The man-eating flower demon looked around like a thief, then leaned into Tang Yan's ear and whispered.

"The center is the Queen's territory. Sir, do you want me to usurp the throne?"

The man-eating flower demon felt that he had guessed some kind of truth: "Is this why you came to Baihua Valley, my lord? Okay, okay, it's exciting, okay, I will follow you, lord, to do something big."

Tang Yan flicked the man-eating flower demon's forehead: "What are you thinking about? You sound like a bandit. Am I that kind of person?"

Chou Chou: "Don't doubt it, you are really that kind of person, a bandit."

The man-eating flower demon nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think so too."

"Do you still want to save your family?"

The man-eating flower demon nodded and bowed: "I thought, I just made a joke, don't take it seriously."

Chou Chou: Sure enough, any creature that stays with Zha Zhayan for a long time will become abnormal.

Tang Yan got down to business: "There is no wisteria in the center, and your Queen has also left Baihua Valley."

Man-Eating Flower Demon: "!!!" You still said it was not for me to usurp the throne?They all drove the Queen out of the valley. She is so awesome.

Tang Yan continued: "I want to plant you in the center because this spirit gathering array needs an array eye, and there will no longer be any queen in the Baihua Valley. There are no rules in the valley."

No rules?The man-eating flower demon asked: "Is it okay to kill someone?"

Tang Yan smiled meaningfully: "Yes, just killing people will cause resentment, and resentment will affect the spirit gathering array.

If there is too much grievance, the spirit gathering array will immediately become ineffective. By then it is unknown whether your Ba Ba will be able to become a spirit again. "

The man-eating flower demon patted his chest and promised: "Sir, don't worry, I promise not to kill anyone, and I will also watch over the flower demons in the valley and prevent them from hurting anyone." Because I care about something, I act accordingly. This is the reason why Tang Yan chose this man-eating flower demon.

Tang Yan: "Don't think that you can kill people after your Ba Ba becomes a spirit. Everything has its consequences.

Your Queen has lost her thousand years of cultivation because she killed too many demons. If you want that ending, I won't stop you. "

Everything is self-inflicted.

The man-eating flower demon's eyes widened: "Female, my lady, your thousand-year-old cultivation is gone? My lord, you are so powerful. You are even more of a thousand-year-old demon than a thousand-year-old demon. I admire you so much."

How does she look like a thousand-year-old demon?
Forget it, this man-eating flower demon has never been to elementary school, so we can't pay too much attention to her language organization skills.

The piranha demon suddenly thought of something: "No, sir, it's okay to have wisteria in the middle, but it will be fatal to have piranha in the middle. Humans will definitely blow me up."

It is such a dangerous flower after all.

Tang Yan patted the man-eating flower demon on the shoulder: "Then it depends on your own destiny. If you can cultivate the separation between the body and the demon body like your queen before humans get rid of you, then you will Don’t worry about being exterminated.”

What she is worried about is obviously being destroyed as soon as she is planted, okay? She is a demon, a demon.

"Sir, even if humans don't take this into account, I am a demon. Wouldn't it be too arrogant to be planted in the middle of Baihua Valley like this? Those human monks will not let me go."

Tang Yan sympathized: "Nothing in the world is easy. If you want to save your family, you have to bear the corresponding risks."

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  Good night, sweet dreams~
(End of this chapter)

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