Chapter 400
A family that tries every possible means to have a boy will never treat its daughter well.

The more Ji Yue thought about it, the more confused she became: "Why didn't Hongya mention these things? How wronged she must have been at home these years."

"Everyone's personality is different. Some people don't like to open their scars for others to see, and they don't need sympathy from others.

Because apart from sympathy and making people feel pitiful, outsiders can't change her current situation at all.

Life is inherently unfair.

They are lucky to be born into a happy family, and it is not their fault to be born into an unhappy family, and they should not suffer any more strange looks. "

Ji Yue's eyes were warm, and the school beauty really had a very soft heart.

She is obviously not very young, so why can she live so transparently?

I heard that her family situation is very complicated. I wonder if this is the reason why she can better understand the pain of others.

Soon, they arrived at the community where Pan Hongya's home was located. This was a house built with funds raised from Pan's father's work unit.

The community is not high-end, but it is not shabby either. Of course, compared to Ji Yue's high-end apartment, the location and decoration are far behind.

Because Ji Yue often went to Pan Hongya's house, she was already familiar with the doorman here. After saying hello, she took Tang Yan straight to Pan's house.

After following the residents in the community into the unit door, getting on the elevator, and arriving at the door of Pan's house, Ji Yuegang wanted to ring the doorbell.

Tang Yan stopped her hand: "Wait."

Then, I saw Tang Yan take out a short red incense stick from the bag, light it, and the red smoke drifted in along the crack of the door.

Tang Yan took out a small makeup mirror from her bag. Gradually, the scene in the room appeared in the mirror.

Conversations can also be heard.

"Dad, Mom, can I go back to my hometown with you? I haven't been back for a long time." Pan Hongya looked at her parents and younger brother packing their luggage in front of her, and the light in her eyes dimmed.

Pan's mother folded her clothes and said angrily: "You are already in your senior year of high school, why are you running around? Are you asking for free air tickets back to your hometown?

We went back to attend your cousin's wedding, and we didn't go there just for fun. You're just a kid, so don't join in the fun. "

Pan Hongya pointed to the fat boy eating snacks at the side: "Why can my younger brother go? He is also in the third grade of junior high school this year and has to take the high school entrance examination."

Pan's mother didn't even raise her head: "Your brother's grades are better than yours. It doesn't matter if you take a day off and go back. If you have such good grades as your brother's, you can go back."

Even though he knew that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't improve her grades, he still said such words to poke her heart.

Pan Hongya wasn't really stupid, it was just that she had too many things hidden in her heart and couldn't always concentrate.

Sometimes I look at her reading a book, but in fact her thoughts have already flown to nowhere.

In terms of study, all she did was useless.

Pan Hongya put her hands behind her back and pinched them hard: "You are just biased and don't want to pay for my air ticket. My brother has had everything he wants since he was a child. Why does it have to be so difficult for me every time I want something?"

With a "pop" sound, Pan's mother threw down the lid of the suitcase: "Hongya, you are 18 years old and you are still so ignorant. What is partiality?

You have to raise two children in Beijing, you think it’s not a big pressure.

Your parents and we are just ordinary office workers, unlike your little Jiyue, who has money at home and can buy whatever she wants.

Don't contract these inexplicable princess diseases just because you are close to her. "

(End of this chapter)

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