Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 401 Completely Giving Up

Chapter 401 Completely Giving Up
Pan's father smoked a cigarette and said in a somewhat serious tone: "Hongya, don't make trouble unreasonably. We certainly have our reasons for not taking you back to your hometown. Don't be petty and let me down, dad."

Pan Hongya bit her lip: "When did you have hope for me? Isn't your hope only for your precious son?"

"Pa" Pan's mother slapped Pan Hongya on the face, leaving five faint finger prints.

"That's enough, how long are you going to lose your temper? Yes, we really don't want to pay for your air tickets. A round trip of several thousand for each person has been used as food expenses for our family for half a month.

You have never made money, and you don’t know how hard it is to make money. You can buy food, rice, oil, and salt for free. You are about to go to college, and tuition is free.

We want to save a little, so what?You kid, you really don’t understand the hard work of being a parent. "

Pan Hongya bit her lip tightly: "You only ask me to be considerate, but what about my brother? Why don't you let him be considerate? You will never refuse any of his requests."

Pan Hongya didn't really want to go back to her hometown, she just wanted an attitude from her parents.

However, what else could she look forward to?Reality disappointed her again and again.

Pan's mother felt agitated in her heart. It was really unlucky for her to have such a trouble while traveling far away.

She stopped packing her luggage and sat down directly: "Okay, Hongya, since you want to make trouble like this, there are some things, I will make it clear to you here today.

You also know that your brother's household registration is not on our family's household registration book. You have a Beijing household registration. In the future, whether you are going to college or working, you will have preferential treatment.

As for your brother, he only has a rural household registration, and his future will be harder than yours, so we are treating him better now just to make up for it.

In fact, you owe him this, so don't feel that you have been wronged in any way.

There are only so many resources at home, so you can't be so selfish and want to take advantage of every benefit. "

Pan Hongya smiled, what's the benefit?

What benefits has she taken since having her younger brother?
It’s the Chinese New Year, and I can only buy new clothes once every three years.

Every time her mother would bring up the issue of household registration, it had become a shield for her parents' favoritism.Pan Hongya gave up completely at this moment and didn't even want to argue anymore.

When Pan Hongya didn't speak, Pan's mother thought her words had an effect, and her daughter finally realized her mistake.

She lowered her posture and took Pan Hongya's hand: "Hongya, don't worry, your parents will bring you local specialties from your hometown. Don't you like navel oranges from your hometown the most? Mom will bring you a box. "

"Yeah." Pan Hongya responded weakly.

"That's good. By the way, we won't be at home for two days on the weekend, so you can ask Ji Yue to come and play at home.

I heard people say that her family's business is getting bigger and bigger.

You can also ask her to help you resolve your work with your brother in the future. You cannot lose this relationship and must maintain it well. "

After all, it's not just for your son's future.

Pan Hongya didn't speak, but stared at Pan's mother.

Mother Pan patted her on the head: "You kid, what kind of look is that, can you still hate your mother?
By the way, have you learned makeup recently?

It's good for girls to love beauty. If you become beautiful, you can find a good husband in the future, and you can take care of your younger brother.

However, you can't neglect your duties and leave your studies behind.

You have to know that only by going to a good university can you meet high-quality boys. Those from bad schools are just crooked. "


(End of this chapter)

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