Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 402 Life is like a play

Chapter 402 Life is like a play
The more Pan's mother talked, the more Pan Hongya felt sick and almost vomited.

She looked a little impatient: "I'm not wearing makeup."

After saying that, he turned around and went back to his room.

"What a bad temper, why are you so embarrassed by your mother?" Pan's mother continued to pack her luggage: "I am your mother, and I can't tell whether you are wearing makeup or not."

Pan's father also sighed and shook his head: "These adolescent children nowadays are so willful and have bad tempers that they can't be controlled."

Pan's mother took the fat boy's hand and said, "Not all children are like that.

You see, our little baby is very well-behaved and never talks back to us.

I think this daughter is just unreliable. She will belong to someone else’s family anyway, so it’s better to have a son. "

Father Pan: "Okay, please stop saying a few words. Don't let Hongya hear you and make trouble again. Pack your things quickly and don't miss the flight."


Outside the house, Tang Yan took back the mirror.

Ji Yue came back to her senses and was very angry: "I'm so stupid, that's it, that's it? What kind of weird parents are these?
Unfortunately, I thought Pan's parents were good people before, but they turned out to be such bastards behind closed doors.

After watching just a little bit, I felt aggrieved for Hongya, not to mention how desperate she must be after living with these two old bastards for so many years?

Also, the Pan family’s parents say life is difficult, not because they want a son. Who is to blame? It’s not their own fault.

It pisses me off, really pisses me off. "

Tang Yan didn't have such a big reaction as her, probably because he had seen too many of these things.

She patted Ji Yue's shoulder: "How are you? If you are still in this mood, it seems that it is not suitable for us to enter Pan's house today. We can wait for you to sort out your mood and come back another day."

"I'm here now, and I won't go back. Just wait for me to take it easy."

Tang Yan diverted Ji Yue's attention and said, "Pan Hongya is not wearing makeup."

"What?" Ji Yue thought for a moment before reacting: "You mean, Hongya has really become beautiful?" Girls are naturally very sensitive to the topic of beauty, and Ji Yue was immediately interested and forgot about it. He was clearly still extremely angry just now.

"Have you calmed down?" Tang Yan asked her: "If you have calmed down completely, we will knock on the door later. Remember, in order to find out the reason for Pan Hongya's change, you must behave as usual."

Ji Yue took a few deep breaths and made an OK gesture: "No problem, women are born to gossip and are also born to be acting masters. Don't worry, I promise I won't hold you back."

"it is good."

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Tang Yancai said: "You can ring the doorbell."

"Ding... ding... ding..."

Ji Yue pressed three times.

Pan's mother walked behind the door and looked through the peephole. It was Ji Yue and a little girl who was more beautiful than a celebrity.

Pan's mother opened the door and smiled enthusiastically: "It's Xiaoyue. Come play with Hongya again. She's at home. Hey, come in quickly. We'll talk after you come in."

With this look on his face, how could he have imagined that he would treat Pan Hongya like that in private.

It really is that life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

Ji Yue pulled Tang Yan into the house and introduced Tang Yan to Pan's parents with a smile.

"Father Pan, Mother Pan, this is my friend named Tang Yan, who is also from our school.

Not only is she beautiful, but she also ranks first in her sophomore year of high school, and her family is extremely rich.

Have you heard about the Tang family? They are a wealthy family in the capital, but our Ji family is far behind.

She has nothing to do today, so I’ll bring her to Hongya to play. You won’t mind, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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