Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 408 The price of a beautiful dream

Chapter 408 The price of a beautiful dream
However, there is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is definitely another mystery to this painting.

Tang Yan asked directly: "You so-called destined person, if you want to live an ideal life in this painting, you don't have to pay the price?"

The old man in white: "Nothing in the world is so cheap. There must be a price to pay."

"What price?"

"The price is that the destined person only has this life to live. After death, the soul returns to the painting and can never enter reincarnation again."

In other words, he is using his own spirit body in exchange.

Sure enough, it's not a good thing.

The old man in white continued: "However, my painting is not merciless. I will not collect the spirit body of the destined person until he truly decides to live only in the painting.

To put it simply, people who are destined can live in the painting while living in the outside world.

Only after you truly decide to live in the painting will the contract between the painting and the destined person come into effect. "

It doesn't sound too humane at all. Even if the reality is not what you want, you can still realize your wishes in the painting.

As long as you don't live in the painting all the time, you won't be taken into your spirit body.

It's a very good deal.

However, the reality is not that simple. A person who has been running between two worlds for a long time will sooner or later suffer from schizophrenia.

The point is, the world in the painting affects reality.

Just like Pan Hongya, she becomes more and more beautiful in reality.

Based on her character, this may not be a good thing.

Tang Yan laughed mockingly: "Speaking of it, you seem to be a charity person, showing love everywhere."

"No, old man, I'm just soft-hearted and can't stand these poor people." "I'm going to fart your hydrochloric acid fart."

"Little girl, don't be so rude, you may not get married."

"Bah." Chou Chou answered: "There are so many people who want to marry my baby, but you, an old man, can't get married."

"!!!" The master and servant both have bad tempers, and this time they are in trouble.

Tang Yan stood up, waved his hand, and put away the stone table and bench: "You seem to be giving unlimited freedom to those who are destined, but in fact, they have no choice at all.

Their own changes will definitely affect real life, and real life will force them to finally choose to return to the life in the painting.

After all, no one is willing to suffer pain, and everyone hopes to have a perfect life. "

The old man in white looked at Tang Yan with a smile: "Little girl, you are very smart.

Yes, those who choose to use this painting to create their lives will, without exception, choose to live in this painting forever.

Life is hard, but who can guarantee that we will be happy in the next life?
It would be better to live your life vigorously and according to your own wishes, without wasting a single second.

So what if there is no afterlife?There is no regret for those who are destined.

Everyone wants to live their life the way they like, little girl, what’s wrong with this? "

Tang Yan looked at the old man in white with cold eyes: "That's right, it's just that I don't like your kind of painting. I can definitely burn you."

"Meeting is fate. Little girl, you can burn it if you want. It doesn't matter to me, but for the person who is dreaming in the painting, the world is so big that there will no longer be a place for her. ." The old man in white spoke in a longer tone.

Tang Yan just said that she did not agree with this way of life, but she also knew that she had no right to interfere with other people's choices.

(End of this chapter)

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