Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 409 The mission of painting

Chapter 409 The mission of painting
This painting still feels a bit strange to Tang Yan.

Call it evil, but it’s not really that evil. Call it good, but it definitely can’t be good.

It must have a purpose in collecting the spirit bodies of these crazy men and women.

And the old man in white didn't seem worried at all about what she would do.

Why did he react like this, and what was he relying on?
The old man in white smiled with his eyes turned into slits: "So, little girl, do you have anything you want to live in life? I can help you realize it."

Tang Yan suppressed the doubts in his heart and asked calmly: "What kind of life do I want to live? I can just work hard to achieve it myself. I don't need you, you are too ugly."

The old man in white was not angry, and still looked very kind: "If people could get what they want through their own efforts, there wouldn't be so many frustrated people in the world.

It's okay, little girl, I said, it's fate that you can enter this painting.

Since we are destined to be together, I will satisfy all your requirements as long as I can fulfill them.

You can think about it slowly and come to me at any time when you need it. "

"Ha." Chou Chou mocked: "Trading you for my spirit body? Old Fouzi, whose IQ do you look down on?"

"Hehehehe..." The old man in white narrowed his eyes and smiled.

The master said that when someone steps into the painting and does not need sweet dreams, then his mission is completed.

It's time to meet the owner.

Therefore, he is in a good mood at the moment and will not care about small polite issues.

Tang Yan asked: "You said you can meet all the requirements of the destined person?"

"Yes, if I can do it."

"I want to know what kind of life Pan Hongya customized in this painting."

"Okay." A scroll appeared out of thin air in the hand of the old man in white, handed it to Tang Yan, and continued to explain.

"This customized life is not something that is determined at the beginning. It just stays that way. The plot can be changed at any time midway.

Therefore, this scroll contains things that have happened so far, and some things in the future are also recorded. However, things in the future may change at any time, so they will not be accurate. "

Tang Yan took the scroll and did not open it immediately: "Look at this thing, what price do I have to pay?"

The old man in white pinched his beard and shook his head: "There is no need for anything. In Huangliang's dream, you only have to pay the price if you really decide to live in this painting, and there is no need for anything else."

As if to reassure Tang Yan, the old man in white added: "You don't have to worry about how reading this scroll will affect you.

To tell you the truth, because you are determined and unmoved, the painting will not affect you in reality.

The situation between you and the girl you want to see is different. "

It feels unreal that things are going so smoothly.

Is this old man digging some kind of hole, waiting for her to jump?

Tang Yan really thought too much about this.

Because she was the most crucial person for the old man to complete his mission, everything he said to her was true.

Chou Chou stopped him and said, "Zha Zhayan, don't open it. This old man can't be so kind. There must be some conspiracy."

Tang Yan raised his head slightly and said, "I want to know, what is your origin? Who is your real master?"

Such a painting cannot be without an owner, nor can it have no origin.

(End of this chapter)

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