Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 410 Mary’s Divine Drama

Chapter 410 Mary’s Divine Drama
The old man in white didn't expect Tang Yan to guess so much at once. She was indeed a very smart little girl.

I can't continue chatting with her. If I continue chatting, my secret may be exposed.

The old man in white yawned: "Little girl, this scroll is given to you, you decide whether to read it or not.

I'm going to bed. I'm old and my bones just don't obey me.

By the way, if you want to go out, there are two ways. One is to follow Pan Hongya out, and the other is to destroy the world in this painting.

However, let me remind you, if the world in this painting is destroyed, all the spirits trapped in it will be destroyed.

If you are so cruel, I don't care. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man in white disappeared from Tang Yan's eyes.

At the same time, the surrounding scenery has also changed. It is no longer pure white and lush, with cliffs above and valleys below.

Tang Yan was standing on the cliff and could clearly see two parties confronting each other in the valley.

They were dressed like ancient soldiers, and Pan Hongya was being held hostage by one party.

Tang Yan curled her lips: "Well, it seems that this plot is a bit exciting."

Chou Chou looked down curiously: "Zha Zhayan, do you really want to open this scroll? I'm a little worried."

"Take a look. If you don't look, how will you know what kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?"

Chou Chou also made up his mind: "Yes, who is afraid of whom? It's just a skeleton painting. What's there to be afraid of? Look, look, what's happening now."

Tang Yan opened the scroll and glanced at it briefly. This is a perfect Mary Sue drama.

To put it simply, it is a story about a princess from a down-and-out country who was attracted by seven princes from neighboring countries at the same time, and then competed with each other.

Her Royal Highness the Princess had an unforgettable experience with every prince, and every prince fell in love with her so much that they couldn't help themselves.

But she only regards them as brothers, friends and confidants.The only one she loves is Mo Bai, the only young master of the Immortal Cultivation Sect in the world.

This Young Master Mo also loved her very much, so much that he fell into the mortal world for her, and was willing to become a demon.

Although the final outcome was that the two fell in love and gave birth to two lovely babies, the process was very twists and turns.

The current plot has progressed to the point where Pan Hongya and Mo Bai have expressed their love for each other.

Mo Bai returned to his sect because of something.

At this time, the two princes of Feng Kingdom and Sha Kingdom found Pan Hongya and competed with each other.

Moreover, Pan Hongya does not have a surname in this world, so people call her Princess Hongya.

After reading the whole story, Chou Chou was in a low mood: "Zha Zhayan, what's going on? I want to laugh, but I can't. Instead, I feel an inexplicable sadness."

"Have you ever heard of a saying that the core of comedy is tragedy." Tang Yan stared down: "Pan Hongya lacks love in reality, so in this world, she fantasizes about being loved by so many people.

She also looks forward to an unforgettable love, which is why she creates so many twists and turns for herself.

Alas, it is difficult for children who have never been cared for to understand the meaning of the word love. "

Chou Chou tilted his head: "What about you? Do you understand?"

"I don't need to understand, because I don't need any love. Love, this thing, will affect my father and me wandering around the world."

As Tang Yan said that, he jumped off the cliff and approached Pan Hongya.

The speed was very fast. Chou Chou hugged Tang Yan's neck tightly to prevent him from being thrown down: "Zha Zha Yan, what do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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