Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 416 Becoming beautiful again

Chapter 416 Becoming beautiful again
Pan Hongya rubbed her eyes, her expression a little confused: "Since you live so transparently, why would you still trade with this painting?"

Because there is no transaction at all, and the identity is all lied to you.

Tang Yan pretended to be profound and said: "You don't need to know this. I just showed up to tell you that no matter what decision you make, please think it through.

After all, only by living can you encounter a gentle world. If you leave, there will be nothing. "

Pan Hongya smiled bitterly and obsessively: "The world I live in now is quite gentle to me.

In fact, I just want to live this life well, and it doesn’t matter whether I live it in a painting or not.

After all, I don’t have any expectations for the afterlife, and it doesn’t matter whether I have one or not. "

Tang Yan didn't want to persuade her anymore. Just like Pan Hongya said, she was the one who lived her life, and she was the one who bore the pain. Since outsiders couldn't share her life for her, they had no right to dictate.

"Hey, can you guarantee that in this painting, you can really live your life as you wish?

Is there any conspiracy here?Have you ever thought about it?
No matter what, you still have a chance, think everything through before making a decision. "

After Tang Yan finished speaking, he disappeared directly in front of Pan Hongya.

Pan Hongya was stunned for a while, and then she said softly: "Maybe even if I know there is a conspiracy, I don't have a choice."

The next second, a stone step appeared in front of Pan Hongya. As long as she climbed up this step, she could get out of the painting.

The steps appeared entirely by her will, and she could enter and exit them at any time if she wanted.

And when she leaves the painting, the time process in the painting will stop, and it will not restart until she enters again.

Tang Yan hid in the dark and hit the male pig's feet lying on the ground with a stone, which was quite cruel.

The male pig's feet grunted in pain, and Pan Hongya turned around subconsciously. Tang Yan took advantage of this gap and stepped onto the stone stairs like the wind, exiting the world of skeletons and paintings.

Tang Yan lay down on Pan Hongya's little bed again and looked at her phone.

From the time she entered the painting to the time she left the painting, only one minute had passed.

It seems that the world in the painting and the outside world are not equal in time. It is possible that a year has passed in the outside world, but a whole life has passed in the painting.

If this were the case, then by now, there would be more than thousands of creatures in this painting.

This is not normal.

Ji Yue next to her was still unconscious. Tang Yan had just put away his phone and closed his eyes to pretend to sleep when he heard Pan Hongya painting.

After Pan Hongya finished painting, the scent of sandalwood filled the room again. Then, Ji Yue slowly opened her eyes and said in a daze: "Xiaoya, what are you doing?"

Pan Hongya said very quietly: "I'm a little thirsty. I'll get up and drink some water."

"Oh." Ji Yue replied reflexively, turned over, and fell asleep again.

Pan Hongya glanced at Tang Yan who was "sleeping" and found nothing unusual. Then she quietly went out to drink water.

The next morning, Ji Yue took Pan Hongya and looked at her again and again: "Hongya, I find that you seem to have become more beautiful again. Is it my imagination?"

She has indeed become more beautiful again. It seems that every time this girl enters the painting, she becomes more beautiful.

Pan Hongya pinched her: "Are you making fun of me? How can anyone become beautiful after just one night's sleep?"

(End of this chapter)

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