Chapter 417 Gossip
Ji Yue expressed her dissatisfaction and asked Tang Yan: "Yan Yan, look at Hongya, has she become beautiful again?"

Tang Yan looked at her carefully: "Well, she has indeed become more beautiful."

Pan Hongya's expression showed no guilt at all, and she answered very naturally: "Maybe it's because we went to bed early last night and the girls slept in beauty sleep, so they would look good the next day. Maybe it's because my complexion looks good, so you think I've changed." So beautiful.”

"What you said makes sense." Ji Yue tilted her head: "But something is wrong. I also had a beauty sleep. Why don't I feel more beautiful?"

Pan Hongya smiled and said: "Okay, don't worry about it. What do you have for breakfast? I'll buy it from the breakfast shop downstairs."

Ji Yue: "Soy milk and fried dough sticks."

Tang Yan: "Milk bread."

"You guys are really not polite at all." Pan Hongya joked as she put on her shoes and went out.

After Tang Yan and Ji Yue finished breakfast, they left Pan Hongya's home.

On the way back, Ji Yue asked Tang Yan: "Yan Yan, how are you? Did you find anything unusual?"

Tang Yan answered truthfully: "Yes, but this matter is not easy to handle.

If you really do it for Pan Hongya's good, then you should stop pursuing the matter of something abnormal happening to her.

From now on, you should still be nice to her as usual, without asking or being curious. As for the rest, it depends on God's will. "

"But." Ji Yue hesitated: "But, I know clearly that she may be in danger now, so I can't do nothing."

"Then this is out of your control. Remember, if you really do it for Pan Hongya's best, don't interfere with her privacy. Treat her sincerely and give her warmth. It will be more useful than anything else you do."

Tang Yan felt that it was still necessary to remind him: "By the way, you should not go to the Pan family until this matter is over."

Mainly because he didn't want the skull painting to affect Ji Yue.Ji Yue asked: "Why?"

"You know what's going on at Pan Hongya's house, right? If you go there often and face her parents, what if one day you reveal your secret?
You and Pan Hongya were childhood friends, and the fact that she was able to hide this from you for so many years shows that she doesn't want you to know the true situation in her family. "

In the end, Ji Yue agreed to Tang Yan: "Okay, I'll remember everything you said."

Whether she really remembered it or not, only she knows.

Tang Yan returned to the dormitory, and Yuyao said that she had something to do at home and asked for a week's leave.

The other two roommates were also mysterious. They were not seen until classes started in the new week.

For Tang Yan, this was not bad, a dormitory alone, relaxing.

At the beginning of the new week, a post appeared on the forum of No. [-] Middle School. The post was titled: [The amazing head-changing technique]

The heroine of this post is none other than Pan Hongya. There are many photos of her in the post, showing in detail the process of a girl transforming from an ugly duckling into a white swan.

Pan Hongya looks much more beautiful now than before, and she can only vaguely see a shadow of her previous appearance.

Maybe it won't be long before even the shadow of her past will be invisible. She has almost completely grown into another person.

Replies below the post.

"Today's plastic surgery is really amazing. The plastic surgery is so natural, and there is no trace of a knife at all."

"What about plastic surgery? Didn't you read the post carefully? One photo is recorded every day. It only took a month for this classmate Pan to look like this. There is still a recovery period for plastic surgery, but we can't do this. kind of degree."

(End of this chapter)

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