Chapter 418 Rumors Spread
"It's really not plastic surgery. I am Pan Hongya's classmate. We watched her become what she is now day by day. All the classmates in our class can testify."

"People say that women change their age. This may be the change of puberty. There is nothing strange about it."

"Bah, upstairs, give me an example. Who's puberty can change their appearance drastically in just one month?"

"Bah, the one upstairs gave me an example. Isn't this classmate Pan a living example? If you didn't know this before, it only shows that you have little knowledge. What's all the fuss about."

"I think this is very strange. Do you think she used evil magic or something?"

"I know, I know, hehe, a few days ago, I saw Pan Hongya entangled with a few men outside the school. This may be that kind of evil magic, harvesting yang and replenishing yin or something."

"Yes, yes, it was in the alley of Guomin Lane, right. A man touched her face, and I saw it too."

"Tsk tsk tsk, some girls nowadays start hooking up with others because they think they are pretty. She is already in her senior year of high school. She doesn't study hard and doesn't do her job all day long. No wonder her grades are always so bad."


Suddenly, rumors spread in the school, and those rumors about Pan Hongya became more and more unpleasant.

The three of them became a tiger, and some people even directly said that she was selling it, hooked up with a rich man, and became beautiful because the rich man gave her medical treatment.

When school was over, Ji Yue hurriedly found Tang Yan: "Yan Yan, have you seen the post on the school forum?"

Although the post was later deleted by Tang Yan and hackers, the impact it caused cannot be deleted.

This matter has even spread to other schools.

Ji Yueyi was filled with indignation: "Who the hell is this bastard who doesn't like other people's kindness and posted this matter on the forum?

What those people said was really ugly, about seducing men. In fact, I was there that day, and that was not the case at all.

It was those gangsters who wanted to tease Hongya when they saw her beauty. Hongya was the victim, okay?

Why did I explain to those people online, but they didn't listen, and they said that I was Hongya herself and was trying to clear my name.If you use the greatest malice to speculate on a person, are people's hearts now so twisted? "

Tang Yan tore up a piece of candy and said, "Now is not the time to talk about this. How is Pan Hongya doing now?"

That girl was already very sensitive and fragile due to family reasons. Now that something like this happened again, I really don’t know if she can survive it.

Words can sometimes kill.

Ji Yue was a little panicked: "By the way, Yanyan, what should I do? I think Hongya's situation is not very good. She ignored me all day today. I asked her to go home with me after school, and she even yelled at me. In a word, I, I am really afraid that she will do something stupid."

"Yes." Tang Yan walked outside the school: "You can go back and leave this matter to me."


Tang Yan reached out and patted Ji Yue's head: "Good boy, you can't help me much, go back."

The school beauty is so handsome and beautiful.

It was already this time. What was she thinking about? Ji Yue shook her head and said angrily: "Okay, Yan Yan, you must make Hongya okay."

"I try my best."

After Tang Yan and Ji Yue separated, they went directly to Guomin Lane.

Sure enough, she found Pan Hongya and the gangsters here.

  This story made me feel uncomfortable writing it, because it is based on reality, and the children who lack love are really heart-wrenching.

  good night
(End of this chapter)

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