Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 419: Gangster Girlfriend

Chapter 419: Gangster Girlfriend
Tang Yan did not rush over immediately, but found a hidden position and continued to observe.

The location of Guomin Alley is relatively remote, and few people usually pass by.

The argument between Pan Hongya and the gangster was a bit loud, so Tang Yan could hear their conversation clearly.

The leader of the thugs wanted to pull Pan Hongya away, but Pan Hongya threw him away.

Her tone and expression were very impatient: "How many times have I told you, I am not your girlfriend, and I don't know you at all."

The gangster leader forcefully pulled Pan Hongya over: "Your name is Pan Hongya, my girlfriend's name is Xiaoya, and you both have the word "ya" in your names.

Also, my girlfriend passed away three months ago. Before she died, she told me to wait for her, and she would definitely come back to me.

I also checked with the master, and the master said that my girlfriend has come back.

You and Xiaoya look exactly the same, and I also found out that you didn't look like this at all before.

So, you are Xiaoya, but you haven't awakened your memory yet, so you don't recognize me.

It doesn't matter, I can wait, I can wait for you as long as I want. "

This gangster is really quite unruly looking, and his hair is permed in an unconventional style, and his body is covered with tattoos.

Pan Hongya has such a perfect boyfriend in the painting, so she naturally looks down on such a gangster.

Pan Hongya struggled: "If you let me go, my friend will be here soon. If you don't let me go, I will call the police."

I don't have any memories to revive. I can be [-]% sure that I am not your girlfriend. You really have the wrong person. "

"You're lying." The gangster leader got a little excited and took out a photo from his body: "Look, it's Xiaoya in the photo. You two look exactly the same. Why are you not my Xiaoya?"

Tang Yan happened to catch sight of the girl in the photo.

There are still subtle differences in appearance between Pan Hongya and the woman in the photo.But according to Pan Hongya's current appearance, if it continues to change, she will really look exactly like the woman in the photo.

Coupled with what the gangster said before, it is understandable that he would regard Pan Hongya as his girlfriend.

However, Pan Hongya's change was due to the skull painting.

However, Pan Hongya couldn't tell anyone about hanging the painting.

Therefore, one can almost predict what kind of trouble her face will bring her.

Even if the gangster thing can be resolved, other things may happen in the future.

I believe that as long as Pan Hongya continues to enter that painting, her real life will continue to be affected.

However, how many people are willing to give up a world of beautiful dreams?
Sure enough, it's not a good painting.

"Hey." Tang Yan walked over slowly, with sharp eyes: "Let her go."

The gangsters swallowed their saliva: "Boss, this, this woman is so beautiful, brothers, think..."

Pan Hongya saw Tang Yan, pushed the gangster leader away, and stood in front of Tang Yan: "She has nothing to do with this matter, you are not allowed to touch her.

Do you know who she is?The eldest lady of the Tang family, if you touch her, the Tang family will not let you go. "

Being able to work as a gangster in the capital and collect information is also very important. Otherwise, whenever they provoke a big shot they cannot afford to mess with, they can be blamed at any time.

Gangster No. 1: "Tang family, which Tang family? It seems that the famous wealthy families in the capital have never heard of the surname Tang."

(End of this chapter)

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