Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 425 Expelled from School

Chapter 425 Expelled from School

Are these two people unable to understand human speech, or something?
Self-righteous and arbitrary, without giving anyone a chance to explain.

No, even if they are given a chance to explain, as long as they have determined a certain fact in their hearts, they probably won't be able to listen to anything other people say.

There was a trace of impatience in Tang Yan's eyes, and she suppressed her emotions: "Uncle Pan, Aunt Pan, listen to me explain again.

Classmate Pan really didn't know the people in society outside, but she was pestered by the gangster leader's ex-girlfriend just because she looked similar.

She obviously didn't do anything, and now she is accidentally injured. You should not wrongly accuse her and accuse her like this. This will chill her heart. "

Pan's mother still didn't believe Tang Yan's words: "Hongya told you this? Then why is it completely different from what the teacher said?"

Tang Yan looked into Mother Pan's eyes: "What did the teacher say?"

Pan's mother didn't seem to be lying: "The teacher said that the man named Ma Fugui was Hongya's boyfriend. The two had a conflict yesterday. Ma Fugui went to school to apologize, and then he had conflicts with his classmates."

In fact, when Ma Fugui was apologizing, he heard a classmate next to him saying some unpleasant words to Pan Hongya.

A social person with a bad temper couldn't stand it when his own woman was bullied, so he beat up the male classmate who spoke.

This male classmate was not someone to be trifled with. He also had his own clique, so naturally the two parties started fighting.

Pan Hongya was affected when she was just trying to start a fight.

Pan's father also answered: "That's right, those gangsters have been brought to the bureau now. The teacher and the classmates present have also gone to the bureau to take notes. Facing the police's interrogation, Ma Fugui would not dare to lie." .

Moreover, don’t we understand what my daughter is like?We don’t have money to buy her cosmetics. Now that she has put on makeup and looks beautiful, what is that if she doesn’t have a boyfriend? "

Damn it, these two stubborn men made Tang Yan want to beat them up.

She doesn't even have the slightest trust in her daughter, she's just playing the piano to a cow.

Before Tang Yan could say anything, Pan Hongya reached out and held her wrist: "Okay, Yan Yan, there's no need to say anything more."

At least for so many years, she had long given up on communicating with her parents.

Pan Hongya admitted directly: "Yes, Dad, Mom, I have a boyfriend."

The boyfriend she was talking about was her lover in the painting, Mo Bai.

"You." Mother Pan raised her hand and lowered it again. She probably restrained herself a little because Tang Yan was there.

Pan's father's expression was both disappointed and disgusted: "Anyway, let's go to the school to apologize to the teachers and classmates first, and then we'll see how this matter is handled.

They all say that daughters are caring little cotton-padded jackets, haha, mine is not to mention caring, forget it, let’s not talk about it..."

Pan Hongya opened the quilt, put on her shoes, and walked out calmly.

Regarding Pan's father and Pan's mother's misunderstanding, she never thought of explaining it for herself from beginning to end. She was probably more sad than heartbroken.

Pan Hongya was involved with people in the society. During class, a student from No. [-] Middle School was beaten, which caused quite a big fuss.

Moreover, several students were beaten, and their family backgrounds were quite high.

If this matter is not dealt with seriously, these parents will not be able to pass the test.

Therefore, before school ended that day, the school gave the result.

In order to settle the matter as soon as possible, the school decided to expel Pan Hongya to correct the school spirit of No. [-] Middle School.

(End of this chapter)

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