Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 426 Chou Chou pursues the drama

Chapter 426 Chou Chou pursues the drama
Pan's father and Pan's mother are just ordinary working-class families and cannot afford to offend those families with backgrounds.

Therefore, without even daring to raise objections, she dragged Pan Hongya out of the school.

I heard that when leaving school, Pan's mother beat Pan Hongya in front of many students.

Things like gossip always come and go quickly. Within two or three days, not many people were discussing this matter.

After all, No. [-] Middle School is one of the best middle schools in the capital. Most people are focused on studying and are quite busy.

Besides, an ordinary girl who has dropped out of school has nothing to gossip about.

That night, Tang Yan's eyebrows kept beating, and he had a bad premonition.

Chou Chou turned sideways, propped his head up, crossed his legs, and yawned: "My child, you must have done too many things to your heart's content. I see that you look restless."

Tang Yan packed her bag: "I'm going to Pan Hongya's house, will you go?"

"No, it's just some little girls' lovemaking. I'm tired of watching it too much. Find me some comedies. I want to watch them in the dormitory."

In fact, Chou Chou has a low tear point and cannot bear to see such joys and sorrows. He is very similar to Tang Yan in this respect, with a tough mouth.

So, that night.

There was no light on in Tang Yan's dormitory, and through the glass on the door, only the light of the computer screen could be seen flickering.

From time to time, strange sounds like "hahaha", "gurgling", "squeaking" and "creeping" came from the room.

The scene was quite strange, and the students passing by were trembling.

"What should I do? Do you want to ask the dormitory aunt to come and take a look? Is there a monster inside?"

"What are you looking at? I heard that the school beauties live in this dormitory, and the people in this dormitory are all weirdos. If you dare to offend them, just call the dormitory."

"But, this sound is so strange and scary. What if something really happened in this dormitory?"

"Well, you seem to be right. How about I knock on the door and try?"

The classmate just raised his hand, but before he had time to touch the door, a fierce voice came from inside: "Knock, what are you knocking? What a fuss, I haven't seen anyone chasing dramas." The students outside the door said: " !!!" I have seen people who follow dramas, but I have never seen people who follow dramas like this. The school beauty is indeed not an ordinary person.

Chou Chou changed the position of supporting his head: "What are you still doing around here? If you bother me again, I will twist your heads off."

"Isn't this illegal?"

"You don't care whether it's against the law or not. If we don't leave, the school beauty will come out with a broom and beat us. Don't forget, she seems to be a good fighter."

"Mom, I'm afraid, hurry up and go back to the dormitory to raise the cat."

"I'm going to watch my brother Xiran's new drama. He is becoming more and more attractive and wants to marry."

It was quiet again outside the door.

Chou Chou thought for a while, tore up a piece of homework paper, and then wrote a few ugly large characters crookedly.

[I will be killed without mercy if you disturb me from watching the drama! 】

Then he posted the paper on the door when no one was in the corridor.

The students passing by were first attracted by the strange noise in the dormitory, and then when they saw the note taped on the back of the door, they quickly left with strange expressions.

That night, the school beauty's surprising habit of watching dramas spread in the girls' dormitory.

On the other side, Tang Yan came to Pan Hongya's house, and the doorman happened to recognize her as a beautiful girl, so she entered the community smoothly.

Just like last time, she went in without knocking.

Instead, he lit a stick of red incense and looked through the mirror to see what was going on inside the house.

  Also, later

(End of this chapter)

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