Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 428 Severing Relationships

Chapter 428 Severing Relationships
At this moment, the fat boy in the room opened the bedroom door and came out, complaining: "Can you please keep your voice down? It's disturbing me while I'm studying."

Then, he looked at Pan Hongya: "Sister, if your parents tell you to get married, just do it. Your grades are not good and your appearance is average. What other future can you have besides getting married?
Don't get into trouble with your parents. If you calm down and analyze rationally, you will find that getting married is your best way out now.

While you are young now, you still have choices, but when you get older, you won’t have any choices at all.

Don't be willful and think carefully about whether what I said is right. However, with your IQ, I don't think you can understand these issues. "

Because of the influence of his parents and the fact that he has been smarter than Pan Hongya since he was a child, Pan Hongya's younger brother actually doesn't think highly of this idiot sister.

So the words are naturally contemptuous.

Pan's mother held the little fat man's shoulders with both hands: "I'm sorry, son, for disturbing you. Let's keep our voices down. You can continue reading and try to get good grades in the high school entrance examination. Don't be like your sister and do nothing at work all day long."

"Mom, why do you compare me to an idiot?"

"Okay, okay, mom was wrong, mom apologizes, okay?"

"Yes." The little fat man walked back to the room, stuck his head out again, and reminded again: "Be quiet."

Then, he closed the door.

In order not to disturb his son, Father Pan and Mother Pan did not want to argue any more.

Pan's father lowered his voice: "Okay, that's it for now. There's no need to go on. Hongya, please clean up. The man's side will send someone to pick you up the day after tomorrow."

At this time, Pan Hongya was unusually calm, looking at Pan's father and Pan's mother as if looking at two strangers: "Dad, Mom, the bride price given by the man is 50, right?"

Pan's mother looked defensive: "What? Do you still want to spend this money? Let me tell you, the man has agreed that this money is for me and your father and has nothing to do with you."

"Haha." Pan Hongya sneered twice and returned to the room.

Pan's mother felt confused: "Old Pan, what does she mean?"

Father Pan frowned: "Don't pay attention to her, she is just having a little girl's temper. In two days, she will figure out who is really good for her."

A minute later, Pan Hongya came out of the room, carrying a big bag and threw it in front of Pan's mother.

“Mom, here is 200 million, which is more than enough after all your expenses and hard work in raising me.

From now on, I will sever ties with you and have nothing to do with you. You have no right to control me anymore. "

If he just sold her for money, then she would buy herself back.

Pan's mother tore open the bag and took a look. There were neat stacks of red tickets. She rubbed them in her hands and found that they were all genuine.

So much money blinded her: "You, Hongya, where did you get so much money? Did you do something bad?"

Pan Hongya only left one sentence: "Don't worry, this money is very clean."

Then, without wanting to say another word, he went back to the room and locked the door.

Pan's mother's hand holding the money was shaking: "Old Pan, tell me, what's going on?"

Pan's father thought for a while: "It's probably her gangster who gave her a good impression. Maybe that gangster has another background, and it's not as simple as it seems on the surface.

You also know that in the capital city Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, any inconspicuous little character could be the heir to some wealthy family. "

(End of this chapter)

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