Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 429 Running away from home

Chapter 429 Running away from home
Pan's mother was a little annoyed: "Well, if that gangster is really the heir to a wealthy family, he just gave us 200 million and sent us away. Wouldn't that be a loss?"

Father Pan nodded: "Well, it's getting late now, and my son is still reading, so there shouldn't be too much noise.

Let’s talk about this matter tomorrow. We have to find Hong Ya tomorrow and ask him carefully. "

"Well, yes, if that gangster really has his origins, I will cancel this marriage in my hometown immediately.

Hey, don't tell me, although Hongya people are stupid, they can be regarded as stupid people having stupid blessings. "

In the room, Pan Hongya was sitting on the ground with her back against the door, her hands wrapped around her legs, and her head buried tightly in her knees.

Tears fell silently from her eyes and she couldn't stop them.

I cried for about half an hour, until I couldn't shed any more tears, then I raised my head with red eyes and stood up.

The white-haired old man in the painting kept standing next to him, waiting for her to finish crying: "My child, have you thought about it? You also know that once you really decide to stay in the painting forever, you will never come out again. If there is no more, there will be no afterlife.”

Pan Hongya has made up her mind: "Well, there is nothing worth cherishing in this world. It is all dirty and dirty things. In the world I created, I feel safe and don't have to worry about someone plotting against me or betraying me." I."

The white-haired old man sighed: "My child, I'm sorry, it was indeed my intention to make such a change in your appearance. I also have my mission.

However, if you can resist the impact of these changes, you can actually live in two worlds at the same time. "

The white-haired old man is not without compassion.

For every destined person, he would give them enough time to think carefully.

Until now, without exception.

No, there is an exception, that strange and arrogant girl.

Pan Hongya shook her head: "It's not necessary, life is short, I don't ask for how long my life can be, I just ask for short-term happiness and excitement.

Besides, if I ask you to give me 200 million, I will choose to stay in the painting. You have already given me the money, so I can’t break your promise. The white-haired old man finally gave me some advice: "You can pay me back slowly when you make money later." "

"Grandpa Immortal, thank you, but I have really made up my mind. I understand some things. People should cherish the present. For the rest of my life, I just want to be with my brother Mo Bai who loves me. I don't want to waste a single second."

"Okay." The white-haired old man stopped persuading: "My child, although I will create some karma to force you to enter the painting, you can rest assured that the life in the painting is what I said, and what we are trading is. There won’t be any deviations.”

"Grandpa Immortal, I believe you."

"By the way, let me tell you, that weird girl has been waiting for you outside the door for a long time."

Strange girl is what the old man in white calls Tang Yan.

"Well, I see."

Wait until everyone in the Pan family goes to bed.

At midnight, Pan Hongya took off the painting hanging on the bedside and left without taking anything, not even a letter.

She opened the door and saw Tang Yan. She smiled at Tang Yan and said, "Classmate Tang, I have something to trouble you."

Tang Yan knew that no amount of persuasion would work, so he simply let her go: "Speak somewhere else."


When Tang Yan was in Pan Hongya's community, she also used a blind trick to prevent the surveillance cameras from filming them.

Otherwise, when Pan Hongya disappears, she will be pulled for questioning, which will be a problem after all.

(End of this chapter)

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