Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 430 Entrusted with hanging paintings

Chapter 430 Entrusted with hanging paintings
The two came to a small deserted park.

Pan Hongya got straight to the point: "Classmate Tang, I want to entrust this painting to you, is that okay?"

Tang Yan is not a warm-hearted person: "Why?"

Pan Hongya touched the tip of her nose in embarrassment: "I don't know why, maybe these words are a bit false.

Although you are mysterious and look cold, I just think you are more reliable than anyone else. "

Pan Hongya laughed at herself again: "Maybe I'm overthinking.

Since this painting landed in my hands, it means that it has its own opportunities and I don't need to worry about where it will go.

However, since I am living in the painting, I still hope that this painting can have a good ending.

You can say I'm very selfish. I don't care where the painting ends up except you. "

Tang Yan looked at Pan Hongya with deep eyes for two seconds: "Okay, I promise you, but there is something I still have to tell you truthfully."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"I tell you the truth, I doubt there is an owner behind this painting.

I keep the painting in my hands, firstly because of your entrustment, and secondly because I want to wait for the big fish.

It's up to you to decide whether you want to give this painting to me. "

In other words, there is still a risk in handing the painting to her.

It's not that everything will be fine as Pan Hongya thought.

Pan Hongya smiled: "Even then, I want to entrust this painting to you. As for what will happen in the future, it depends on God's will."

Then, she handed over the painting.

Tang Yan took the hanging painting. The painting was lighter than expected. Except for the weight of the wooden shaft, the body of the painting could hardly feel any weight.Tang Yan asked: "Are you sure you have made your decision? You won't regret it?"

"Yes." Pan Hongya's eyes were firm: "I have been living in a state of confusion until now, and I have never been so clear-headed as at this moment, knowing what I should do and what I want to do.

In fact, I imagined that if my life continued on the original track, my personality might be distorted by that cold family, and I would never be happy in my life.

But in the world in the painting, I can live the way I want, and I am the radiant queen.

Classmate Tang, I am not as capable as you, and I can shine brightly in this world.

So for me, I was actually lucky to come across this painting.

Being able to live this life vigorously the way I like, I am filled with joy and will die without regrets. "

Pan Hongya's face was filled with happiness, and there was no trace of the shadow of family in reality on her face.

She is truly grateful and happy from the bottom of her heart.

As long as she thinks it's good, outsiders really don't have the right to point fingers.

"Classmate Tang, before I leave, I have another question. I want to know the future fate of the Pan family. Can you tell me?"

Tang Yan said angrily: "You think I'm a magic stick, someone who can make calculations with just a few fingers."

"Yeah." Pan Hongya stuck out her tongue: "I just think that you, Mr. Tang, are capable of anything. Even Grandpa Immortal looks at you differently. You must be special."

Tsk, it’s still Grandpa Immortal, Immortal Banban is pretty much the same.

Tang Yan said in a disdainful tone: "That bad old man will definitely not say anything nice about me. Don't think I didn't hear it before. He called me a weird girl and blamed his second uncle for being weird."

"Pfft..." The school beauty is really cute and cute. She has no brains, and she doesn't know which bad man she will take advantage of in the future.

I really hope she can be happy!
(End of this chapter)

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