Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 439: Do you understand ventriloquism?

Chapter 439: Do you understand ventriloquism?
What kind of ugly thing is this? It can actually speak human language.

The person in charge of the amusement park was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground and shouted several times: "Ah, monsters, there are monsters..."

Chou Chou: "!!!" He was so excited while playing ball that he forgot that there were ordinary people around him.

It would be a crime to be scared to death.

Tang Yan took Chou Chou directly out of the bag and shook it in his hand: "This is just a prop. Don't make such a fuss. The costumes in the makeup venue are much scarier than this."

The person in charge of the amusement park: "!!!" Not to mention the horror, this is the first time he has seen such an ugly doll. What kind of weird thing can make such a thing?

The person in charge of the amusement park got up from the ground and took a few steps back, still trembling with fear: "Props? How can props still speak human language?
Don't tell me it's a recording. The recording can't answer your call so naturally.

Don't tell me what kind of intelligent program it is. The heroine in the novel I read last night was just like this. "

Chou Chou: "!!!" You're such a big man, what kind of weird novel are you reading?

Tang Yan was very calm: "How could it be an intelligent program? Today's artificial intelligence is not this advanced. Do you think I don't understand science?
Ventriloquism, have you heard of it?In fact, the words just now came from my stomach.

I'm going to give my eldest son a surprise tonight. How about rehearsing it in advance?It's very powerful and realistic. "

Amusement park manager: "???"

Um, little girl, you look young, how can you have an eldest son who is 188 years old? You are fooling a fool.

Today’s young couples are really good at playing.

The person in charge accepted the term ventriloquism and was not so scared. He took two steps forward and looked at Chou Chou carefully.

"Actually, I've been looking at this doll for a long time. It's quite cute and cute. Where did you buy this? I want to buy one to play with."

Tang Yan: "!!!" Chou Chou: "!!!"

"Out of print." Tang Yan replied with only two words and stood up from the chair: "Okay, I'm going to the makeup venue. Remember, no living creatures can appear within a radius of 800 meters. I will not be responsible for anything that happens."

The person in charge looked at Tang Yan's back and realized that this was probably the legendary master, or else he was a lunatic.

Tang Yan came to the door of the makeup venue, took out a stack of paper talisman figurines from her bag, and threw them into the venue.

The empty makeup venue instantly became lively.

It's full of strange creatures.

"Hey." Chou Chou put his hands in front of his eyes and pretended to cry: "This way of catching the wind is really unique. Zha Zhayan, you are so good to the ice sculpture man. Tell me, are you in love with him? ?”

Tang Yan patted Chou Chou's head and put him on his shoulders: "Don't make trouble, I have a purpose, just watch carefully."

Chou Chou paused for a moment and then became happy.

He just said that there are so many beautiful men in the Tianshi system who are not attracted by this scumbag, how could he fall in love with an ordinary person.

No, that ice sculpture man is not an ordinary person. It seems that his future is not optimistic, which is really worrying.

At this time, Jun Liyan slowly walked over from a distance, still stunning in every move he made.

He walked up to Tang Yan and the first thing he said was: "You want to be my old father? Huh?"

Tang Yan stood on her toes and patted Jun Liyan's head: "Be good, son."

(End of this chapter)

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