Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 440: Eat melon and suffer disaster

Chapter 440: Eat melon and suffer disaster
Jun Jinghuai, who was following from a distance, looked at the scene in front of him with a telescope and felt it.

"A girl actually slapped a boy on the head. The positions of the aunt and uncle must have been reversed.

Gouzi, why don't we make a bet that my uncle will be the one below in the future? "

"Wang Wang Wang..."

The beautiful young lady has such a personality. There are so many people who like her. Master, it is not certain whether your brother-in-law can pursue her. I still want to do the following. Gouzi thinks that dreaming is more suitable.

Jun Jinghuai pinched Wangcai's dog's head: "What? Do you agree with me? Then this bet is meaningless."

Dog and owner really have nothing in common.

Wangcai was so anxious that he circled around Jun Jinghuai.

"Woof woof woof..." You idiot, if you continue to translate randomly, you will be in danger next time, and I won't save you, bitch.

At this moment, several men in black wearing sunglasses appeared in front of Jun Jinghuai and Wangcai.

"Master Jinghuai, Fifth Master has seen enough of the show. Now please go back."

Jun Jinghuai looked up at the burly brother in black, then looked sideways at Wangcai, and complained softly: "We have all been exposed, and you didn't notice it. What kind of spirit dog is this? It's a fake."

Wangcai: "???"

Do you blame me for your uncle being so awesome?If there really is such a useless owner, the dog will run away from home one day.

The date between my uncle and my aunt is something I don’t want to miss, not to mention that he is here with a mission this time.

Grandpa asked him to take more real photos of the two of them falling in love, and he would be rewarded heavily.

He is not very demanding. He has recently fallen in love with an island and wants to buy it and go fishing on it and enjoy the sea breeze.

Jun Jinghuai smiled and said: "Brother of the man in black, can you be accommodating and turn around, the benefits will be yours."

The man in black replied: "The Fifth Master said that if Master Jinghuai attempts to bribe us, your punishment will be doubled."

Jun Jinghuai felt a chill on his neck and was frightened: "What punishment?" "Fifth Master said, you will be responsible for the real estate project in Nande City. If the performance cannot be doubled within a year, it will be Cut off all your sources of income and let you make a living delivering food."

Business was killing him.

This is really the biggest punishment for a rich generation like him who eats and drinks.

"Can you change the punishment, such as going to Africa to plant trees or something?"

He would rather use his hands than his brain.

Why don't you just eat a melon?Do you want it to be so miserable?

The man in black just kept persuading, but still didn't take action. After all, this was the little bully of the Jun family, so he had to be polite.

At this time, Assistant Sun came over and was not so polite.

He pushed up his gold eye frames and twisted Jun Jinghuai with one hand: "Master Jinghuai, let's go. The car to Nande City is ready."

Jun Jinghuai was being squeezed away while being struggled: "Sunsun, little Sunsun, it's you again. Last time you escorted me to Africa, and this time I'm a bad guy again. Don't you be afraid that one day, young master, I will be able to do it?" Off your skin."

"Really, Master Jinghuai, if one day you can become capable, Sun will also be happy for you."

"You give it to me, Master. I'll wait."

"You are always welcome."

On the other side, Jun Liyan squeezed Tang Yan's restless little hand: "Then do you know that my old man has never been called daddy?"

Is it?You are such an unfilial son.

"But, I will only call you daddy in one place. Do you want to know where it is?"

(End of this chapter)

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