Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 560 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 560 The Truth Comes Out
Jun Jinghuai tilted his head for no apparent reason. What kind of riddle was this?
I can’t figure it out, forget it, don’t think about it anymore.

He walked up to Xiao Lu and glanced up and down a few times. Although he looked ugly, he looked quite similar, at least he could tell what he looked like.

Jun Jinghuai put a hand on Xiao Lu's shoulder: "Actually, I just wanted to say it, brother, you must have had a hard time during your lifetime."

He is a monster, and he is not dead, so how can he be alive?

However, Xiao Lu still responded cooperatively: "If you want to live a decent life, you must wear some green, just look away."

Jun Jinghuai patted him hard twice: "You're right, green, environmentally friendly and healthy are necessities in life. Brother, I like you. Let's go and have a drink."

He was actually curious about the reason why the paper stuck to people, and wanted to take it apart and take a look.

So Xiaolu followed Jun Jinghuai.

Jun Jinghuai's hands were behind his back and he was holding a pair of scissors.

"Woof woof woof..." Pretty lady, won't you stop me?I'm worried that that idiot might do something outrageous with his brain circuitry.

Tang Yan raised her eyebrows: "What else can he do? He just wants to cut it off and have a look. It's not a big deal."

She has long understood that the paper-shaped person is just a medium, and the things that live inside are the key.

Although she didn't know what it was, cutting the medium should have no effect.

Otherwise, Xiao Lu wouldn't be so cooperative with Jun Jinghuai.

Wangcai: "!!!" I really want to change my dog's owner.


At this time, Jun Lifeng's villa.

Jun Lifeng has returned from Kunlun Mountain.

She didn't really step into the Kunlun Sect because she met the person in the photo at the foot of the mountain.She also found out clearly that it was Xiao Xiuzhu, the head of the Kunlun Sect, who had the same surname as her mother.

Under her persistence, the other party finally revealed his identity. He was her grandfather.

She originally planned to invite Xiao Xiuzhu to her home, but unexpectedly, the man sneaked away halfway.

Jun Lifeng didn't care, since the truth about his mother's identity was finally revealed.

And it’s still so relevant.

After she told Jun Lirou about this matter, Jun Lirou's expression became unhappy.

"Sister, what do you mean by mother? She obviously has such a great background? Why do you still pretend to be a rural girl with no background?"

The daughter of the head of the Kunlun Sect, this status is much more important than the daughter of the five major families.

"Sister, tell me, if my mother revealed her identity, would my grandparents look down on her so much? Even when we were children, we suffered together, were looked down upon by those around us, and received so many looks."

When he said this, he could clearly feel the deep resentment in Jun Lirou's heart.

Jun Lifeng snorted coldly: "Maybe our good mother feels that we ordinary people are not worthy of knowing her origins."

Jun Lifeng also complained in his heart.

Jun Lirou thought for a while: "Sister, do you think the fifth brother and the other brothers would have known about my mother's origin for a long time? After all, our parents favor sons over daughters, and they treat sons much better than daughters."

Jun Lifeng lit a cigarette very irritably: "I don't know, don't ask me."

Jun Lirou skipped this topic with great discernment: "Then what should we do now?"

Jun Lifeng's voice was sharp and firm: "Recognize your ancestors and return to your clan. Since we are the blood of the Xiao family, Xiao Xiuzhu has to recognize us."

(End of this chapter)

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